
No probably not
"We" will never make it because the majority of non-professional traders net lose over any long (>1 year) timeframe.
As far as the few making it those days are pretty much over as well. Gains made in a period of time tend to decline as the market or asset grows. For example bitcoin was once $0.15 and went to $0.30. The value of all bitcoins was something like $1.8m (assuming 12m in circulation) and went to $3.6m. Not a huge jump but you could've made 100%.
Imagine holding from .15 to now (I know you have) with $1 of bitcoins is in the neighborhood of 66,666 today (or a 6,666,500% gain). To achieve that from the current price bitcoin has to go to $666m and change.

Profit potential is still there but don't expect anything like turning $100 into a life fortune.
>bbbbbut my altcoin could maybe go several million %
Maybe. But understand that this market has already grown quite a bit. The reason why such insano gainos were possible was because crypto was brand new and the market wasn't privy to it. Now they've dumped in a half trillion dollars. The way to riches was to get in before that happened so all those billions fell on your head.

Find the next set of roomy assets that the market hasn't caught onto yet if you want to make it with small money. And yes this is what every investor on earth is trying to do 24/7. Good luck

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I personally think if you have 10k+ you can still get into mid six figures by EOY i


2-3years huge gains left

We will all be independently financially independently.

If meme magic is true I will be a multimillionaire within a year

this is what I think. As shitcoins fall off the map money will consolidate into the good projects that are delivering. If you were in on the good projects early (now/last year) you’ll probably make it, to some degree. Also BTC decoupling from others will drive the proper value in alts.

Zero chance unless you're good at swing trading.

Dude, we lost almost 50% of total crypto market cap since ATH. This is a good ground for growth.

Fag, you know it's only at 500bil right? Burgers said we're going to be rich at the hearing

Are you prepared to wait 5 years or more to see it return to that value?

To make 100% on a total market portfolio the market needs to gain like $500 billion.
To make, say, 1,000,000% it needs to gain $5 trillion.
That's my point.

Why not? Just accumulate good projects for 4 years then ride out the bullrun when it comes.

I think we will see 10 trillion in 3 years.


That 500 billion figure is very misleading if you understand how MC is calculated. I'd wager that the actual amount of fiat in crypto right now is around 50 billion, perhaps even less.

Are you in LINK?

That depends if you’re 100% in Link and willing to hold for 2 years minimum now, doesn’t it?

That's shooting high. Then again everything is overvalued right now.

Greed...there is just too much money to be made in an unregulated market. Also, I believe smartcontracts have a bright future and eventually, institutional money will buy in.

This is all true, but we're still in early adopter stage. the total market cap of all cryptomarkets is

Just the NYSE marketcap is $18.5 trillion. the total crypto marketcap was roughly $700 billion in early january. institutional money hasn't even started flowing in yet

Maybe, but the dotcom bubble peaked at 6 trillion, which is roughly 10 trillion in todays USD value...and that was only limited to American's that were able to buy stocks. Crypto is worldwide and although people may have heard of it, I'd wager less than 0.5% have invested serious money into it.

This may be true for Bitcoin, but for smartcontract related projects we are still early...most of these projects just released ICOs in 2017.

if you hold link maybe



>institutional money hasn't even started flowing in yet

i hold 10k link and have 120k worth of crypto rn

Btc will possibly have a 1tril cap alone by 2023. Dino coin will hit 100k, so yes anons. We're all gonna make it

>tfw I dont want mansions
>tfw I dont want lambos
>tfw I don even want enough to buy a house
>all I want is x1-2 years worth of my countries average wage to pursue a project
>tfw all I want is a chance
How likely is it that say, with a $200 investment in some sleeping giant coins, I might be able to make ~14k by EOY? I'm an extremely poor poorfag student and I've been dropping what little I can in since November.

Shill me some high potential coins, Veeky Forums. Hoping to try and make some chump change in day trading come April but I've got so much to learn before I even attempt at trading with baby stacks.

I can shill you one but you have to do the research before buying in.

Shill me. I've not FOMO'd in on a coin so far and I've only bought coins that hadn't mooned yet (or in link's case, when it plummeted after the January crash). Currently both of my stacks came after doing some background reading

Well, with 200 bucks you can't do much so gamble on a total piece of shit like exrn.


Look into kb3. Big community, only proof of destroy coin out there. Research before you buy. These are the types of crap you need to build your small investment on.

Sorry no, the dream is over unless you got min $50k and a know how to program your trading bot

still up several thousand %, there is good ground for dump

You're not going x70 bud, you needed to be in at the beginning of 2017 for that. You might be able to double your money in this market.

Everything is gonna crash -30% over the next 7 days, just watch.

Thanks for an honest reply, I'll give this a listen to in the morning.
Yeah that's what I thought as well. These last two months have been so slow that my EOY target is looking less and less likely as the year goes on. Looks like I'm going to be stuck wagecucking for a few more years till I can get a chance to do anything I really want to. A poorfag can dream though.

it currently only represents a minuscule fraction of the money in the industries it is poised to disrupt however

No prob dude, I just want you to make it unlike most pajeets here.

We must.

There is no other option.

I mean you might get lucky and hit a random low marketcap shitcoin but that's risky because most of those shitcoins will never moon and you risk missing out on legitimate coins that will bring you moderate gains.

>post from 2014
/biz is already the richest board on Veeky Forums
We're all gonna be multimillionaires within a year or two (or three)