So Biz, lets step away from internet money and towards historical money. Gold and silver, in my view, are great investments as it stands. Both are at historic lows relative to the DOW, and silver is trading at 1:90 relative to gold (90 ounces of silver is same value as 1 ounce of gold). These are unprescedented levels. Will the next crash be monsterous and take us from 30:1 DOW:Gold to 2:1? That would be a record collapse like no other. Thoughts?
Gold + Silver Undervalued?
I've got some silver rounds. I definitely believe silver is undervalued from a gold/silver ratio along with $$
I have 60+ ounces of silver and plan to keep accumulating more... OG coins are cooler than internet coins
Literal shit coins scientists can make both in a lab and have been for years
could make more in 3 months in crypto than you would in a lifetime with these gold and silver shitcoins.
fuck off with this shit its 2018 not 1980
I always hold PMs, usually around 5% of total portfolio.
I believe there will be a bigger percentage increase in silver compared to gold. It's cheaper to acquire more silver too. I'm calling 100$ oz for silver in less than a decade. I have 40oz only however I plan to keep hoarding.
we can suck liquid gold from the planets core
the universe is filled with gold
it will get more useless as we develope space travel
could also lose all your shit fast too, crypto is gambling you fucking cuck
lol no fuck off and shove a silver bar in your ass keep it there for 10 years and will still be the same idiot
Gold is so fucking over valued right now. A gold bar is currently worth over half a million dollars. Think about that. What would you rather have, a small, inanimate block of yellow metal that does absolutely nothing, or five hundred thousand dollars? You could start a business or buy a mansion with $500,000. Would you rather own a business, live in a mansion, or have a small, 7inch long bar of useless metal?
Lots of people believe in a myth that gold is a hedge against an economic downturn. Its not. Gold is propelled purely by the lack of low risk investments when interest rates are kept so low.
how do you cash out though?
Precious metals are severely overvalued. Their value as money far outstrips their value as metal and their utility as money is far outstripped by their utility as metal.
People have been saying silver is undervalued for as long as I can remember
Someone found the alchemist stone? Fuck.
>No one is giving up $500,000 in a deflationary recession for your 7'' bar of useless metal when they need to feed their family.
because the people looking to acquire it 1) don't ever worry about feeding their family and 2) would certainly pay less than 500k
Except older, and you’ll have literal shitcoins
It's been a store of value and medium of exchange for thousands of years you deluded fuckboi
Gold and Silver are only as expensive as they are because of their store of value. Their pure industrial and luxury value is a FRACTION of the value.
So now that there's a new place where the rich are storing their value (bitcoin), the value of these metals will keep going down.
Don't respond to attention seeking tripfags