Other than crypto, of course.
What does biz spend it's time doing.
>if you want to be successful, you must surround yourself with successful people.
What are Veeky Forums approved hobbies?
Other urls found in this thread:
I race sailboats, shoot handguns and lift weights.
Nice, I race open wheel cars, shoot guns, and lift weights.
Weight lifting
Read. Good books not normie trash.
i surf and read
Browsing /pol/
book recs? I've already got a fat stack of nonfiction books so I'm more interested in hobby reading
Nice, I race BRAPS, shoot BRAP darts, and lift weights.
I like reading vintage trading and TA books. Truth of the Stock Tape is the goat book for me, along with reminiscences of a stock operator.
Camp of the Saints and Turner Diaries. :^)
I like to fly my MIG-29, shoot guns and larp.
Run, fly airplanes and go to pubs
Amateur racing is not as expensive as you might think. I have been sail boat racing as well though it was as an extra dude on another guy's boat. This is my jewtube.
Martial Arts/Combat sports
Building things
Cold approaching women if you're single
Grow mushrooms. Feels like your making gains
cheap scotch
african hunting safaris
I study for 9-14 hours a day does that count?
shooting handguns and lifting aren't hobbies, lifting is necessary for health and shooting handguns...so you just go fucking shoot for no reason? that shit aint fun.
I dunno about that guy, but I run IPSC and 3-gun. Its like racing but with guns. Lots of fun.
Play in a 3 person band where I do the production
I'm usually the wealthiest of my friends. I code for a living.
Lifting weights and travel.
Work trades
Learn Japanese, German next
Build 1/72 WW1 model aircraft
Too bad I suck at all of them.
golf, horse riding, tennis, chess
Cycling, Sailing, Mountain Biking, and Jiu Jitsu. I find Jiu Jitsu to be by far the most beneficial for self improvement across the board.
watch anime, play video games, and lift weights
Play piano and guitar
Martial arts
Surf web and Youtube
Make music
Sometimes go out with friends
i cycle too, midwest here
dancing, cycling, reading, watch a lot of shit when im depressed.
im guessing that the all time favourite approved hobby is larping on Veeky Forums
Magic the Gathering.
You get to buy high and sell low when you're taking a break from buying high and selling low.
jew jitsu is best martial art. i feel alot more comfortable in danger knowing how to break an arm.
My most recent hobbies have been lifting, archery, and messing with a 3D printer (building it and tweaking it)
I study behavior of malware and classify it based on it's behavior for fun. also i like to make music
cars and bikes
>I study behavior of malware and classify it based on it's behavior for fun.
What? Why?? Are you autistic?
Yeah I might be. My brother has aspergers syndrome and we exhibit a lot of the same behaviors. I have studied computers furiously since I was 8 years old and have found them to be a continued source of curiosity/inspiration. I routinely struggle to interface with humans :)
Hence my Veeky Forums browsing and malware studying :)
Honestly though I make like 200k after taxes and work in cyber security for a large ecommerce firm that I'm sure you know the name of. So it's not a curse really, but just something I have to figure out how to work with.
You do you shawty
watch anime, fap to traps and lolis and play the vidya, mostly rpgs. I also make music sometimes but haven't gotten good at it yet
same, except for the 9-14 hours a day part
hows r/TheRedPill
alpha asf
super homo
oh look it's Joe Rogan
Weight lifting, endurance training and motocross. Pic related.
Anyone else here into motor sports?
If you are going to shit talk everyone else hobbies, what do you do?
anime, shitposting and parents a couple of times a month
Its no lambo but its quick. I also race karts.
Is japanese actually that difficult to learn or is that a meme?
muh nigga
Live music
stoner metal band, board games, gambling
Formula ford?
I just play videogames all day. I didn't get into investing so i could be running around all day doing exhausting shit.
>5 spiced braised shortrib, veal demi, sous vide carrots, sauteed pea shoots
>cost of ingredients: $10
Here’s another: Prime Rib cooked in a wood fired oven 6 hrs at 250F
One more: Wood Fired Pizza
Dough: Levained with sourdough yeast
i love cooking too but that shit is next level user. 10/10 presentation, would eat
Thanks. Best way to cheap out: get a sous vide. It makes the cheapest cuts taste fantastic without wasting time trying to figure how to braise etc.
Plus it makes steaks god tier without overcooking it.
My favorite is fried rice.
>kimchi fried rice: bacon, scallions, sesame oil, kimchi, reduced kimchi juice, onions, garlic, old rice
>cost me $5
Adderall, Ambien, driving at night, BMWs, film photography, video production (music videos mostly), thrifting, google streetview, fapping
Nice! I do a bit of a cooking myself occasionally. Just as a hobby, of course, but it's fulfilling and I'm quite proud of it.
lol R3. You are yet to /makeit/.