Who's the biggest meme scientist and why is it Michio Kaku?
Who's the biggest meme scientist and why is it Michio Kaku?
Because he shits in science
someone actually funds his "research"?
>absolutely mind-blowing
of course reddit eats this shit up
Sorry losers and haters, but Michios I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault
IQ means very little.
He uses fallacies all the time.
He also went apeshit on a reporter that questioned american politics and he used fallacies and biases in that interview as well.
His discovery channel specials have made him a laughing stock of the scientific community as well. He often speaks out of his specialty and doesn't seem to care about the ramifications.
He's even allow himself to be misrepresented several times in documentaries, with this proposed degree of specialty not reflecting anything close to the reality.
>apeshit on RT reporter
I saw that. I cringed hard.
I honestly think he was thinking of proving his loyalty to america so he didn't look butthurt about the jap camps during WWII.
Well, that and the fact corrupt politics also fuels academia and research in to for politics to make claims of "helping" society in exchange for good publicity.
I don't have a clue as to why, but that idea just kind of crept in while I watched him defend corruption and false ideals with hostile emotional energy.
It's a valid argument. His parents were actually put in the caps.
Best 6 string theorist out there
because He just talk random autistic shit without proofs.
I met him a few weeks ago. Pretty cool guy, but definitely super-thirsty for the technology he predicts. He has a certain unwavering optimism.
he does take string theory to meme levels of enthusiasm, for sure.
Isn't that Jimmy Page, guitarist?
for further research into this line of inquiry.
hey that's the zeppelin guy isn't it
>what is a filename?
Everyone know's it's Neil.
>want a physics book for birthday
>parents tell me they have a surprise
>mfw they got me a book of Michio Kukold
underage b8
mods pls
>Michio Kaku
I never followed any of this outside-of-book activity, i bought 'future of the mind" and gave it a read, fun read but that's it cuz i can never take sci-fi predictions seriously even with an open mind.
After googling his name and went to his site, wow, he reminds me of the psychic healer guy with big bob hair.
Yeah, he's kind of a meme scientist and apparently a meme professor, but that's not why people love him.
He was the one who got a lot of us into science, after all.
This. I'm a Kaku fan. I did honestly used to believe he was the world's smartest man. I assumed so because he was on every science show.
>In race threads
>IQ means everything
>In meme scientist threads
>IQ means nothing
I can't believe you fuckin people aren't surprised that that is Jimmy Page
Holy shit people actually probably think this.
Jesus christ.
Jimmy Page? More like Chinky Page hahahahah
dude, what if... WHAT IF... you could read it before criticizing it?
Bill Nye the fuck face guy for sure
>Who's the biggest meme scientist
Neil Tyson.
sorry m8 pretty much everyone outside of academic circles thinks this. makes sense, he is asked to give his opinion on so many things because hes the worlds smartest man. this is how normies think
Excelling in one or two fields of study doesn't mean much. I'd put that guy who won for three months in a row on Jeopardy as an actual contender for world's smartest. That's proving you have knowledge in all fields.
But the jeopardy guy just knows a bunch of facts, he's not going to, say, connect the ideas of gravity and the orbits of planets in one insane bout of creative genius
proof ?
you wouldnt know proof if it bite ya in ur ass
You don't know the Jeopardy guy and what he is or isn't capable of.
If the jeopardy guy has made any really important contributions i would like to know them
sooooo is there anyone you guys like ? or is Veeky Forums really this fucking shitty.
i mean i come to a science board in hope of seeing people with developed brains but fucking no.
same fucking shitposting everywhere
these arent even arguements just calling eachother names
Why would you come to Veeky Forums for calm and rational discourse?
Perhaps he'd rather keep to himself than whore himself out like Mr. Kaku does.
Someone please post the "Dr. Naruto" image
IQ means a lot, but not when it comes to memeology. You can be a total genius OR a total idiot and still meme on levels that shouldn't even be possible.
I want more michio gucci quotes