One day, someone who reads this post will remember that they heard about this project before the inevitable rebrand and moon.
One day...
I have the smallest bags on it but I'm ready for whatever comes. If CP jokes will die, then I hope it's called cyber physical pain.
grossest coin ever
sick fucks
I hear Dr Long makes Sunny’s deviancy look clean
Welcome Home Lyd
Just like ans heh. On a serious note. Neo was a gold mine out of hundreds of scams at the time. There's no guarantee this will ever 100x.
Let me say it again louder for the anons in the back
Fack, y'all better keep this coin quiet for a couple more months so I can work my way up to 20K
Agreed, there are no guarantees in crypto.
New logo looks good. So on brand.
What makes this better then INT? Dont have either, but of the iot projects INT stands out much more to me.
Even without the memery, the logo is shit and needs a rebrand yeah
almost as if this wants to fly under the radar for a while
Great Project
Wrong Timing
No one is touching Alts in this market
> There's no guarantee this will ever 100x.
What am I reading? My expectations fall way below this.
They already announced willingness to rebrand this is meant to be kept quiet shhh
What does this coin do?
You Have Seen
It needs a month to prep and accumulate i don’t know why teh shilling is starting STFU noob shills.
10x by may
If you are investing into this surely you are investing for a long term. Is is pretty fair to expect 100x in a long term crypto investment.
its all about getting cyber physical with young kids
>inevitable rebrand
why? there is nothing wrong with Child Porn Chain.
If this is confirmed tied to Vechain's BMW partnership, I will shit my pants
Isn’t that all of them?
How many fucking chink IOTAs do you guys need? Jesus
This will be the next VEN. Get in before the first real big pump
This one is gonna connect almost everything to all kinds of chains.. check out investors, this is IOT on another level w/ cloud storage encryption and data sharing components.. it’s gonna be bigger than anyone realizes
You guys need to read what's posted here. This project will be bigger than anyone realizes
>t. 70k bagholder
I'm waiting for chinese monero
Alleged Child Porn news coming tomorrow.
Good call, lets put cp on an immutable ledger.
I'm in with basically 1/3 of my portfolio.
Or on the tangle with PRL.
>Dr. Long
>CP Chain
you can't make this shit up
Fucking child porn chink coin you all some brainlets, this is absolute shit coin.
They're definitely going to have to change the abbreviation for this. Maybe to CYP or CYC.
I'll take a shit coin over coins that are shilled to death in Veeky Forums
ssssssh im still accumulating
"Here I have the depth to share my IOTA of understanding . IOTA we are concerned, in the block chain of things with a combination of fields , IOTA can say is that there a flagship of the project. We all know that things actually communication between the machine with the machine, from the transaction level, is one kind of high-frequency , small size of the transaction data , so we all hope it 's speed to be fast enough , to be free , the IOTA It respond to these needs mentioning that out. IOTA technology we have just talked about , is a directed acyclic graph, which is characterized by the ability to achieve a concurrency, such asAfter saying a deal to produce, can immediately connect to the DAG, we need to wait block chains inside a block of a block to produce, which is its advantage.
But IOTA actually has its downsides. If we do an in-depth analysis, IOTA is essentially an altruistic mechanism . We know that there are usually two types of mutual benefits , one is my direct help you help me so direct feedback , the other is this altruistic model , that IOTA mode . Say you had a pen transaction, you will first want to go find already applied on this network transactions , helping them to do it appropriate PoW certification , it is said that the first thing you want to help others, then can connect to this network , after you connect to this network deal in order to have the opportunity to be someone to help you to really recognize, which is IOTA's basic model."
now go read the whole thing
Fuck off