The man who knew infinity?
The man who knew infinity?
Certain people are born in this world but not apart of it. These people are like Ramanujan, Gauss Cantor, Godel etc.
Were they aliens?
He was a shitskin
agreed and langan
>le /pol/ may may xddddd
A great man, and a great mind.
He was a poojeet who just wrote shit down that he saw in dreams and had no idea what any of it meant
at least he didn't shitpost on anonymous imageboards
What he did do was a lot worse, don't kid yourself
I don't know why people consider him a genius. He only worked on pre-existent stuff, and found some curious and useless facts.
at the time of discovery he found a formula for pi that gives arbitrary precision in the quickest amount of time
not exactly the most useful thing, but certainly not useless
he discovered on his own in a span of a few years with no formal education what an army of highly educated rich white mathemeticians took decades/centuries
make no mistake. if mathemeiticans were in the DBZ universe, he would be majin buu
(pre-existent stuff) && (trivial bullshit)
Indeed impressive, but not groundbreaking.
he would be Mr. Popo
pecking order
Ramanujan's respectable.
Ono's fucking annoying.
sachin tendulkar?
>He only worked on pre-existent stuff
That's like saying white is black user. Ramanujan formulas seemed to come out of nowhere.
What makes Ono annoying? Recently came across his name. Met George Andrews and he's pretty cool.
All mathematical theorems are pre-existent. Discovering them on your own is an accomplishment.
that's only one school of thought. it's equally valid to claim they're created.
Can somebody please explain the -1/12 meme to me?
>he made extraordinary contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series, and continued fractions.
Worthless garbage for tuition farms. Nothing good came from his contributions in the real world.
Is it bad that I instantly read that as "Mr . PooLoo?"
That would be pic related:
why is this guy so special? my flash judgement of his shit is that it's pseudoscientific bs. am I wrong in saying that?
You're just a brainlet
t. Engineer
Wouldn't that make him even more of a prodigy?
Also, he did more, look at what he did for the study of partitions, alone.
seriously. is there any value to CTMU?
Lol, you're awfully ignorant if you think number theory had no impact on the real world.
>my flash judgement
L0L as if
ok, my first impression. as if what doe?
I really really wanna know why this guy is so fuckin revered. the interviews I've seen of his seem to just be him babbling obvious, and seemingly unoriginal thoughts about ethics. that's it. am I missing something here?
Is there a more autistic mathematician?
It's easy to confuse yourself with this shit but it's quite simple.
All that the ramanujan summation stuff, cutoff and zeta regularization does, is look at the smoothed curve at x = 0.
What sums usually do is to look at the value as x->inf.
It's just a unique value you can assign to a sum, really they have many such values.
I'm not very up to date with current developments in physics and math, but how do today's scientists compare to the ones from back in the day?
Will university students 50 years from now be studying works from Langan?
He figured out lineat algebra while shitting in the streets.
anyone got a link to the movie?
pls...your too strong...
Not released yet
Is the meme working? Can I bring him back to life yet?
She made the Beatles break up.
le Ramanujan is a meme, he wasn't actually a good mathematician.
If anything, not being a supergenius is the meme.
Why do you hate truth so much?
I mean he was quite talented on some level, but didn't do anything special or cutting-edge. He's just a meme, he's overrated af. Also, he was poo subhuman shitskin fag.
> truth
You must be trolling
>didn't do anything special or cutting-edge
What timeline are you from, exactly?
I'm from your momma's bed.
This guy never had any interview you dumb rape.
Clearly you are just shilling now.
OR. OR. MAYBE TIME TRAVEL IS REAL and we can finally receive posts from alternate timelines. It makes sense that talking about the Mandela effect would open the timeline like that.
ok, here's an interview with your god, neets
he's smart, his story is p inspiring, and he talk good.
still, what's so fuckin special about him, or his model? shit just sounds like a rehash of spinozism. I'm seriously curious why people worship him
because people can't deal with the daily reality. They want to have hope that something miracle will happen in the future, that we will have next Einstein or Mozart, next genius who would discover some new revolutionary shit. Simple people still want to believe, but there are a few talents: Tao, Perelman, Hawking and we have not seen any revolutionary discoveries, they've been working on the existing physics/math base and finishing up the existing assumptions, thoughts, works from previous great scientists. Humanity have reach the top point in science. No one has new ideas. We're still using a lot of shit invented in 50-70s. That's sad.
man, what a fucking bummer. I have to agree with all of what you say
He seems like a pretentious shit. No idea what his achievements are in science. Why have I never heard of anything other than his pseudoscientific theory. I think he just acts like he's so much smarter than everyone else.
Sounds like he flunked out of college. The stupid shit he's came out with about brain size in this video is laughable.
KEK underrated post
yep. he sounds like a total bullshitter as well. "I came up with an advanced algorithm for AI, but I got mixed up in a bar fight and lost the paper that I wrote it on. WELP I guess it's gone now but I'm still a genius"
Thanks, bruh
He's quite good at linguistics and making up words and shit. But I genuinely don't think he's ever produced anything that's not been laughed at by the mainstream scientific community. And when no one can make sense of anything he writes, it's clearly because they're too dumb to understand it haha.
>We have reached the top point in science
Nope. Only for physics, maybe.
Your right, he shat in the streets lmao
Yes, try to go less often to /pol/. Try to relax on /an/.
Also, it would be Mr PooPoo
majin poo?
>being this butthurt over seeing a non-white succeed
Take your pedophile cartoons back to .
Fucking degenerate
>pedophile cartoons
I guess if you're not gonna give up and go away, I might as well just filter you.
>comparing Poomanujan to GauB
it´s Gauß
I-I want to take them whereever I go though..
>he doesn't know
You are this retarded
>On a chinese cartoon image forum
GauB dindo nuffin compared to Ram
So you're racist and hate anime. On top of that, you call us the degenerates.
I think the moist interesting thing to me is whether Ramanujan acquired this skill though hard solitary work or whether he was naturally born with a superior mutation that allowed his brain to see mathematics intuitively.
max kek.
They remind me of this...
Skip to 5:37
I watched a couple YouTube videos explaining it but this picture made the most sense to me. Thank you
What is the integral of the pile of shit Ramanujan left in the street?
It's never one or the other with math. Even if you have a savant brain, you're not going to get math until you actually study it. It's the ultimate field in terms of information complexity like that.
>the amount that's been discovered in the past 10 years is less than the amount that's been discovered in the pas 100
yeah man nice observation
>gifted some space on an anime-oriented image forum to talk about a topic
>tells the people who made the website possible to go away
>what is "the thinnest thread"?
>It's the ultimate field in terms of information complexity like that.
I found this excerpt enjoyable to read. I completely agree as well. Do you have any evidence to show this by chance? I would like to read up more on this.
this is getting old
>I found this excerpt enjoyable to read.
Declaration of emotions is exceedingly cringeworthy.
Why are there no black people?
>Ctrl + F
>No Perelman
>moist interesting
your a idiot you cant even use grammer correctly you low IQ monkey.
its spelled "your just a brainlet" not "you're"
Already posted. You'd know this if you bothered reading the thread.
He also knew how to marry 4 year olds.