What do you like in a bar/pub/tavern?

What do you like in a bar/pub/tavern?

to leave and go home and watch anime and play vidya and shitpost on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard

good IPAs and crispy wings

There is a planet money about a company that designs Irish pubs. Go steal their ideas.

Never been to one OP
I unironically am terrified of being around others

People who don’t shower with long hair on their necks and no hair on their crowns


good food. Bartender knows your name. Good service. Strong cocktails. Unique house cocktails. Clean bathrooms.

Weihenstephaner on draft
being shitty other than that so as to never be crowded


Chat up babes then have sex with their vagenes

take a que from some japanese places

as in, you dont have to sit next to strangers within viewing ability

make an autist bar to snatch up all those crypto gains user
just dont make it a gay bar unless you want it to potentially be a crisp within 20 years, either by conservative now majority immigrant hands, or a white contingent that is backed into the corner

Also, needs a decent variety of events on the tvs. Good wine selection. Relaxing atmosphere.

What is it with people making it and then blowing away all their gains on goddamn BARS

Like you made it, now you want to spend the rest of your life running a drinking establishment with very low profit margins? What the fuck



relaxed atmosphere, good beer options, dim lighting

you may not have experience with women but they stick the ass out to make it seem more attractive to normally functioning heterosexual males.

its normie "gonna make it on my own" 101
most shilled meme on mainstream media, no surprise a lot of people then fall into it.

Needs a good outdoor area. Music makes a big difference too. I cringe when I hear shitty dance music at a pub. Even worse when they play it so loud that you can't have a conversation without yelling. Everyone likes 80's music, they should just stick to that

orange juice, lots of zest


Veeky Forums is the worst place to ask. NEETs (including me) are going to tell you to make it way more quiet and mild than the people that actually spend all their time and money at these places want.

I'll be opening one soon in the Pacific Northwest.
Have experience running them.
What is your concept?

White women

user is it in or around portland? I'll come in wearing the Sergey shirt, and you'll know

Needs more chairs

it has to have a ratio of bar size to tables that allows the dreck bar sitters to be entirely absorbed.
By that I mean, if someone walks in that prefers to sit at bars, there should always be a seat available in the bar before a table becomes available.
It also has to have chicken tenders without fries. No, I'm not memeing or being a nutrition obsessed millennial, food such as potatoes gives me hemorrhoids which I have had for 70% of my life.
Also the pub has to be mainly focused on food because I only drink 1 beer anyway.


Nah portland is too saturated man
Theres some better places to make money

I know it is man haha. There's like 3 bars on every block. I was just hoping to support a fellow bizraeli. We should have a secret identifier so we can spend all our neetbucks at each other's establishments, I think a Luck Brand plaid shirt will do the trick.