>read about probabilistic and quantum Turing machines and algorithmic complexity >become really interested in CS >finally decide to take a CS class to learn more >look through my university's list if courses in the CS department >go to theoretical CS lecture >mfw the professor only talks about memes and video games >mfw the smelly neckbeards in the class don't even understand the P vs NP question >mfw I don't learn shit in that course
CS is a meme.
Dominic Martin
Welcome to intro CS courses. Have you heard people mispronounce basic English yet? My favorite was the self-imposed "biggest nerd" pronouncing cache with a long a.
Intro CS is the meme. We covered 1/3 of a C textbook in a full quarter that I read in two weeks. C is not a big language.
Just wait until you have group projects.
Jaxson Evans
Who accredits the accreditors of universities?
There's corruption all the way through the system.
Charles Morales
Mate you're in a bad university. I do computer science, it is only algorithm complexity, no bullshit like for you
Joseph Campbell
>P vs NP What is this?
Brody Reed
Google mate. Polynomial vs non-polynomial time complexity.
Joshua Gutierrez
Some horseshit that only grad students wanking their knobs off have to care about. He's just being needlessly pretentious, this is Veeky Forums after all. They think node.Js is "trivial" and front-end development is being a "code monkey" when I doubt these fucks could even pass the algorithms class where you have to memorize BubbleSort, MergeSort, etc. Hardest class ever
Easton Bell
>Some horseshit that only grad students wanking their knobs off have to care about. This is why CS is becoming a meme. Because fuckers like you think you can ignore algorithmic complexity as long as you know the name of a decent sort.
Gavin Hughes
>tfw when no sort will ever be faster than O(n log n)
Evan James
>implying sort is the only useful algorithm in the whole of CS
Lucas Ortiz
>you should have to reinvent the wheel everytime you want to write a program Nah, bro fuck off. Np vs N is of no use to anyone but theoritican
Parker Peterson
>implying I ever said it was
Leo Evans
As a student, you should reinvent the wheel. That's how you LEARN THINGS
Landon Ortiz
Dual math and CS major here (almost done with the math, in grad classes, barely started with the CS. Pls no bully) We have a final group project in my data structures class so of course I decided to work on my own. Part of the requirements is to have someone you've never met in the class modify and "contribute" to your code. I found out who is going to be contributing to my code and looked at their project. It's a text based choose your own adventure game that uses no data structures, only if/else statements and has 4 scenes. God have mercy on my fucking soul.
Camden Phillips
Post your school, OP.
I guarantee that's the meme.
John Baker
>As a student, you should reinvent the wheel. That's how you LEARN THINGS
except your computer architecture because no one will blink at you if it can't be implemented or simulated on an x86 processor
Matthew Perry
It's obviously just shitposting (excuse me, "gorilla posting"), so there probably is no school, there was no class and there were no memes.
Sebastian Morris
If you UNDERSTAND it, you don't have to repeat it every goddamn time. Rather, it's how you stop yourself from jumping into writing a program to do something literally impossible. Which I see attempts of all the time.
Caleb Martin
Don't be so harsh mayn, he's on his way to reinventing the finite state machine!
Dominic Smith
>except your computer architecture because no one will blink at you Is this tangential or are you relating algorithmic complexity to computer architecture? Assuming non-idiocy.
>can't be implemented or simulated on an x86 processor Just going to try to ignore this, unless you're jumping to quantum models of computation out of nowhere.
Reinventing computer architecture CAN be useful depending on your career path.
Cameron Carter
>tfw when no comparison-based sort will ever be faster than O(n log n)
Chase Morris
Maybe if you went a non-intro lecture on not the first day, you would've learned something.
Congratulations. You're a 100% certified shitposter.
Justin Reed
>read about an obscure model of computation >go to a random class and expect to see it there You are the retard. t. Mathematics and Geology major.
Austin Gomez
You're the same idiot trying to force multiple memes: 1.) Anti-social science people think we can't know anything! 2.) I'm smart, why am I so X? 3.) Is X smart or stupid? 4.) X is just a meme And we know because of your writing style and use of gorillas. You don't even understand how deduction or induction works. You've illustrated that you think the "mind projection fallacy" and the "argument form ignorance fallacy" are rational. They're not. Then you use the false dilemma/personal incredulity argument of "if I can't use presumptions, there logic and science are bullshit".
You're an idiot without a degree. You haven't read a damn thing. Get out. OUT.