He's a communist. Ofc he hates us
lol he has the face of a classic Veeky Forums browser specially /b/
everybody with money hates Veeky Forums, or at least what it's become
fuck that faggot
this changes things
hes tsundere
he seems exactly the type of faggot I'd expect on Veeky Forums though
But I agree with him
Veeky Forums is trash
There should definitely be a campaign for pedos in support of Vitalik / ETH.
it surprises me people still post on that board in the year 2018 whats worse is those driveling idiots post here too
First Ada and now eth. Biz is getting some major mentions here
but we have our own billionaire warrior in moot
Look at this malnourished goblin creature. He wears the "weird socially awkward middle school kid" shirt unironically, and he is a grown ass man. Did you really think he would turn out to be a Veeky Forums supporter when he dresses and acts like a Reddit gold user?
well, the guy is basically a self confessed pedo that is likely on the gay side
I can imagine he wouldnt like Veeky Forums, yes
kek, take a look at a few of his photos
guy is 100% REDDIT
1. that's not true at all
2. you wouldn't fucking know I can tell you're poor
Why does everyone blame us when bad things happen?
He ditched us for Google because he couldn't handle the banter. Mootykins is the biggest faggot of them all and remains so.
>Go back to the depth of hell
Thinks Veeky Forums is hell.....
Makes a coin that gets hacked.
Please someone explain to me why the hell is ETH worth so much?
NEO is clearly going to over take it.
What a soy boy
I thought Steve jobs was dead?
Our boy chad Rhett already rekt him on twitter
It might have something to do with those fake articles made here about his death.. newfags.
>basically a self confessed pedo
what? what did he say?
you guys are all the same :)
Not worth it, /pol/ is traditionally the board that cares little enough about its image to interfere with irl people and organizations.
why everyone hate us now
the days are dark and the pain is long here
>wtf everyone hates us now
People never loved us to begin with and it never mattered if they did or did not.
What's his excuse for being such a dyel twink? It's not like he can't afford to eat big.
he made some abstract arguments that essentially defended pedophilia, which asskissers will rationalise as extreme spectrum case in point, but in reality was a public admission by a social autist that has likely ingested so much that he couldnt help bringing it to the table.
because he's an autist nerd and thats why it was a smart move to invest in such a person. who wont just abandon his project one he gets rich.
Vitalik is a pedophile
Piano man ded. The gains died with him... now only the few who heard the call of big eating and 8 hour arms will carry the torch and bear the burden.
Thanks just hedl 100k
>arguments that essentially defended pedophilia
That's a lie, user-kun
Bog slaves hate 4channers!
literally nobody that isn't trying to shill their late-adopter shitcoins gives a fuck about some comments he made about images on your computer being private.
do you hear anything about that shit outside of Veeky Forums, bastion of pedophillia?
Only because of people who save thumbnails.
Somebody make a a Vitalik accout and go in there and say "JK, send 1 ETH to this address to get your 5000" or whatever.
>malnourished goblin creature
Well said sir it gave me a hearty kek
What a faggot.
His shitty project wouldn't have been so adopted without this shit hole.
Post the actual quote and everyone can make their mind up, ass kisser
>Veeky Forums, bastion of pedophillia?
kek, the pedos are now triggered Veeky Forums
just take a look at the younger girls they are posting now
Veeky Forums hasnt had a pedo problem for over a decade faggot, kys
he's a retard, pic related
who cares if he dislikes Veeky Forums, anyone who's not a le ebin newfag knows this place is a shithole.
I can't believe he died. I hope Scoobs stays safe.
LOL this guy will end up in federal prison. It's inevitable.
>citation needed, faggot
It's because of brrappp posting
not really, biz was shitting all over eth for the first two years, it was the ethereum subreddit where things took off
yeah, expect for any anime related board, of course. trying to cause a moral outrage because of some shit like that is hilariously sjw tier.
>says vitalik said something
>tells other people to cite it for him
Everyone is see this picture I struggle not to sell all my eth for NEO
>Actually being dumb enough to not understand this tweet.
He’s on the natty lickaroo diet. With a small smattering of trt. He’s gon be around for awhile. He wasn’t injecting synthrol into his foreskin like the piana man.
its obvious you're a pedo that is triggered
kek, the absolute state of reddit revisionists
>people calling Vitalik autistic
>and in the same sentence saying he doesn't seem like a Veeky Forums user
Smells like newfag in here.
Trading my ETH for LTC. Fuck that ky jelly packing faggot. Biz is the reason Im going to be rich no later than 2020. Link 1000 eoy. LTC #2 eoy.
what's your interpretation?
Are you kidding? Vitalik looks like your average /g/ or /a/ or /v/ stereotype.
Veeky Forums is full of normalfags so you wouldn't understand.
So explain how its definitely not a public admission and how normal people talk about that shit when discussing basically anything.
Explain how he is not arguing for freedom regarding the matter.
You're transparent, user.
DST is retarded and so is your argument
He's not wrong tho
He's still commie scum
what a fucking turd burglar. this faggot actually just shit on me for posting here?
he's referring to a separate argument and this is literally taken out of context. who is Rick F and what did he say?
it's usually the closet pedos that perform the most outrage over minor tweaks like this
very similar to the meme alcoholic priest sexually abusing kids and just in general being a terrible person in private whilst preaching strong morals in public
it's like that shakespeare quote, paraphrasing here -- "methinks the lady doth protest too much"
the guy you're quoting is the one posting his moral outrage. the pedos are the first to shut down even any discussion on the matter because they're terrified they'll accidentally say or do something incriminating.
>Be you
>see "Breaking: Troubled teen shoots up school before taking his own life"
>pic related is included
Now tell me, if he was not big in crypto would you even doubt this article at first glance? Sad stuff.
I agree. Let's fuck the eth network buying and selling shitons of crypto kitties, citties, waifis, pornstars. That will show him!
Anons tend to have a more bland sense of clothing. If he were one of those he would wear cheap shitty black/white shirts with tendie stains all over.
He's not wrong.
Vitalik is the living CPChain
>"youre actually gay if you're homophobic"
lol k, keep defending him though, you're totally not obvious as shit ;)
the same reason i wouldn't be surprised to see 10 black people's mugshots in an article about citywide carjackings
> every developed and successful developed country resets clocks
> nigs in the congo don't
cmon now
every second shirt he wears is a rainbow with kittens or unicorns or some stupid reddit tier "random" memery
straight up reddit
>"I am NOT giving away 5000 ETH"
>making fun of a literal 20 year old billionaire computer genius because he doesn't socially signal like he's part of your preferred group of "cool guys"
how's that working out for you
Fuck this commie
niggers dont have clocks
>south america
monkeys are literally too stupid
>some of australia
Abo scum\
>sand niggers
The only clocks they use are for bombs
>chink town and russia
who cares
Mate I am making observations within a discussion about the likelihood of him being from here, which apparently has triggered you since its obvious the guy is 100% reddit, as evidenced by his distaste for Veeky Forums in the OP
there are fuckloads of millionaires and billionaires in the world, I dont lose sleep over it, no user :)
Life is great when you are content with your life, ability and gifts received thus far
get triggered more about your pedo limp wrist though
>Life is great when you are content with your life, ability and gifts received thus far
yeah double down on making sure we know how great you are
oh, shit. that's what i get for skimming. good job idiot me. thanks user
anyway, point stands sans tag i guess.
You’re an imbecile. /biz is going to fud everything but they were absolutely the first to find that gold mine. I know because of friends that made x500 gains easily.
good try to save face
>>sand niggers
>The only clocks they use are for bombs
who is that
Cry more you're not able to get under the skin of a totally anonymous poster with a stab in the dark, brainlet
So do you want to defend the guy and what he said, or are you just defending his honor?
I'm fucking in. I missed chanology and gamersgate, I will NOT miss this!
Your gay lover faggot
This is great, the more bad publicity, the more normies and redditors stay out and the more advantage we have over the general population. Veeky Forums is basically cheating, we know about shit here before 90% of people.
Anyone that thinks its normal or acceptable to cite freedoms of viewing CP as a position and argument to hold for any capacity is either the true autist unable to relate to normal human function and society, or a closet pedo trying to seed apologism and desensitisation
cry more
Fuck you.. I'm balls deep in ETH
>implying normies wont immediately start trawling Veeky Forums after reading this tweet
>essentially defended pedophillia
wrong. He was defending internet privacy by saying the idea that our personal computers are extensions of our mind should be taken seriously
and how ignoring this could be a danger to society
he never once defends pedophilia and anyone who takes that from his tweet proves they are even more autistic than vitalik by showing they lack a basic understanding of human communication.