So I stuck a multimeter on a protein bar and it gave off a residing. Explanations?
So I stuck a multimeter on a protein bar and it gave off a residing. Explanations?
not impressed
mac gyver did a detonator with it
>white chocolate macadamia nut
shit taste woman
1. You must be 18+ to use Veeky Forums
2. Do your own lab
That's what you schmucks are for
>Hating white chocolate and macadamia nut
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Underrated post
that shit is good, what he fuck you on, bruh?
My mistake, I totally forgot. The electrical interference from the nearby computers results in false readings from the multimeter.
What's the next question?
im a male apparently, you are a female
Just because I have a vagina, that doesn't make me a female. Get it right shitlord.
However, my friend, who is holding the multimeter, gave a very erratic reading while touching his fingers to the multimeter, whole me doing the same caused the reading to gravitate around 0
Is he wearing socks? Are you wearing socks?
Yeah both of us were wearing socks but mine are much thicker and longer
Your thicker socks act as an insulator and prevent a flow of electricity :-)
>metallic wrapper
>not being able to grasp irony
You must be 18+ to post here.
Lmao. To say that being able to grasp irony had an age limit is the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Do you grasp how the brain works some one here could be 12 and be more wise than you fucking idiot just b/c you're 18 doesn't mean you can grasp irony faggot.
>waahhh i don't like nuts in my food cause of the texture!
please grow the fuck up
You can get microvolt reading off most anything. Wake me when you get anything over 10 watts.
I have an idea for a bathtub heating element
I'm impressed
Can I test it? You know, for science.
It's full of vitamin [math]e^{-}[/math]
is the bag metallized? Bags with nuts have a very thin foil to seal the contents.
If so there will be voltage potentials between the probes and the foil and these are at slightly different temperatures, so one subtracted from the other gives you a reading.
This is a hypothesis.
Check the bag and we are on our way to a theory.
It's an energy bar
Reminds me of why sugar can cause pain in some people with tooth sensitivity; some chemical reaction involving the sugar produces a voltage. Don't recall the details. Google is your friend.