>tfw when you're smart, yet feel dumb, while the dumb people feel smart.
Tfw when you're smart, yet feel dumb, while the dumb people feel smart
*tips fedora*
>feel dumb
>be dumb
It's nice to know your place. Very zen.
dumb people never feel dumb because they're ignorant and always think that they're right, never questioning themselves.
When will people stop spitting out this dumb meme?
The Dunning-Kruger effect does not mean that people incompetent people feel confident in their abilities and vice versa.
It has to do with their perceived ability. People in the top quartile know that they're better than people in the second quartile. BUT people in the top quartile don't entirely know how good they actually are.
even the people at the bottom didnt realize they were at the bottom? you think people with that little knowledge on a subject wouldnt claim to have knowledge
the more you know the less you know you know
You forgot the Imposter effect.
going for the """i'm smart, but lazy""" meme?
you are only lying to yourself man
>people incompetent people
one of them detected
You feel dumb because you're actually dumb.
oh god I hate that "smart, but lazy" bullshit
yeah, it applies to some people. but for the most part - no. especially those that talk about how they're "smart, but lazy"
where did OP write smart but lazy?
can't you idiots fucking read
even /b/ is smarter than this pos board ffs
If you are smart you will not be lazy, you will simply do what must be done without bullshitting around.
>a smart person realizes it is a constant battle against ignorance
>the dumb people surrender way too soon.
People are arrogant. Nobody wants to admit they're shit, they would rather delude themselves.
I have this problem. I'm getting the best grades, but I always attribute it to luck.
>going for the """i'm smart, but lazy""" meme?
>you are only lying to yourself man
No. I'm going for the ''I work hard and get the best grades, yet feel dumb'' non-meme.
How is my post the ''smart, but lazy'' shtick?
You get the best grades because you go to a shit-tier college.
The university I go to is a Russell group university. Russell group universities are the top 24 universities in the UK. It's not the best, but it's not crap either.
And by "best grades" I don't mean the highest grades in terms of the highest in the class, but the highest in terms of being above the cut off for a 1st class degree.
This so much. It is so frustrating dealing with those people. The worst ones are the willfully ignorant.
Actually being lazy is very smart. It is part of an evolutionary trait to conserve energy. Otherwise, smart people would be doing things the worst way possible, expending the most energy in doing it.
>implying the existence of non-memes
Does the "smart, but lazy" meme still exists in 2016?
DAE le Dunning-Kruger effect and impostor syndrome?
I read once that smart people think they're dumb, so if I say I'm dumb Veeky Forums will think I'm smart!
Flawless plan.
>tfw dumb and told I'm smart
really the worst
get called smart because I get lucky or remember random arbitrary things
dumb people are bad at recognising intelligence - shocker. imo you shouldn't rely on other peoples opinion of you/your abilities anyway.