Hey Veeky Forums i was wondering what is the difference between Computer engineering and Computer science. I am also wondering what is better to major in/ what gets you more jobs.
Hey Veeky Forums i was wondering what is the difference between Computer engineering and Computer science...
CE is CS but with gay men.
CE is CS but with greater dedication to electrical engineering and electronics engineering. Honestly the Wikipedia page on computer engineering is a really good overview so look that up
but which one provides better jobs?
You get $140k starting.
CE makes you homeless cause CS is in more demand
Go to /adv/
Except that CEs get hired to do CS work too, and the only programming-oriented stuff CS people do that CEs don't is too abstract to ever be actually used in the typical programmer job.
You know how I know? I am an actual software developer, working alongside CS and non-CS majors alike.
Stop jerking that tiny CS dick, at least until you graduate.
>Except that CEs get hired to do CS work too,
It's the other way around.
CS majors do jobs CEs do, keku.
>t. an undergrad in an oversaturated degree filled with pajeets
t. angry math fag
H-how's that $900k starting going?
Here. Have a non-troll response:
CE is closer to electrical engineering. It studies the underlying physical parts of the computer. Circuits, electricity, hardware, signal processing, etc.
CS studies the mathematical underpinnings of computation. You learn about computational complexity, algorithms, some software, computability, etc.
Basically CE is the physics of computation and CS is the math of computation. There is some overlap between the two though.
study software engineering if you want guaranteed paying job. Computer science is all theory. Computer Eng is mostly Electrical Eng.
...Wow. I'm convinced none of Veeky Forums is actually even in college, just meme spouting 17 year olds.
Lol. CEs get cucked by EEs in hardware and cucked by CS for software. Literally a useless degree.
come on man
This desu.
CE is the academic major that studies computers using math, physics, and EE. CS is for people too weak to pass advanced math or physics courses. Compare:
>1st year
Bullshit java/OO coding class
Bullshit data structures class
Piss easy calculus classes
Piss easy matrix algebra class
[If you're luck] physics I&II for non-science majors
>2nd year
Watered down "computer architecture" class
Pompous software engineering class
Pathetic discrete "math" class
Watered down "probability" class
Crash course on formal languages and automata
>3rd year
Pathetic algorithms course
Watered down computability and complexity theory course
Laughable networks course
Laughable database course
Crash course on various programing languages
>4th year
Laughable computer security course
[If you're lucky] an Operating Systems class
[If you're lucky] a Compilers class
Horseshit AI with trivial machine learning
5-10 student team Capstone with one dude doing all the work
and all the bullshit easy electives you want
>1st year
C++/C Coding class
C++/C Data Structures and Algorithm
Easy vector calculus
Piss easy matrix algebra class
Ordinary Differential Equations
Physics I&II
Chem I&II
>2nd year
PDEs, Complex Variables, or Advanced Engineering Mathematics [which is half of each]
Probability and Random Processes
Numerical Analysis
Signal and System Analysis
Physics III
Digital Logic
An actual Computer Architecture class
>3rd year
Electronics I&II
Communication Systems
Digital Signal Processing
[if CE or ECE] Discrete Math with Coding and Information Theory
[if EE or ECE] Control Theory
[if EE] Electromagnetics
[if CE] Operation Systems
[if CE] Digital System Design
[if CE] Embedded Systems
>4th year
Capstone where everyone actually does shit
[if you're unlucky] Ethics
Electives [for CE]:
Computer Vision
Computer Graphics
VLSI Design
Reverse Engineering
Information Theory
Convex Optimization
Distributed Computing
among others
except when it involves anything beyond numerical methods
do anything like HVT and you'll see kiddo, there are few CEEs in the field caching out like this if any
>posting Veeky Forums pastas as argument
You must be 18+ to post
I mean, you could have tried not to be biased
>implying CS doesn't have to take vec calc
Maybe in some shit backwater program
4th year of ECE is literally the same as CS by your model besides muh integrated circuits
And the only thing you mentioned that is remotely challenging is DSP
Fucking undergrads, lol.
stop dickwaving. Get a B.S. in either and you'll likely begin with the same amount of change OP; CS banks out higher with a grad degree.
WAY fucking higher, because who needs an engineer with anything above a masters when you can hire an engineering physicist?
Just say no to CS.
How long did it take you to realize this?
Only shit-tier colleges have a software engineering major. All the elite universities only have a CS major.