Is Masturbation bad for you

Searched the archive, looks like no one talked about this question recently.

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Yes. Hair will grow on your hands and your eye sight will drop significantly.

Ugh. I'm not a cunt who's afraid of those myths & bedtime stories. I've read a bit on the subject.

There were some people discussing once that masturbation from imagination is better than masturbation from porn for your health.
I wanted to read Veeky Forums's take on matters like that.
Because those people were on Veeky Forums, so the conversation slowly drifted into faggotry as it went along & I never saw any solid proof on their claims then.

>Because those people were on Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums

I'm sure it had some vague assertions about muh test, ignore 99% of everything you read on Veeky Forums.

It's much worse for your health to subject yourself to the tyranny of women.

>for your health
Maybe better for your mental health, as you can fantasize about that girl you like at school/lecture/work, which could help in you stopping to be a pussy faggot and asking her out. Don't think my prostate gives a fuck either way though.

No, I'm not a degenerate pot smoker, but sex in general is comparable.
There are ways to give yourself really bad headaches from over-orgasming and post sex hangovers.

Like a less severe form of drug addiction, without severe physiological side effects.

Neural pathways are affected especially during puberty.. There is a significant difference between those that masturbate and those that just have sex.

Elaborate ?
Medical journal or crack pot theories are fine.

It's addictive, and impairs your life since you waste so much time.

But when paired with porn, there's no doubt it's harmful.

>No doubt.
>provides no data.
Are we on /x/ or are we on Veeky Forums ?

Pornography in it's current form is a game changer.

Sex and the expression of lust and love is very important.

I believe if you can resist the urge to masturbate without hurting yourself then you end up healing deep wounds and psychological problems vanish with time.

If you suppress or bludgeon your sexuality it ends up coming back to bite you.

Semen is super potent and expensive to create. When you make your body create it frequently you end up depleted of resources and you stress the body.

Meditating with the right leg on top of the left and right hand over the left developes discipline and will power strong enough to resist your impulses.

What a stupid fucking useless post filled with bullshit conjecture.

>Because those people were on Veeky Forums
i have some studies on my home computer i found on Veeky Forums that shows not ejaculating for 3-4 days at a time can increase your test levels 20% or so, but it goes back to normal after 5 or 5 days.

This post made me think of that Adam Sandler scene where he gets torn apart for being this type of stupid.

>Semen is super potent and expensive to create.
your body makes semen all the time though...

To add to this, omega 3 fatty acids are universally what westerners need in their diets (omega 6 in excess, too little omega 3).

Cum has an oily quality to it, and is very similar to fish oil.

Conserving semen could be extremely beneficial.



Snot, blood, phlegm, bile, puss, feces and urine.

All that other stuff is disgusting and horrible, but losing a cup of semen a week is nothing to worry about.

>fappers can't stare into the light of truth

i've got some news for y'all...

define bad?
ejaculating every day is beneficial for your prostate health.
got any proof for those claims?

>Are we on /x/ or are we on Veeky Forums ?
Is there a difference?

C-can I still fap and shitpost on this board ?

With the number of threads I have hidden...
Apparently not.

>this question
>provides no question
gtfo fgt pls

The question is "Is masturbation bad for you?"
It's literally the first thing in the title.

It's definitely better for your sexual health to masturbate to your imagination (or at least fap to porn in moderation, don't do it every day). Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is real and well documented.

I couldn't get erections when I was with girls when I started having sex as a teenager. I could get half-erections when I was stoned but they were short lived. It's only when I got a little bit older I drastically cut down on porn, and then I could actually get hard and finally experience the actual pleasure from sex.

When you watch too much porn, you get used to things such as changing scenes, good camera angles, etc. plus you're sitting down and fapping to it instead of actually putting your dick in a vagina. So, actual sex becomes weird and awkward, you can't change scenes or camera angles, and also the thrusting movements feel uncomfortable. All of this leads to you not being able to get hard and not getting enough pleasure from actual sex.

Fapping to your imagination should be fine because if you don't have porn-induced ED then seeing and touching titties and ass IRL arouses you way more than what you can visualize in your imagination.

TL;DR: If you can't get hard with girls then maybe try cutting down on porn.

>Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is real
But is it documented enough for ED phrama companies to realize that they can play a long con by hyperpornifying the internet?

Is masturbation bad for your mental health if you, say, masturbate whilst thinking about a friend of yours every single day for several months? Is there a chance that this could, hypothetically, lead to you developing an unhelpful attachment to your friend and finding your spouse less and less attractive as time goes on?
Just curious.

I'm curious about this completely hypothetical situation as well

Why would you be sexually aroused by someone if you didn't have sexual attachment in the first place ?
Wouldn't think it would be much of a problem if someone has self control, but it could probably cause something negative in that case.

I mean, if your attachment to your spouse is purely sexual, there's not much keeping you together in the first place.

>semen is literally good for you

Is this why gay bottom men live 19% longer on average than the average person?

Guess I'll start beating off into my morning tea, huh

Eye sight and hair on palms.

Only allosemen, not autosemen.

Purely speculative:

It's a definite possibility, it depends on how deeply you delve into your imagination and what scenarios you put yourself in. If you become sexually and romantically immersed in your fantasies then I'd say the odds are good that you could compromise the integrity of your sexual and even your romantic relationship. If all you do is flash brief images of sexual imagery and you don't put any romantic or other context to it then it's nothing more than porn. But it all really depends on your priorities and perceptions, you could do the former and never come to the point where it causes your perception of your SO's sexual value to plummet. Conversely you might get incredibly involved with the flashing images: obsessed.

It is possible, there are mechanisms that can cause it.

All that said, if you're finding your SO less and less attractive that's pretty normal. Whether you want to do something about it or not is up to your own priorities. I personally just left a relationship because it'd lost the sparkle it'd originally had.

Fuck semen, what about girlcum? I love getting down on that pussy, is it good for anything other than a throbbing erection?

gay men live longer for the same reason women and eunuchs live longer: hormones

Yes. Masturbation is bad for everyone. Do not do it.

OP here, couldn't agree with this post any more.

Got good libido - fap/sex 3 time's a day over the long term is normal thing. Altough I generally do not have problems with getting myself up to work or doing anything, what not done would bring immediate consequences, I am way more of amoeba when sexually fulfilled. Instead of doing some additional work/projects, I can just watch corny sitcoms whole evenings and that's aight.

Besides, I'm probably also more vulnerable to anxiety.

>spend countless hours casing skirt
>spend 30 min masturbating to anime

I will proudly choose option 2


Green mold forms on your armpits from excessive armfarting, also.

>There were some people discussing once that masturbation from imagination is better than masturbation from porn for your health.
Even if you were to try to study this you would never be able to build a scientific case.
>those people were on Veeky Forums
I don't even

Good luck proving that.

>Semen is super potent
Gotta be a troll.

>is real and well documented.
No it's not.
All men watch porn, so of course those with ED watch porn too. It's the same as the fucking studies that show young criminals all play video games.
You'd think people would know the difference between correlation and causation on a science board.
But no.

>he thinks Veeky Forums topics don't drift into faggotry

>All men watch porn, so of course those with ED watch porn too
Except that they don't get ED when watching porn, and their ED goes away when they cut down on porn.

>It's the same as the fucking studies that show young criminals all play video games.
No, it's not the same, it couldn't be any more different.

Its only bad in excess. Is your dick raw? You might be masturbating too much. Would you rather look at porn and masturbate than fuck your girlfriend? You might be masturbating too much. But sexual release is good for you, but too much jerking off [sexual release without any work] can be bad for you.

I tried nofap once and couldn't concentrate anymore because I was always thinking about sex. So I think masturbation is quite good to remain sane.
>mfw Kellogs thought cornflakes will keep children from masturbating

One time a day is good for preventing prostate cancer.
One time a week (not more) is good for test levels (cf. Veeky Forums)
Some people argue that not masturbating at all boosts you motivation.
Not masturbating is hard though, the longest I've resisted is 2 weeks and it gave me a weird wet dream.

This is a science board and you can't prove any of that.

>Try nofap for a month
>Aggressive and snapping at people
I'm curious if the likes of Columbine killers fapped sufficiently.

Logically, if masturbation is bad for you then sex with others must be as well.

>Meditating with the right leg on top of the left and right hand over the left developes discipline and will power

Discipline is a resource? You can cultivate it just by holding certain appendages over others?

Serious question, I want to achieve discipline in my life.

Womansauce will give you jawcancer, tongue cancer and soft palette cancer.

>Except that they don't get ED when watching porn, and their ED goes away when they cut down on porn.
Come on. They cut down on porn when they get symptoms and then regress to the mean. This is the same mechanism behind bullshit alternative "medicine".

Not necessarily. There are two particular hormones which can be hypothetically related to human masturbatory habits and poor behavioral tendencies. One being oxytocin and another being vasopressin.

Vasopressin in voles has been shown to either create pair-bonding, or in it's absence from the equation disrupt it. It is produced during sexual activity, presumably during masturbation. This in hand with the fact that it can also trigger the secretion of cortisol could hypothetically trigger a series of slight but chronic hormonal imbalances.

Oxytocin is a hormone which is linked with bonding in mammals. It also plays a role in bonding mechanics. Certain doses of oxytocin cause either anxiolytic effects or sedation. I posit, that without a second person present in sexual acts that it causes a degree of stress or imperceptible confusion; perhaps causing a chronic masturbator to become a fanatical porn viewer or in certain methods of consumption to become a sexual hedonist without an adequate outlet.

Unfortunately studies in direct human interaction with either are fairly limited so any argument The research that is present I don't have access to, so if a university student does, perhaps you could continue looking into this and connecting the dots if there are any.

Only if they have HPV, right? 50/50 isn't terrible.

It might be a the opposite though, motivation in your life causes masturbation habits
(or even Veeky Forums shitposting habits) to go away.

It is know that addiction is more of a replacement for motivation and happiness on the addict's life, thus it is actually a symptom of a bigger problem in the addict's life.