First, copy an atom;
Two entangled particles can be considered one particle. A superposition is, therefore, a single particle smeared across space.
Let's take this superposition, and suppose that the two particles are 299,792,458m away from one another. Between these particles is 299,792,457m of medium with a c of 299,792,457m/s, and 1m of 0.1m/s medium. So, it takes light 1s to travel all but 1m of that distance, and for that final meter it takes 10s.
Two entangled particles respond instantly - vector and velocity, which are quantum states, can be communicated in this manner. If you pull one particle 1mm to the left, the other particle complies.
For this to happen, a negative group velocity has to be attained. In other words, it's not enough for QE to be instant - the signal has be received before you send it.
Unless, there's something to this concept of superpositions as smears. That is, if the smear was a real physical entity - if the entire smear's outside surface was the doorway to an inner room conpacted by, say, a blackhole - than it would take less time for information to travel through the smear. In fact, this is cutting edge theory - pic related.
But if it arrived before it was sent, this could cause the sender to never send the message in the first place - the grandfather paradox. To shrug it off, we have to suppose that neither the arrival of the message nor it's departure have absolute dates - they have an absolute quantity of time between them, but the events themselves exist timelessly.
But if the events exist timelessly are can't be prevented or changed, then we live in a deterministic universe - a superdeterministic universe, if you will.
Locality would be defined by degree of entanglement - that is, the more similar two cubic volumes of space are, the more they seem to physically overlap. A moment is created by viewing a static, 3D hologram from a moving perspective.