Do you faggots actually consider yourself smart?
Do you faggots actually consider yourself smart?
im pretty ok at integrating by parts
I got an A in calc I.
In the grand sceme of things, I am only of above average intelligence. Not a real genius by any measure.
If I'm in the right place at the right time I might be lucky enough to contribute my thoughts and work to something important in physics or engineering.
However when compared to the average person, my intelligence is notable and exceptional. Part of this is actual talent and part if it is an interest in science, history, and technology which leads me to learn and retain a lot of information that most people would simply ignore.
In terms of "concrete" evidence of my intelligence, I scored 2140 on the SAT and received 5's on 9 of the 10 AP Tests I took in high school (the tenth test was a 4). All with minimal studying and preparation.
I imagine most of this board is similar to me, but I could be wrong.
I am verified as very smart by several different sources. I come on different board on Veeky Forums to laugh at morons. You guys are profoundly autistic, but with none of the savantism.
>All with minimal studying and preparation.
You and everyone else.
my friends say i'm really smart but i am heavily depressed by how little i know and how little can a human ultimately know
No, but I don't consider myself dumb
Nope, I have low esteem and medioce grades.
I'm of average intelligence but I'm educated.
- Induction, deduction
- Logical skepticism, reason
- Empiricism, positivism, falsification
- Epistemology, fallacies and biases
- Occam's razor
- Basic to mid level science and math
- Basic to mid level computer skills
- Documentaries
- Autodidact
- Most important: humility and intellectual honesty
Not really. I'm convinced that i've only gotten as far into my degree as I have through brute force. Every time I think i'm pretty clever in a class, the lab usually does a pretty good job of knocking me down a few pegs, not because I do badly in the labs or anything, but just because our labs tend to get pretty competitive (not as in there's a curve, but just like everybody is scrambling to try and be the first one to figure out each section), and that's usually when my weaknesses tend to show the most (getting hung up on really fucking lame mistakes while the next bench over just speeds past).
no. Highly intelligent but utterly stupid.
I consider myself smarter than the average person , but occasionally I find people that makes me feel stupid.
I know how to find the roots of second order polynomials, even in the complex plane, so you could say I'm a cut above the rest yeah
Nope I'm dumb and lazy.
No all others are stupid
In terms of "concrete" evidence of my intelligence, I scored 2140 on the SAT and received 5's on 9 of the 10 AP Tests I took in high school (the tenth test was a 4).
More of a sign you come from an upper middle to upper class family, less of a sign of your actual intelligence and don't predict how well you'll do in college or graduate school.
C...c...can i.i.ii. have ur autograph m-mister?
haha, no. I drank that away
No. I just have a knack for numbers, and if I ever get my BS, circumstance has seen fit only to ensure I'l have it before I'm 30. I was hoping to transfer to my local state university, but out of the 600 students who applied for my program, 100 got accepted. I can't compete at all with these ritzy, foreign fucks and their 4.0's, so it's going to be begging for a job and trying again next year at some more farflung unis, assuming they don't reconsider me.
I'm comparatively smart to the people around me, however. I grew up in a rezoned neighborhood that's populated with a bunch of illiterates. I wouldn't refer to them that way, if it weren't true or they weren't a bunch of vile cunts anyway. One fucked his daughter when she was 13. I saw another hold his knife up to his 6 year-old son's throat.
>drinking away intelligence
Oh, that's an old wive's tale, unless you're a problem drinker who gets wet brain.
No, but my heuristics keep insisting that I am so I figure it's best to just believe it anyway.
That's Calc I. So far so good, post again for the other Calc courses. I also got an A, but I honestly think it doesn't amount to shit. It's only classwork. Immerse yourself deeper
I always hope that everyone else is just pretending to be stupid.
SAT is psotively correlated with IQ.
Not at all.
I can typically run circles around plebians and "smart" people because I've been reading quality books since kindergarten.
I never read Harry Potter, I did read historical and physics books. Gee I wonder why I seem smarter.
I used to when I got A's before I started taking upper division physics classes
I've humbled myself significantly ever since.
I grew up in a nice neighbourhood, with mostly white people and some asians and indians. Sports and academics were very competitive, and a lot of kids - especially in the classes I took - were pushed very hard by their parents to succeed academically and get into a good college.
This environment is an advantage in itself, but even within that I was usually capable of doing more with less and often had the highest test scores or was that one guy who could answer questions no one else could.
Most of my "ability" comes from having a good memory, reading a lot of non-fiction, and being a good test taker, though. I often worry that the bubble will pop at some point. Whether it's upper division, grad school, or research, at some point I'll realize I'm really out of my league.
No, I consider myself with a sighltly lower average intelligence.
IQ is totally a social construct. We were born equal. Here in Sweden we wait for geniuses born in Africa. I've been working for government all my life, we gave everything to refugees and also for immigrants from previous wave. Since IQ is quite artificial we can cultivate it. We need more people like Ramanujan, if he had proper opportunities he would be world famous next Newton, but we had lost him. In 10-15 years Sweden is going to be the world leader in science, mark my words. For now I don't have proofs of benefits of that, but I can't stop believing.
thank goodness, for there are people who would list a third of what you have and consider themselves above average
Just straight up say you feel smarter/better than everyone else. Stop fucking beating around the bush with these long winded post that blanket what you really want to say.
Being intelligent is lucking the fuck out. You can survive in this world comfortably. Please stop trying to shove everyone else's face in shit on your way there.
I'm not a bright guy at all, and that's fine, it wasn't my fault, but i really want to not die in the streets or break my back by my 40s. So, i work as hard as I need to succeed in my engineering major. Intelligence means getting to enjoy life more, sucking more juice out of what was put in this world intellectually, and just being able to live more securely. So please just fucking stop with this bullshit I'm sure you do all the time and get to a nice place already
It's positively correlated to your parents income. You can add a certain % point to your SAT with each income level. Upper middle to upper class kids have an advantage when it comes to SAT. Equally smart kids born in rural or inner cities areas have a disadvantage due to access to lesser educational resources. It doesn't have to do with raw intelligence but who mommy and daddy are and what school system they placed you in. SAT is a trivial test and anyone that is placed in a decent school is going to learn how to read and write well enough to score decent in the SAT. Those that don't go to decent schools aren't taught to that basic level. Scoring well on SAT is trivial in general if you come from a decent educational background. Which you do if you are posting on this board. Fuck off with your ego tripping. scoring high on the SAT isn't impressive. Most people on my class scored above a 2300. Think those 150 kids post on a shit board like this bragging about it? Kek, their 2300 range scores didn't prevent some of them from making Ds and Cs in basic STEM classes that use more advanced math than what's on the SAT.
I usualy feel like avreage in terms of inteligence, but when I leave the group of my peers and meet """ lower class""" people I can't help but feel superior to them
too meta