Why did I study so hard in my first year of uni and get Cs and Bs meanwhile my fuckbuddy who just seems like she just fucks around most of the times got As and A+s?
Why did I study so hard in my first year of uni and get Cs and Bs meanwhile my fuckbuddy who just seems like she just...
How is it possible to put even a vague amount of effort into stage 1 classes and only get C's or B's. I legitimately do not understand
hopefully the Veeky Forums janitor is replaced after the recent round of applications
I don't know
I really tried, I'm worried that maybe my highschool was too easy, and that 98% I got in grade 12 was undeserved, but I felt I studied pretty hard in grade 12
Are you sure you arent exaggerating how the amount of effort you put in? What are you studying?
Maybe she's just smarter than you, user.
I'd say it's because she likely has a joke major, but you're a freshman so all your classes are basic shit.
She's probably just smarter than you. Also you're her fuck buddy, not the other way around. Also
IQ is real, hopeyouredoingwell.
I have an average IQ yet everyone thinks I'm insane and mentally ill.
Then again those same people believe in prayer, magical thinking, psychics, astrology, authoritarianism, groupthink, political extremism, in-group superiority, etc.
Honestly I just think the majority of other Americans are just rude, egotistical, undereducated and emotional.
Your fuckbuddy has a piss-easy major.
I took an econ class once. Every midterm was curved, our two lowest exam grades were dropped (which could include the final), and there was a bunch of exta credit. Science classes, however, tend to be unforgiving. Don't feel bad, OP.
it's simple - you're a brainlet.
You're probably just dumb. I fucked off through all of college and graduated with honors.
How easy should I be able to grasp newtons laws of motion and the problems in my textbook?
I'm having a difficult time being confident that I am aware of every force that is occuring in the problems, I will often forget one and every source of these laws seems to explain them in a more simpler or more obfuscated sense.
I think my problem is I have no good visual idea of when a textbook mentions "rate of change"
You were in a casual sexual relationship. You seem like a man? It was probably because you were indecent. Indecency is not conducive to top grades. Also, I do think that this thread post No.8038438 is not scientifically appropriate to the forum Veeky Forums - Science & Math
>I think my problem is I have no good visual idea of when a textbook mentions "rate of change"
Learn calculus, you piece of shit.
Because she gets all her homework done by her beta orbiter nerds, just like every slut in university.
>my fuckbuddy
It's pretty obvious.
While you fuck her, she's doing complex anti-derivatives and relative rate problems in her head.
I think you're just dumb to be honest.
And your picture is dumb too. I think tumblr is ridiculous, but she wasn't defending mayonnaise, she was objecting the point the satire of the original image was making. All those other people just missed it.
How are you getting Cs if you do your homework?
people mature mentally at different rates. its true that everyone is unique in that way
studied my ass off first year of college and averaged a 3.3. graduating this year and starting a PhD having pulled a 3.7 the past 4 semesters