Dear South Africain Anons.
Capital controls have been in effect for South Africains since time immorial. I work with an old south africian lady and she told me the following story about her coming to Canada way back when Aphartaid ended and things started to go to shit. Her husbands friend tried to leave the country on a plane with bars of gold in his suit case which he converted all his wealth into. He even got onto the plane and took his seat, only to be dragged off and put in jail for 10 years for trying to subvert capital controls. His gold was seized and never returned. They never heard from him again.
So this old lady, her husband and son decide they need to leave South Africa, but they don't want to pay the 50% exit tax to transfer their wealth to Canada. So they find a shaddy middle man who converts their wealth into some kind of weird trust, but he charges 15% off the total value. It took over a month for that money to arrive in Canada as this family nervously waited to see if they had been scammed or saved.
All of this could have been avoided if cryptocurrencies existed at the time. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can be used to flee the country with your entire wealth in your head, on a thumb drive, in a photo or even in a god damn graphing calculator.
And now with the coming civil war, I cannot stress this enough; Convert a good chunk of your wealth into Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. Get a ledger or Trezor hardware wallet.
With these devices you would simply need to memorize 24 words, get on a plane and leave the country with your entire net worth in your brain. All contained within those 24 words. Better than fucking diamonds, and you don't have to pay any middle man a percentage.
This has been a PSA because I fucking give a shit abouty you poor sods.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up you retarded teenager

do they even have any access to fiat->crypto platforms? the rand is gonna tank if it hasnt started to do so already. those whiteys better get to converting


Your kind will one day become extinct.

Pictures like the one you have posted are why many people who don't understand crypto want to ban it you fucking idiot. You pathetic social outcast who LARPs as some fucking edgelord. Hurr durr look at my nazi imagery. Makes me look tough hurr durrr. Fuck you. You are everything that is wrong with crypto.

ill include a trigger warning next time snowflake

Hitler would outright ban crypto for being a speculation tool that jews love. Kys

Hello there! You seem to be lost. is thata way.


I hope you get outed one day to your peers and you realize just how bad your little LARP can make your life.

capital controls are related to biz. Cryptocurrencies are related to biz. spreading a message involving a relevant topical news event is related to biz.

fuck off to reddit

what peers? I'm a crypto neet. get fucked pajeet

But I'm not white, how will I be extinct? whites can't even stop shooting each other or ODing on heroin.

Maybe I will. You ever even held a woman's hand?


It is related to Veeky Forums and would otherwise be a welcomed thread but recently a lot of us are touchy about /pol/ so probably a good idea not to post stuff like that if you dont want the thread derailed.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind these posts...

many times friend. have you ever fucked a pussy? its over rated. keep your virginity, its worth the wizard powers.



this is my favorite fucking picture ever

You do realize whats happening in SA, right? Inb4

>rightful reclaiming of land n shiet

This, can't believe Veeky Forums is being shilled like /pol/. What a time to be alive

now we know who's behind the fart smelling memes

tfw when people know about this shit, and if they suspect you have crypto they will literally cut your face with knife until you give out your passwords. true story

safer is to pick a book which will contain your 24 words and somehow try to remember how to find them in order (like page 22 41 81)

if a knowing person will see you have crypto device you're in trouble

>generate the key/words with the device.
>memorize the 24 words
>destroy device


all of you, shoo. no bamp.

anyway it's good to have song / book you can relate to remember your memo