What are the chances we (as a species) make contact with aliens within our lifetime?

What are the chances we (as a species) make contact with aliens within our lifetime?

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Within OUR lifetime? Unless they come to us, then our chances are exactly zero. And they aren't coming to us so yeah, zero.


Sadly, this is the /thread post.

>And they aren't coming to us

Why not?

Because we haven't achieved warp speed yet.



Because why would they? Humanity is hostile, prideful, selfish and ignorant, a race that believed in gods until they found they could become them.

If intelligent life found us they would stay far away or annihilate us.

Not only is that chart wrong, this has nothing to do with the singularity.

The percent chance of aliens visiting earth in our life time is the same as 1 - .999...

> 1 - 1/3

>Because why would they?

All the wrong reasons

How would they?

As in, how would they know we exist?

Assume, a technologically advanced alien race lives withing 200ly of Earth (highly unlikely).

Well, if they were scanning 100% of their sky, they would just be hearing our first (very weak) radio signals. Is it possible to tell that these now redshifted signals aren't random noise? Probably, but it's not like they have Radio Aerials, or would understand human speech in the first place. And if they're just recieving the signals now? It takes at least 200 years for them to respond. If this species is scanning even 90% of the sky, it is entirely possible they missed us, the sky is very large.

Anything outside 200ly radius? Doesn't have the possibility of hearing from us yet. Wouldn't know we exist.

>100ly radius


chances are very little:

"You know, we've disguised ourselves as extraterrestrial visitors so as to not alarm people with what's really going on." -- The Contact

>we've disguised ourselves
That's going to alarm people a lot more than just being honest and open would.

Maybe the mental climate is slowly changing, but those who know about the ET presence still follow the recommendations of the Robertson panel: Coverup - Denial - Ridicule. John Podesta currently plays the role of a trial balloon regarding a 'limited hangout'.

History lesson:



Edward J. Ruppelt "The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects Project Blue Book"


audio book mp3 463.3MB

Something between 0 and a relativistic bomb.

We already have....

Tony, bring out Carlos from the garden.

>Not only is that chart wrong, this has nothing to do with the singularity.

He's been posting it in tons of threads for some reason.

No, the best we can hope for is discovering evidence of their existence. Well, I suppose the best we could hope for is like some gas station rest stop scenario like in Rendezvous with Rama.

None, the only plausible scenario where two planetary civilisations come into contact with each other is both sides being sentient machines that outlasted all organic lifeforms.


Already have OP, gov is currently just slowly releasing their existence to the public.

I'm not kidding the thought of them creeps me

Everyone is creeped. How do you think the superior grey alien mythology get popularised? Humans are afraid of being displaced from the top of the food chain. Imagine the difference in intellect between a monkey and a human, now consider that same gap between a human and a superior alien. It's scary as fuck.

Why would you possibly be creeped out, user?

Thers no way of knowing . especially when we discover new ways to detect/measure life 'potential' of other systems/exoplanets.

They are here already

That depends on us

I don't know

Our true motives for wanting contact:

Narcissistic/selfish expectations:
- Trade
- Education
- Unbalanced social connection [acceptance]

- War to restart a broken society
- Tech to "fix" us/humanity

A truly intelligent species capable of interstellar travel would be far beyond such immature desires and would have figured out how to be self-sufficient.

They might study us, but they would not contact us unless it was to study us.

No chances, if they were real we would already find them. Ayys don't exist, at least in the foreseeable part of the universe. We are alone. SETI ended up with nothing.

>Unless they come to us, then our chances are exactly zero.
What about improved radio technology?
With the proposed square kilometer array, we might detect and even contact aliens living around stars as close as Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti or Epsilon Eridani.

Not to mention the less likely possibilities: Alcubierre drive, etc.

>Humanity is hostile, prideful, selfish and ignorant
Compared to who?
For all you know, we're the nicest bunch of folk in this spiral arm.

>Not only is that chart wrong, this has nothing to do with the singularity.
I think his point is that contact would require unrealistic technology.
(I disagree btw).

ITT: Too much baseless supposition to bother addressing posts individually.
Y'all niggers arguing from a point of complete ignorance.

Given how rare life is, and how much rarer sentient intelligent life is, I doubt that aliens would be "above" meeting us. We go nuts when we think we find bacteria on Mars, or water in space, or a planet that LOOKS when it might be capable of supporting life.

why would they want to talk to us?
what could we offer them besides trinkets?

Why wouldn't they want to talk to us?
We can offer trinkets they have never seen before in their life.

How's that huh?

>this guy gets it.


planets like ours so so incredibly rare. you need to think like them. this prize (resources and genetics) is so valuable to the continuance of their race they could spend hundreds of years slowly subverting our rac, because of their dire straits and the fruits they would bare.

What are the chances that we or anyone will be able to make bitchin' spaceships like that? At the rate progress is going, we'll be back to retro looking rocketships instead of cool shit covered in light or shiny smooth chrome.


Unidirectional contact, most probably us detecting some very old signal, could happen today or in a thousand years. Not enough data to calculate chances. And there is beauty on that.


did you ever see the report where a ufo came down and asked a guy for water and then made him some pancakes

What is the point in making these threads on Veeky Forums? Everyone here is of the singular opinion and I stress opinion that aliens can't travel to Earth. It's like asking this question on /x/ you will get an equally completely one-sided and biased opinion from them on the subject of aliens. Best to ask this question on a general discussion board like /b/ or /r9k/


>Everyone here is of the .. opinion that aliens can't travel to Earth.
The ETs are here to show us that our physics is not the be all and end all and that the Crown of Creation hypnosis is based on a lie.