Who here /made it/?

Who here /made it/?

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I want to eat good food, not grease pit garbage.

I got close but it's not over until the fat jew sings

Bitch ass lame. Did you just start smoking weed?

why would you eat burger king?

you're joking right?

Only plebs smoke cigarettes. Smoke cigars.

mmmm flame broiled

my id is all caps lol

Stay jealous

Kys. You prob can't afford a double whopper anyway you poorfag.


Cheap selver bakery

mmm pickles

Zozzle. Are you eritrean to consider this "made it"-food?



That's so fucking autistic.

Healthy - but autistic.



looks fucking gross. but respect to the health grind

You eat like your age or iq is floating around 12.

is that all shake? kek

>he actually contributes to islamic subversion
Enjoy your halal whoppers, op!


peas, carrots, and.....coagulated dogshit?

half their burgers still have bacon. muslims wouldnt eat there at all.

So why would they make it their mission to have the public know that they are going halal, user?

lol #2 medium meal is my go to.
good pick user

How is ground beef healthy?

despite what you've been led to believe, protein is actually good for you

There are different types of protein. Beef greasiest the shitiest meet for anyone. It has the most cholesterol, sodium and increases the risk for cancer. Sure have a burger once in a while those are amazing.


lol he thinks animal protein is good for you HAHAHAHAHAHHA enjoy cancer retard. Real men eat legumes for protein, like the bible dictates

also, op, stop falling for the weed jew. It will ruin you like it has ruined me and all my friends. stay away

wow haven't seen a dimebag of weed since i was a 12 year old girl

comfy desu


That's some shitty looking croissants.

t. frog

>listening to a jewbook for diet advice
Nice try shekelstein

It's not. Neither is milk.

even when i make it, i'll always love raw egg on rice.

its not for the weak i tell you that.

Faceberg and his shill site ain't got shit on me. I just use that shit to trigger sjws, and boy, is that fun.

I get my ideas from YEARS of personal experience switching from a regular diet, to a vegetarian diet, back to a regular one and now I've been vegan for 4 years as well as reading up on scientific research concerning the issue.

From my personal experience, meat makes you sluggish, tired and fat. It is pretty good for bulking, if you're working out hard - but a diet of only vegetables is a lot better for maintaining and staying healthy.

Just read up on bioaccumulation (the process in which toxins are accumulated in higher levels the higher you go on the food chain, i.e. veggies have the least toxins, and animals who eat the veggies accumulate the toxins and get higher levels). Then there is something called heme-iron (animal sourced iron) which has been shown to be the cause of many diseases in humans, not to mention the harmful effects of the oestrogen that's being pumped into milk cows as well as bovine growth hormone and such.

Then we have the issue of factory farming which is basically a breeding ground for new infectuous diseases. These poor animals are being stuffed into little boxes with barely any room to move, and they get wounds and rub them against each others wounds and so on. It's basically russian roulette eating meat these days.

If you're interested, I think this lecture would go through the basics:

I honestly thought this was a pile of shit in the toilet bowl before I clicked on it.

Go to the bakery and get a refund.

whats the thing on the right?

that looks amazing

Charred smokers lung. A russian classic!



>mfw people actually save a pic of other peoples meal just to larp in a future thread

>one (1) big mac
>tiny bag of weed
>PLAIN rolling paper with no filter that looks like it came out of your pocket
>no tray in sight
>no grinder in sight
>garbage ass ashtray
>no lighter
yeah man, you made it lmao.


>hangs up on one word
Good luck with your life, degenerate


Damn you can literally see the MSG.

The funny thing is, that if you have rudimentary cooking skills, you can produce this meal for less than a dollar in less than 20 minutes. Yet people pay 10 times that just because the jews have made us incapable of cooking.




Enjoy buttcancer you idiots

Sad thing is, a lot of people would rather get buttcancer than eat a carrot

I'm not a vegan though but I understand that I probably should be, ideally

Yep, the meat jew got em at an early age. Veggies are "disgusting" and "uncool", not to mention how "feminine" it is to eat healthily. Fucking brainlets.

fucking weebs eat with a knife and fork it doesn't make you look cultured or sophisticated using chop sticks

projecting are we


u must be eastern european

It's disgusting food made for poor people. Learn to cook yourself for fucks sake.

No wonder obesity is on the rise. People are totally uneducated about food these days.

it is, but make sure the rice is piping hot and just cooked or use pasteurized eggs

It was better than it looks

>grey, colourless food

Man, I forgot how awful and unappetising fast food looked.

If you "made it" you'd at least be eating a gourmet burger you pleb



Reported for underage faggot

>Raw egg

Carbs are better though

600+ grams of carbs a day here and i can gaurantee you im more lean and muscular than you.

Why is this shit making me disgusted? It looks like cardboard.


U look liek dis

Before agriculture man ate almost nothing but meat dummies
The problem is the meat farming Jews
They are scum of the earth

This, the foods I used to make when I smoked were on another level

no, it doesn't actually
The rice looks good and the egg yolk might but seriously raw fucking egg. Are you kidding me>

2 things
First of all he isn't because they ate meat in the bible
Secondly if you believe (((they))) are in charge you will follow their diet advice becuase only they know wht works

actual turd

>made it
Kek, enjoy riding high for a few years before it consumes your feeble life

hi sergey
i hope you work on the mainnet if you are not eating burger

1.1 mill clear, under forty (just) and currently sitting in my hot tub enjoying the snow.. hummmm, guess I have made it.

Is that mayo you fucking degenerate? KYS if it is.

I made it

holy cringing fuck I'm leaving this cringehole


At least you're drinking water. Good on you, user. Whats the wallpaper?

What a sad sad picture , get your shit together stupid faggot

Too big to upload on here. Please enjoy a downscaled screenshot.

The only thing about the picture that makes me sad is the lighting. I could get some more lights but other than that I'm pretty comfy :^)

one day you will grow up and realize how much of a cringelord loser you have been. remember that.

>comes to weeb website
>is surprised its full of weebs
kek, you wont be missed

Imagine being so poor that you care how someone else lives.

Sorta got it right, but we mostly ate scavanged foods like nuts in berries for a long time. Then we figured out how to use tools, then we briefly just beat the shit out of everything and ate slightly more meat (even though the hunters of old usually only caught animals once per week or so). Then the agricultural revolution came.

i actually meant leaving this thread but whatever you say buddy
i just feel sorry for you and am trying to help. ignore it then i guess

what happened?

>mexican sand weed

Why do Americans eat things like this? I'm not even asking ironically, I want to understand. Do you feel pleasure in eating these culinary aberrations? In Europe no matter how poor you are, you don't do stuff like this.
t. not a yuropoor either

>t. not a yuropoor
prove it. say "the holocaust did not happen but the kikes really deserve it for the generations of brainwashing, usury, and now the active destruction of my european homeland. gas the kikes race war now"

>Ketchup on bananas

Made it