Ask a pre-med whose dreams of med school are slowly being shattered anything

Ask a pre-med whose dreams of med school are slowly being shattered anything

Why aren't you dreaming hard enough?

Here people with A averages dont's even make it. The lowest who are accepted are halfway between an A and an A+.

Meanwhile i Just got an A- and a B

There's more than one medical school. Can't you apply to another?

network harder motherfucker

>thinking GPA is all that matters to get into med school

I have a 2.8 GPA and have accepted that I will never attend a reputable med school in the US.

Right now I think my only options are going to a school for alternative medicine, or overseas, which might also not be accepted in the US.

Just make sure you try to get some impressive experience. Seeing as you don't have shit tier grades and your grades actually aren't bad at all, good MCAT scores and good experiences could probably more than make up for any other shortcomings. Just make sure you ace the MCAT (study hard and study early motherfucker), do volunteer work, do a few internships at hospitals, and even do some undergrad research.

Look at what the standard deviation of age is in med school programs.
You'll probably be shocked.

The number I found was 24.

...I wasn't that shocked.

Why did you get into a major that you did not feel passionate about?

>inb4 but I am passionate!
If you were then you would literally be the A++++++++++++ student of the class.

A bachelor's degree in Biology is certainly a useful item. I think the original post here, No. 8038783 is not logically valid. Reported.

Literally this.
>study major that my parents forced me to
>B+ average at best (probably tanked to B- or even C+ average by the end)
>didn't get involved in any research in that field
>switch to field that I was always actually interested in
>graduate with only B in the major being calc 3 that I took first semester of freshman year (kek)
>currently doing phd at top 20 school in my field, coasting the grad classes and making solid connections with potential advisers

There are guys with BAs in philosophy who have a 3.9+ GPA that do a one year premed certificate at pretty reputable schools like Georgetown, Columbia and Michigan and then get into med school afterwards.

So all those science courses and labs? Unnecessary.

If the standard deviation is 24 you should be/
Anyhow, I don't really care about your life.

You should just get your life over with now and kill yourself.

As long as your GPA is over 3.4 and you have a decent MCAT, you should be able to get into at least a DO school.
An A- and a B won't kill you. Giving up will.

Then again, I don't know how it works for kiwis.

I know a bunch of people that got accepted to mee school with a 500 and a 497. They did research and volunteered. I did plenty of research, volunteering, and have the most average of mcat. If your resume is great you will do fine. Apply to DO.

If you don't get I, just fucking become a physician assistant. You make 90k and higher, come out in 2-3 years with a similar education to med students in which you may Even share classes with, and you come out with less loans.
Go get em boy

I feel like besides a couple med schools having a super high ,mcat and gpa is just a meme. Do what this guy said and as log as your resume is great your pretty good for med school if you apply to plenty.

>alternative medicine
this is why no one takes doctors seriously, user

fellow pre-med just took my ochem 2 final i needed a 67% for an A which I'm not sure I got but I needed at 12% for a b which i def got. I'm nervous for biochem next semster

..How much was the final worth? That seems absurdly low.

Once asked a premed what his backups were. They were, in this order,
>naturopathic medicine
In other words, if I can't become a doctor, I'll become the cancer.

>Everyone is like me

>Why don´t you just be a professional basketball player?
I´m 5'7
>You just don´t try enough
Fuck off, not everybody is a genius.

Have none of you considered becoming a PA?

There are around ten players 5'7 or shorter who've made it into the NBA. It's not impossible, you just need to try harder.

>physician ASSISTANT
No, most kids don't grow up aspiring to be the sidekick or helper.

Op here. I live in New Zealand so the process of getting into med is a little different (Also there're only 2 med schools in the country.) There are only 3 factors that affect med-entry: GPA (which accounts for ~60%), a medical entry test (social reasoning and etc; accounts for ~15%), and an interview which you only get if you have at least an A- gpa anyway (which accounts for ~25%)

and you've never considered leaving New Zealand?

Then buckle up and go get 'em, tiger. If you really want to become a doctor, then this setback shouldn't stop you.

It seems I was right about the kiwi part, though. lol

Why did you post a thread about medical school on the board called science and math?