Any other degenerate here using this absolute crypto miracle drug? Find myself zoned in doing homework and patiently reading whitepapers and go hard as fuck on vidya. I've cut back heavily on beer and nigger grass too
Any other degenerate here using this absolute crypto miracle drug...
Wat drug??? Tell me
weed powder look at the picture
is this shit gonna give me erectile disfunction?
what is this?
Is that kratom? That shit fucked up my kidneys and has a horrible withdrawal. 2/10 would not consume.
You must be retarded
Looks like Spinach
You mean for using kratom? Yeah, I was.
>le drugs
>t. drug addicted degenerate
matcha? the superior caffeine and thiamine source?
Not true, I’m all about some mdma.
no it's shit that tastes awful and gets you high
>I love drugs, but kratom will make you kill yourself so let's ban it, wouldn't that be cool bros? I heard all the cool guys are doing Vicodin(TM) anyway
You think that stuff's not addictive? Keep taking it.
I use modafinil. No kratom.
I've been eating Kratom all day every day for 6 months. Never felt better in my life. I can tell the withdrawal is going to be dreadful, but I have no logical reason to stop yet. Haven't had alcohol for a couple years. Weed and Kratom only.
dude i am a kratom addict. i do like 4grams about 3-4 times a day. been using it for 4 years straight. havent missed a day.
literally the best plant and high on the planet.
I didn’t say anything about banning. I really don’t give a fuck what you want to put into your body, I’m just stating a fact that the shit had my kidneys hurting like a motherfucker until I had quit using it for like 3 months. And it gave me a nasty withdrawal that lasted almost a week.
im kinda bugged out right now though because for the first time i got an audio captcha is this
Kratom fucking sucks lol. But then again, I've done all sorts of opiates (including heroin), so I'm just more used to that feeling.
Quite the opposite, it gives you nearly unlimited physical and sexual stamina, although if you take too much for your tolerance level it can be difficult to finish. I use high doses before physically demanding adventures.
It's okay.
Kratom sucks. If you are gonna do opiates, do heroin or go back to the fucking kids table.
why the fuck is kratom being shilled on biz daily
I been off for 3 days now. I was the op who made a kratom thread before my break. So far getting mild to moderate depression and cravings that's all. Oh and a little bit of cold chills.
u smoke this?
>few hours before bed, time for my evening kratom.
>check into to bizrael to see whats up.
>see kratom thread
>slowly nod in approval. cheers kratom bros. cant believe this shit is legal.
I fucking hate pain pills but love me some kratom. The high is fantastic and also stimulant-like with some opiate traits (some people feel it in their chest, for me it feels like my legs go a little numb and sorta buzz). The stamina is ridiculous too along with sex (arousal and feeling). I've been doing it for about a year, I go through a few ounces over a couple months, not everyday usage, and I'll take a few week break in between bags. Fucking love it although sobriety is still nice (I smoke pretty consistently so I guess you could call that "sober")
A week withdrawal? How much are you fuckers dosing with?
because it is great for all occasions and its like living life on comfy
you eat it
cheers I hope to be back on soon
Describe these withdrawals please. You wanted more kratom? Your serotonin was low and you felt like a loser? You didn't feel as focused as you did when you were consuming kratom?
Nobody in this thread is talking about opiates you dumb faggot please kys
I saw your original thread and made my own today because I like the discussions. Sorry about the depression man, I've never had a problem going cold turkey but my buddy who was taking this 4 times a day that introduced me was going through cold sweats, mood swings, everything.
>the withdrawal will be dreadful
>constantly deferring a bad experience that is caused and worsened by a repeated action
>”I have no logical reason to stop”
I'm on an SSRI if that makes any difference, I never get too upset/anxious/overhappy since that shits being regulated in my brain and I wonder if this would affect withdrawal from substances at all
I love matcha
kratom may not technically be an opiate but it mimics the feeling of opiates. therefore if you want to do kraton, you want to do opiates since kratom is just a substitute. you are a solid gold bitch you know that?
>therefore if you want to do kraton, you want to do opiates
In spite of the impression that certain people are trying to give here, for whatever reasons, addiction is not fun, cozy or cool. It pretty much sucks. The more time passes, the more the cost of using goes up, the greater the side effects, and the less the high. For those who can use it occasionally, fine. But make no mistake: kratom is addictive, physically and mentally. Just look at how much control the 'adherents' in this thread have.
where do you buy?
locally or online ?
How do I consume this without that awful flavor touching my tongue
i went about as hard or harder than that user and though the same but they were not nearly as bad as I anticipated.
Thanks bud for the support. I think some of this depression is also related to my current life situation as well. I am on foquest so that has helped a lot. I would never mess with a ssri personally though.
Online at galactic botanicals (heads shops = shit)
I stopped taking kratom a few days ago. The withdrawals always make me feel depressed and lazy for about a week after and I've some nasty headaches for the past couple of days. Something about the withdrawals just make me want to kill myself or drink, it's really not pleasant. I had a lot of trouble sleeping the first night after stopping. I still think kratom is nice though
Online, its illegal in a few states. A good price is $10/oz. Take a small spoonful and brew tea with it or if you're an absolute chad buy a pureleaf, pour some in and shake the shit out of it. It'll taste gnarly but it grows on you. And as and others said don't make too much of a habit out of it. Shit feels great but don't let your quality of life depend on it, it's easy as fuck to start using every day. Having said that, nothing wrong with dabbling I guess, I get zoned the fuck in to crypto, sex, homework, and vidya on it.
Congradultions guys, you successful shitted up Veeky Forums
I guess all you fuckers that lost money in crypto became junkie degenerates and now need to cope with your loses
i'm doing big doses of opiates daily since years (600mg tramadol/day usually), will the kratom still make effects if i consume it or my tolerance to opiates will directly influence it and reduce the effects ?
Biz, my old college room mate made millions selling this shit. Buys 15 tons at a time at 5 a kilo and sells at minimum 100 per kilo. Too bad its about to be illegal. this shit was serious a get rich quick scheme that worked. Whats the next kratom? (not larping)
>because it is great for all occasions and its like living life on comfy
I know a dopehead who switched to it and loves it, so that's great. I even tried some of his tea and he gave me too much and it was just like taking too much lortab. So it's cool. But I just hate to see the stealth marketing here
Well, it was a general feeling of soreness in my muscles coupled with cold flashes and not wanting to get out of bed/off the couch for days. Just feeling like shit, physically and mentally.
Or more of us here have been doing this and it doesnt get brought in daily shitcoin discussions. I dont see how it's a problem to condense the drugtalk into one thread though, if it bothers you that much hide it or sage friend
it's a unique substance (mitragyna), if you try kava and related herbal shit it won't ever be exactly the same
I am not stealth marketing; I am a user. The site I use is only for Canadians and it's on the expensive side so its unlikely anyone would buy If I was stealth marketing I would probably link a referral link.
pls someone answer
get out of her DEA fed fag
You won’t get any effect from it until you’ve been off the tramadol for about a week.
im gonna use
which strains do you guys like?
yeah there's probably some holder of a billion dollars worth of this stuff paying someone 10 cents per post here
or the fucking banks trying to get crypto traders addicted to opiods
go fuck yourself right back to 420chan, /b/, reddit, bluelight, somewhere this topic is a bit more relevant
I find kratom highs last about 30 minutes max for me. It makes me euphoric then fades away. I wish I got these productive benefits that everyone else does.
Check out this dagga flower
I just hate to see all the disinformation. It will lead to kratom being illegal, which is dumb as fuck.
I'm guessing the latter although I bet it would be easier to get on kratom and slowly ween yourself off doses. It's been used to treat opiate withdrawal for hundreds of years
ok shills, ill bite. Where can I get this in the USA that doesnt suck?
Anyone else besides that one user having kidney issues with it? I have stones.
I can wean myself off whenever I like. But If something happens and I can't take it anymore, I'll be fucked. Pending withdrawal is not a reason to quit, though. Where the fuck is your logic?
Any of the white strains will give you intense focus and energy, maeng da is good too. My favorite is white sumatra
Any noticeable overall difference between the first year and the fourth?
this. conversely red will give you some stimulation but is perfect for pain relief aka will get you the most opiate-like effect. I love red bali and red borneo
>also no I'm not a kratom shill, I'm a college student in a state where it's illegal
Hmnmmm.... As a Canadian I want to try this now. Modafinil not doing too much for me.
yeah me too, fucking ironic that they're trying to ban this stuff but they market some heavy shit like DXM and other antidepressants to children
a strange nation we live in
What withdrawal? There is none. Nothing in the realm of what you would traditionally think of as withdrawal. I consume about 16 gram a day for a year and when I stop for whatever reason there is nothing remotely close to a withdrawal symptom. It's damn near the perfect drug.
I haven't had any issues, but I don't eat an ounce a day like these idiots. Actually I don't use it much these days because I spend all my money on link, but when I did it was 2-3 days a week on the busy days at work. Never any problems, just very helpful overall
Buy capsules!
the logic is that withdrawals are your body saying to knock it the fuck off
You shouldn't stop cold turkey. Why would you think about killing yourself when you can just take a small dose and quit slowly?
Yo just make a puddle of water in your mouth, drop the kratom into that puddle, and swallow.
I highly recommend buying capsules and bypassing the whole mess and taste of the powder.
Have you come down off of opiates? Your perspective of withdrawal is wildly different than mine. I imagine coming down off of opiates is about the same as Kratom, but I don't know first hand.
Yeah its god awful. I just dump it into a half cup of water, whisk it real quick, slam it.
maeng da is the best
Nah, I am an alki with ptsd related anxiety issues. Cut my drinking in half. I've never taken anti anxiety meds.
Did you even read his post? All these people keep saying "withdrawal" as if they experienced some requiem for a dream shit by not taking kratom lol
The Jew Thread
Where my amphetamine/adderall bros?
I honestly like the actual flavor of Kratom, but the powder is just too messy and inconvenient. With capsules, I just keep a fistful in my pocket and pop them throughout the day. Plus, how strange would it be to see someone eat a spoon full of green powder every few hours at work?
Yeah I guess the fact that kratom can be a stimulant AND a depressant is useful for productivity, but the actual high isn't that comfy. I'm shocked that you don't enjoy opiate buzz. It's the best feeling in the world desu (warm and fuzzy). I miss snorting china white.
You can keep them
Im prescribed adderall 20mg but I find it too meth-y and I get inside my head a lot rather than getting the social effects from it, shits great for studying but when I smoke with it I just feel weird, feelsbadman
I'm retarded. The second link should've been
this is matcha you soy boy
Not that strange they all just wanna bum kratom off you. I used to buy it for my crew so they would all work faster. It saved me a lot of stress
I've snorted china white once while on a little off-the-rails drug spree and I knew I liked it too much to ever try it again. Told my buddy who gave it to me to beat the shit out of me if I ever asked for it again while high on it. he's dead now :(
Of course I read his post. Reading your posts made me dumber. You honestly sound immature and irresponsible.
>abstain for a few months
>take 2g
>cozy as fuck opiate fuzzies like a small dose of oxy
feels good mang
Damn dude.... that sucks. I saw some of my friends go down the addiction spiral. One started shooting it (which I could never do, I hate needles) all the time, but he eventually went to rehab. I'm fortunate enough to not have had any friends die from drugs.
I snorted it regularly (almost daily--some breaks every few days) for about 5 months, but it never got out of control. I still did fairly well in school (hell, it made my homework more fun). When I stopped cold turkey I only had a stuffy nose for about a week or so. I guess my body is just good at handling drugs lol.
A few months ago I was spending way too much money on blow, but then I stopped that cold-turkey too. While I've never really experienced addiction, I will say that the one drug I won't allow myself to take anymore is xanax. Blackouts are scary as fuck, and they've almost almost ruined my life just from me attempting dumb shit.
heres what i picked