>he hasn't doubled his money flipping a LINK fork
tell me user, what the fuck are you doing? this game launched today and most of the cubes are at .12. Pick up these .03 cubes or stay poor forever.
You're welcome.
>he hasn't doubled his money flipping a LINK fork
tell me user, what the fuck are you doing? this game launched today and most of the cubes are at .12. Pick up these .03 cubes or stay poor forever.
You're welcome.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not priced in link
One job.
SERGEY LINK!?! Take my money
LOL everyting link sux
i'd rather send eth to this game than LINK. trust me, i'm not spending $30,000 on a cube
Someone pls post the high res CL png
+ Officer Ranks
- Private: .03 Eth Linky
- Second Lieutenant: 2+ .03 Eth Linky
- Captain: .06 Eth Linky
- Lieutenant Colonel: Multiple .06 Linkies
- General: .12 Eth Linky Hold
Lmao another free double
site is linkies.biz
>spamming the board with ponzi scam adverts
these games make you rich
Why didn't you pick them up then?
because i get 10% of every transaction
ponzi scam for a shitcoin that no one outside of Veeky Forums cares about
scamming your own comrades. shame on you, filthy ass pajeet
fucking checked
they can but the ones that are alive for more than an hour usually have dividends, or some sort of function beyond just buy x and it becomes x*2
Can we please stop with this shit. saged.
If dubs, promise to quit shilling this horribly devised ponzi scheme. gg, you made half an eth or whatever.
oh you are the dev. i figured this was someone else shilling. take my advice from earlier. do a 30-50% price rise on your next game and keep it to like 16 pieces tops to start with. I can all but guarantee that game will stay alive longer and get pumped much higher.
nice dubs but no
im just trying to help anons make money
yeah i actually really like this advice, already wrote out the logic so ty user.
do you want in on the next one?
The only people who will be viewing this scheme are people here. You are not making anyone money except yourself, and the lucky few who participate and don't end up being the final bagholder. If you do it in the future, have a less severe price increase, ffs, at the very least. And stop shitting up the board with like ten linkies.biz posts or whatever this shit is called.
MOST people make money. literally only the final bagholder does not. and re: the severe price increase, i'm working on it. also i've only posted this thread. the others were bagholders
your link coins will only moon if you buy a .12 link
EVERY SINGLE person who buys is getting scammed. end of story.
kill yourself pajeet.
Is 50001 link enough to make it bizbros?
lol nice quads but every single week there's a new "game" that were told to get in on the ground floor on.