What's more valuable to you Veeky Forums? Intelligence or Strength?
What's more valuable to you Veeky Forums? Intelligence or Strength?
what the fuck do you think
wrong place to ask this question, go to Veeky Forums where some gormless drongos would genuinely consider strength more significant than intelligence.
They're on the same level
We used both brains and brawns to land on the moon.
strength, I'll fuck a nigger up
Dyel detected
They're both umbrella terms that may or may not be considered to encompass certain things.
Is "strength of character" a quality of intelligence, or a form of strength? I'd give an ounce of muh mental maths to be a better person.
are you australian
It's neither and you know it.
Dexterity, without it you can't get any good evasion stats, fucking newfags
>being a DEXfag
Shiggididiggidy doo
You need both to live. Humans survived because they were incredibly tough and had a lot of endurance, but they were also clever. You need a good mix of the two to do well in the animal kingdom. In modern society you can get away with having a lot of just one, but going "strength spec" requires luck, because statistically you are unlikely to become a pro athlete.
TL,DR: Strength becomes less important the more society develops and the more technology is able to replace human strength.
In this context brawn is referring to all physical attributes, dex, str, con. Brawn=physical ability, but you already knew that didn't you?
Humans are extremely weak compared to similar animals and especially predators the same size as us. Endurance is what we have going for us. I always find it funny when people say "cavemen" were brutes who clubbed animals to death. There were lanky distance walkers who stalked prey until it died of exhaustion in the hot sun. Maybe they stabbed it to be sure.
Neanderthals grappled with their "prey"
That's why they should belong to the genus Hogano instead of Homo desu
Hmm I would posit that both are equal.
Physical strength and training improve your efficacy
Mental strengths allows you to "cast a wider net"
of understanding also improving your efficacy
efficacy = potential
greater ability to secure mates.
They are not mutually exclusive. Nerds and Jocks are lazy at something because not everyone can be a teue Ubermensch.
the mix of the two; low cunning you cunt.
Magic is for fags so I choose STR.
A fair degree of boith would be preferable.
Its also one of the contributing factor to their extinction. Turns out fighting wild animals close quarters isn't a very good idea.
They just weren't big enough guys
Its even that really. I'm fairly confident they could kill wild animals, the problem is that how many bites do you have to sustain before you succumb to a disease? If humans hadn't showed up, their death to birth ratio probably would've been higher than the replacement rate, but the human's superior tactics orf launching projectiles and waiting for prey to bleed out won the day and we essentially used up their portion of the food. I always wonder what humans thought of them.
strength enough to secure your development of intelligence
>important at any time after the invention of guns
Still, I like going to the gym/practing sports. It's fun and helps me relax
If strength is more valuable a nigger will fuck you up.
Intelligence gets me more pussy at the campus, so I go for that
Both obviously. Its not like I could not easely build both over time to a incredible level.