Nice animation os Daphnis taken from Cassini spacecraft:
Saturn's moon Daphnis
She is still churning pictures out.
Cassini / Huygens has to be one of the greatest robotic exploration missions ever. The amount of stuff we've learned about Saturn from just one launch is completely insane.
You'd think they could have sprung for a color camera at least. My iPhone takes better pictures than that.
Fuck off
Sorry let me rephrase, go fuck yourself
What's your deal, man?
>You'd think they could have sprung for a color camera at least. My iPhone takes better pictures than that.
This is the statement of a person who needs to be viciously slapped
Why is that?
Because it is an almost unbelievable level of ignorance, even for Veeky Forums
my guess would be that he gets upset over people bitching about "muh iphone cam takes better pictures than that, lolz" when
-Cassini was launched in 1997
-the cameras are even older
-they are designed to survive massive radiation and work for 20 years, not the next IoS update/snapchat face-filter
-complaining that a 20 year old probe's cam circling a gas giant 10 AU away from the sun while giving us breathtaking pictures of shit never seen isn't "good enough lol"
And so on
Haha I know - that's all I was going for with him, and he took it I am pleased :)
Basically yes, thank you. People complaining about photos from probes seriously rustles my jimmies, and sooo many people do
You've literally been diagnosed on the autistic spectrum by a mental health professional at one point in your life. I'd bet money.
Just too many arguments with people who genuinely think we should have high def colour livestreams from pluto by now
you guys should frequent NASA's Facebook pages. If the picture is unclear/blurry, its like anons comment here , and if its in HD/just really high quality then "its filmed/taken in Arizona/photoshop" something. I wonder how many PR-people they have, and how many of those need therapy after reading comments.
We should though. I'd rather they just waited until video technology improved to send probes out rather than rush it and up with lame, shitty pictures like this. Not like any of this shit matters anyway. Saturn has moons - meanwhile the economy is in the toilet and climate change is killing us all. Who gives a fuck?
Oh shush
You know what?
I will shush. That was much more polite than "fuck off."
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
I think we all learned something today.
Fuck off
Now that's not polite. Don't make me insult your love for shit quality space pictures again.
This is a dumb comment even if you know nothing about cameras or how old the probe is.
You think if they had a proven, space-worthy, suitable color/HD camera available at the time they wouldn't have sent it? They went with whatever was the best option they had available. It's not like they spent however many millions of dollars on the probe then decided to save a few grand on the camera.
Do people stop and think before they throw retarded ideas out, at all?
>Do people stop and think before they throw retarded ideas out, at all?
Do you read threads and realize you're being trolled before vomiting your shitty opinions onto a Taiwanese Body Painting Board at all?
Yes I read the thread first, he pulled the "le I was only pretending to be retarded XDdd" card like an asshole. Point is plenty of people say the same thing seriously.
What kind of rocket or spaceship deliverd it? If it was the shuttle(doubt it) what sts mission number?
I love rockets
It was launched on a Titan IVB rocket.