I got a computer science degree but could have gotten equal value just buying like 5 books, doing all the exercises...

I got a computer science degree but could have gotten equal value just buying like 5 books, doing all the exercises, and wouldve been 10 times faster and way cheaper. What is the equivalent mandatory material for learning marketing? If I have $50-$100 to drop on books or programs that will teach ne as much as possible about marketing, where do I go?

books are worthless general information out on the net are more than enough what matters 80% is your talent and skill in marketing that is.

What books you reccomend, I'm avoiding jew universities and want the dev money

Read a book by Zig Ziglar. I know he writes about selling, but that’s essentially what marketing is. Oh, and use google.

Read it, fuck that kike zig.


Is that a photo?

What college did you go to then you fucking larper.

>when there is so much plastic and makeup that its hard to tell if its CG or not

What are you trying to market, give us more info

>implying you'd have the discipline to study and practice without teachers giving you deadlines
Don't fool yourselves, dumdums. Go to school.

You wont get it because op is full of shit. Any compsci curriculum will have at least 5 books for the core curriculum. (Basic [whatever language] book, discrete math, data structures, assembly, operating systems, etc. ) That's not including upper level classes which at my school is high performance computing systems, cryptography, databases, machine learning just to name a few.

The point is that a lot of books are a waste of money, in my opinion though, CS books are not. There's always more to learn from them and they are rarely made obsolete unless there's a paradigm shift in technology.

> inb4 webdev brainlets

No one gives a fuck about your CRUD app or what dumb fucking framework you use.

Best advice on this thread so far.

which books OP? i really want to learn

mindcontrol 101 by dantalion jones
Everything from Dan kennedy.
Study Henry Ford.


this is why I went to college, did the self study thing for but it took me longer than I wanted it to
turns out college wasnt much better and they throw a bunch of unnecessary bullshit at you (I don't know what a book about ghost stories has to do with my degree in IT)

it's kinda like they try to drain the energy out of you via unnecessary courses

Because college isn't a trade school. Its to educate yourself in a wide array of subjects.

>inb4 Jewish conspiracy bullshit.

Sure thing neets, keep making excuses and blaming figments of your imagination of why your life is in the shitter.

>it's kinda like they try to press you for your last dime and force you into debt to make sure they got ya for life.

Schooling is a business.

Shoo shill, go watch more black on white cuckporn.

Projection at its finest.

My porn is science and philosophy. Cuck.

Ejaculation is Self-Retardation

A Hahahahahaha did you really just say that? Holy fuck, tip your fedora harder FAGGIT.

You probably listen to those faggots Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris. That's not real philosophy brainlet, they're an idiots intellectual.

>my porn is science
>dropped our of college because it was too hard

Have fun working at subway the rest of you're life. I'm sure your parents are proud.

Also, the fact that you mentioned porn out of nowhere, specifically inter-racial cuck porn, leads me to believe that you're probably a no fapping faggot who has trouble with their 'urges' for certain fetishes and lives in disgust with themselves. Go hug your pony or some shit you fucking worthless neet.

I'm Financially Independent because I don't chase whores and liquor - thanks.

Also Chad-tier Body and Face.

Atheism is a mental illness just as religion.

Read a Book cuck.

I see you also write fiction in your spare time. Fucking kill yourself you waste of sperm.

Part of value of uni is building a network

Cashvertising: How to Use More Than 100 Secrets of Ad-Agency Psychology to Make Big Money Selling Anything to Anyone by Drew Eric Whitman is all you need, OP.

Not him but you should start by reading "The C programming language 2nd edition" in order to learn a good language and then reading through "You don't know javascript"(Textbook series peer written that you can find on git) in order to learn about scope/a lot of other useful stuff.
Then you should read through "Database Systems" by Connoly Begg.
After that you'll know as much as most compsci majors, but you can read a book on operating systems if you ever want to learn more.
I would also highly recommend picking up a book on object orientated C in order to learn about objects in depth, and pick up a book on concurrency in C in order to learn about concurrency.
Alternatively you can pick up a book on ADA for concurrency, which would probably go more into the history of concurrency methods(flags v semaphores/etc), but realistically I don't think you'd use ADA much nowadays.

hey cuntface, marketing is HUGE. You can't actually learn marketing, you can teach yourself specialized parts. It's like wanting to become a doctor and teaching yourself "medicine" while thinking you can jump in the operation room after you think you learned enough. It doesn't work like that.

What exactly are you trying to achieve. Give more details if you want to get proper answers.