Do you like organs?

Do you like organs?

Looks like chicken nibbles

Smoked chicken heart are fucking good.

I love me some hog maw. Wish I could find haggis here in Freedomland.

I love fried pig intestines and steamed rice. I could eat it all day but that shit has almost zero nutrition value.

Don't organ meats have more nutritional value than plain muscle meats?

i guess im a red neck, but i love fried chicken liver. i like liver and onions. i dont like gizzard because it's too chewy and i'm not a big fan of tripe or intestinal pieces from beef or pig or anything. never tried brain, pancreas, kidney or heart.

They're offal.



Grill them all, they're amazing.

I know liver is filled with vitamins.

yes but deep frying is disgusting

Liver has vitamin a out the wazoo


They do, but depending on animal's diet they can be straight up toxic for you. Especially liver.

it's so easy to overcook beef liver
and pork liver is bitter half the time
chicken livers where it's at.

i like chicken liver

no but ur mom likes mine

i've had both tripe and chicken hearts, delicious from what I can remember
preparing the tripe was absolutely disgusting though, one of my worst cooking experiences

Yes, they keep me alive

this plus sauce robert and caramelized onions and a side of sauted potato.

Organ meat is objectively trash. It's food meant for slaves and/or the lowest class. Literal trash food.

Fuck yeah Tripe. I've never cooked it and im scarred to for whatever reason.

i dont think i ever preferred organ over a decent piece.Id love to like it but i just never crave it

Fuck yes. Delicious & nutritious. And cheap too. I often eat:
Beef tongue, oxtail, liver (chicken, pork, calf), chicken hearts, chicken feet, pig's feet, etc.

you from the southern US?