so now that I've invested $20k (most of my savings) into link I'm nervous as fuck.
What happens if this guy dies?
so now that I've invested $20k (most of my savings) into link I'm nervous as fuck.
What happens if this guy dies?
you die. its symbiotic
steve can handle it you fucking coon. stop being such a nancy.
You are a moron seriously. Diversify and don't put all your life savings in a Veeky Forums meme
If companies are already invested in Chainlink for usage in distributed ledgers you can be sure that they will take over the project. Especially since a working alpha is out
you fell for the memes?
this is not a legit project dude
you should haave bought the WTC dip
Better yet, what happens when someone comes along with a much better implementation of this idea?
If youre nervous THEN TAKE SOME OUT!
Sergey can't die since he was never born in the first place. The self is an illusion senpai.
if sergey dies im dumping
Sergey can't die. He is the one who will lead crypto to a true golden age.
You mean parasitic
This is when you know that Veeky Forums has been taking the memes too far.
Jesus christ kids, sell now.
Don’t tell me you actually bought some
except its not just a Veeky Forums meme and sergey has done great work, Enjoy poverty nolinker
Diversify I would agree with and that doesn't stop at crypto. OP should be buying some bonds and stocks and then dumping the rest on the meme.
Some of you seem to think that meme necessarily has a negative connotation, those that do are using it wrong.
I support the second amendment but I do not think linkies should have the right to bear arms.
If he does...all his faithful disciples shall transcend to a higher dimension.. beyond the blockchain... the source...
You'd be a fool to diversify. Sergey is looking good, I even heard Rory said he has been losing some weight which is great news because Sergey has a lucky shirt he always wears and it was starting to depress Sergey that he couldn't fit into it like he used to at SIBOS.
You must really hate money
OP you'll be a millionaire multiple times over by the EOY.
>what happens if he dies
You lose that money, and life goes on. You keep working until you make it. No giving up allowed.
Is 50001 linkies enough to make it bros?
Post proof that you invested $20k. I invested $6k but i have $80 in savings and more in my portfolio so idc if it crashes and burn.
how do i provide proof for that
makes me think of that time people spread the rumor that vitalik died in a car crash
Yes user you will make it.
But please try and avoid to give an exact number on your holdings.
You don't, who cares what he thinks
> I'm nervous as fuck.
that's a great way to lose all your money
Investing money you can lose also has the upside that you don't shit your pants with every price swing
There will be smart contract insurance executed by chainlink's oracle
>every day some user invests his/her live's savings in LINK
someone is really taking us for a ride
He has about the likelihood of you dying yourself. So it is kind of senseless to worry about.
You're literally a fucking idiot fuder 1/10 fud...
The memes are starting to show people's realization that they bought thin air with this coin. There'll be the inevitable blowback before summer.
There's gonna be fun times ahead with this token in one way or another soon enough.
t. 2k linky holder
what a really think we are kidfing with link? its THE most serious project. BUYING LINK sub 1$ is a bargain...the team is serious. not some scamming gooks...and they do not communicate because they are too busy working their product you idiot.
they have also signed confidentiality contracts with their partneers thats why we dont get spammed on twitter on some fking valentine lottery...this is insane I cannot fathom people not going all in on link
Sergey and his sidekick already exited. Sorry, you've lost everything.
wew ull be on suicide watch in a few months
you are an elementary school dropout, aren't you?
EU hours are terrible
>start watching the github
>get 14 updates in one day
This is the only coin worth investing in.
He has 20K..
Hello Veeky Forums, I'm from the future and I can tell you, you will be very happy you bought LINK.
link 1000$ eoy
>Diversity with lunch money
I agree about not going all-in with any kind of money on shit projects, but this isn't a shit project, and that's a small sum of money.
I realize now that I probably sound a little bit delusional calling $20k lunch money, but in crypto it is.
I had a dream last night where I tried, and failed, to explain smart contracts to my incredulous Boomer parents. Not joking.
100% in LINK myself.
If you've correctly done your reseach, you'd realize there's nothing to even be concerned about
my only concern is not enough. I can't take another year of wagecucking
Link is a shitcoin but walton is twice the shitcoin
out of the two, i have more faith the former will be around in 2020
and i fucking hate stinky linkies
>I can't take another year of wagecucking
h h-hang in there man
we'll make it
>He bought link
I'm so sick of this. It means nothing.
LINK will never in a million years hit $1000, you absolute fucking brainlets. Veeky Forums really is a meme in and of itself at this point.
>heh, it will never see the gains that ETH had
>that means it is a shitcoin, r-right?
>this is the only FUD I have left
Not only that, the documentation and code is kino.
Unlike REQ lmao.
>biggest bull market in history
>no github activity for months
>no twitter activity for months
>suddenly, optimistic daily activity in bear market
what did they mean by this?
It's almost like they spent their time planning before coding. Unlike 99% of these projects.
Maybe LINK is the real deal?
its ... perfect
It will moon definitely
You are never going to make it at anything
>no github activity for months
Private repo.
I have unironically dedicated 12-16 hours a day, every day for the past 18 months to crypto. Name a fucking white paper and I've read it 3 times. The LINK whitepaper? I've printed that it and keep that shit by my bedside.
The first few months I only used to go outside to get groceries. But now I just order the groceries online and have them delivered.
You faggots probably think I'm joking, but I haven't seen daylight in 3 weeks because all the blinds are always covered. I'm 29 but I look 45. The little hair I have left is gray. And if I ever went camping, I wouldn't need a sleeping bag, because my body could probably fit into one of the bags underneath my eyes.
And worst of all? I've actually made it. I'm worth more than my parents made throughout their entire lives, but I choose to live like this. Crypto has become a fucking drug at this point. And LINK is only making it worse, because I'm so fucking sure that it'll succeed.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
Thanks for reading my diary. I had an existential crisis an hour ago, because the guy delivering my groceries tried to make smalltalk.
You know I saw on the news that this women named hicks (29 years old) just left Trump whitehouse. She was in the whitehouse giving advice to the president of United States at 29 years old. I couldn't imagine. I'm the same age and have social skills of an 8 year old. My point being you haven't made it. We haven't made it.
You sound like you need to dedicate some of your time to researching how to sort your brain out mate.
thank you for your dedication and reassurance. Don't be too hard on yourself. When you're ready to de-hermit yourself, take small steps. If I could do it, so can you
user you need vitamin D supplementation
take a vacation dude. If you've made it, just fucking take a break.
you would kys OP. pretty simple. is life really worth living without master sergey leading the way anyway?
but i started working out again made alot of money and will focus on other things now when march bull run starts
thank you for your service
Have the shills stopped being paid? For a hundred threads per day to eerie silence. Token crab walks at 60 cents. Ass blaster awol. Shit is dumping to sub 20 cents in the next two weeks
Hello brothers.
Most people from 2016 are out enjoying their lambos now, meanwhile we made crypto a lifestyle.
I both love it and hate it. I want to enjoy life with money like I planned to, but I can't.
>falling for the link meme
I hope you're joking because LINK has not future. That $20k investment will not be worth even $2k EOY
No KYC or AML for the ICO.
What are the chances that Chainlink will get fucked by the SEC? High. Very high.
If any of you genuinely had a brain to see through the memes and do your own due dilligence you would have realized this immediately. Link has no future.
>buy mobius, sir
You forgot the most important part. That's a cut to your paycheck, Ranesh.
>Utility token
>ICO closed for US citizens
This is shit FUD. Find something else.
it maks so much sense. He needed bitcoin to create an organic competitive community that he could use to launch chainlink on. The blockchain developmental community crowd sourced a massive global infrastructure that he needed and he didn't have to spend a single dollar to do it. He has probably leveraged himself quite well if this is true, enough to get himself access and virtual anonymity within the ranks of the financial and fintech elite. Think about one man and a small group of devs executing this mutli decade plan on the global scale and remaining unknown just long enough for the kill shot. You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube as they say. To find this board utilizing meme majik that just got DJT elected in an apparent move to destroy the global cabal, also memeing this coin successfully and being able to stand under the belly of the beast with buckets as sergeys blade slices it open. Its the price singularity, its the actual singularity, and its the dawning of a new age of information, interaction, and value. It was never about bitcoin, it was always about chainlink. Hes taking over the world lads, and we're helping. Witness 1 DJT Witness 2 Sergey Nazarov Apocalypse Nao!!
Sergey is a stoner and therefore has poor work ethic.
Holy shit. That user had no idea just how many levels of prophetic his post was.
Im taking a 100x short position on link. I will have Sergey assassined with 1 btc. I will hire the russians to do it.
big if true
he looks like stoner couch surfer
just sold 100k
All you had to do was check a box saying you weren't a us investor. How is that KYC compliant?
so...first you go to jail, then you get liquidated as your failure helps link to moon?
Remember that money is merely a tool to achieve what you want. Don’t let it control you.
Best luck mate.
you cracked the case, thats why that sergey nigga fat as fuck
I doubt we see link $10 by EOY. Realize we are in a bear market that isn't going anywhere. Unfortunately 1k EOY is just a meme and nothing more.