"feynman was a sexist pig" character assassination

The author was fired for writing this slander piece
I thought this article was incredibly stupid. the author talks about masturbating to feynman as a kid, and then hating feynman for being sexist once he learned more and became "more cultured"
science is the study of reality.
and reality is sexist, among other things.
get over it...

Other urls found in this thread:


>science is the study of reality.
>and reality is sexist, among other things.
you've got a little bit of the is-ought problem there, m88

the problem with that column wasn't that it attacked Feynman's character, but rather that it was just one long shitpost, with little to no actual point. quality standards indeed.

Feynman was a biological realist.
Only SJW social pseudo-science types think biological realism and statistical realities are "sexist"; he never stated he thought women were inferior to men, he thought they were less into science, math, etc.
And that is factually true.
The sexes evolved different interests.
This is backed by statistical analysis.

>Why yes I am a sex-realist
>Why yes I am a race-realist

Well he did spend much of his time in strip clubs...

Science doesn't back up the concept of race.
There are foundation physical indicators of gender that follow bell curve realities.

This isn't true for race.

>implying you can quantify a social construct

Gender isn't a social construct, gender identities are. Especially when you select them.
What what "select" and "identity" means... it's constructed.

Genes, Hormones, Genitalia = Physical Science
Selected Identity = Constructed

Selected Identity Always Equals a Social Construct

SJWs have it backwards.
>Someone post the SJW Squidward Mayo meme please

>Science doesn't back up the concept of race

It does

No evolutionary biologist or medical doctor will deny that there are specific traits beyond melanin levels amongst races

For instance blacks have relatively shorter torsos and longer limbs
Whites have longer torsos and shorter limbs
And all races are more prone to certain diseases and disorders than others

These evolutionary changes came about as a result of needing to survive in strikingly different climates

Race is a physical reality


>it's a /pol/-/r9k/ bait thread

>I unironically use the SJW slur

>No evolutionary biologist or medical doctor will deny that there are specific traits beyond melanin levels amongst races



Stop user, before /pol/ comes and shits up this thread

Holy shit that video. I want to find the bitch who is talking and punch her in the mouth. The way she is talking is killing me... Let's not even get into the discussion about how retarded the actual content is.

That's the problem it's impossible to discuss on Veeky Forums or even IRL unless you're amongst people who are capable of objectively discussing it, which you won't find outside of the highest circles of intellect


He meant that in the order of:
"Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics."

Not in the order we're debating here, which is Behavioral Race, a different concept and a fabricated social construct.

>let me tell you what he meant rather than letting his words speak for themselves

It's a quote you idiot.
It's even in quote marks, you stupid fuck.

I'll let Dr. Dawkins FRS FRSL speak for himself

And I'll let you continue to get upset and spew fallacy after fallacy

Yours is a madeup quote and a /pol/ meme.
You can copy and paste mine into google though.

If never used a single fallacy.
What fallacy have I used?

>/pol/ meme
you must be new here

Jesus how did race come up this quickly, /pol/s got their shit refined

>this thread

what is forensic anthropology

just how do you suppose we can tell what ethnicity a skeleton is when we find one fully decomposed?


there are many clearly identifyable and consistent differences between races

this is /pol/'s board now bub... psshh... nothing personnel

> see people talking about race
> scream pol
Why does SJW always lurk around Veeky Forums ? Explains the persistent shitposting going on around Veeky Forums

You misspelled personal, kid.

*unzips katana*

last chance, punk


If you have a penis, you are automatically a rapist. And if you deny this fact, you're a sexist and racist. This is a scientific consensus.

>Feynman was a biological realist.
>[...] he never stated he thought women were inferior to men, he thought they were less into science, math, etc.
If one believe the notion of "males/females are superior/inferior" can make sense (if we can assign some order to the two),
then I don't see why being a biological realist would not make you inclined to voice this opinion

>science is the study of reality.
lel no.
scientists demand to be paid in exchange of creating formal systems that they claim model what they call reality

How else would you define the study of reality

>Feynman used to pretend to be a student so he could ask undergraduate women out.
>The behavior was clearly, egregiously wrong
How is this sexist?

All shitposting aside, Feynman was a pretty rad physicist

In his book he asked some friends at a night club how to get laid. The friends told him he was too nice. If he wanted to get some action he should treat a woman badly and spend no money on her. So he did just this. He was mean to one girl for a whole night. They went out he bought sandwiches for them, made her pay him back for buying them and left her in the night, going back to the club. Later she re-enters and took him home.

Now aware of this tactic to get women he tells his friends he didn't like it. That's right he didn't want to be mean to women to get in their pants. Some sexist.

Anyway the advice he was given was to 'just ask' so he adopted this and it worked well for him. Just ask.

Some fucking sexist.

Asking is rape.

Doing his work in strip clubs

>Are your ideas so fucking retarded even a dictionary doesn't agree with it? Just discuss semantics and change language until it acommodates your world views!
Every ''gender'' issue ever

t. Kevin Robinson

Holy shit who the fuck cares?

Feynman is a famous hack, more so outside physics, why do you listen to him ?

this is his drawing


gr8 b8

>His family originated from Russia and Poland; both of his parents were Ashkenazi Jews.

No surprise he's a leftist shill that preys upon women