This is very bullish for LINK

LINK has been working with HSBC for a couple of years. They started the Proof of Concept 18 months ago and it went well. They've chosen Hyperledger (connected via ChainLink) for their DLT.

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you're like the dumb old bitch in texas who sees jesus on her toast. it's a sickness, and you need medication.

couple of years......bahahhaa.....thats like an eternity no thanks linkiefaggot

That's next year you stupid street shitting pajeet.

The IBM hyperledger?

Guys they're looking into blockchain stuff, you know what the means right, heh ITS GOTTA BE RELATED TO LINK

are the LINK shills state sponsored?

This but unironically. Also you are a retard

t. 100k stinky linkies.

If you guys know what link does you would know his has chainlink written all over it

Bullish AF

This. It's actually quite astonishing that no one has brought this up on biz all day, considering how bullish it is when you read between the lines. LINK and Hyperledger go hand in hand. HSBC is confirmed to have used Hyperledger protocol in successful trials to replicate the letter of credit (LC) transaction process between banks, exporters and importers. That system uses ChainLink as the oracle. Now it's confirmed that HSBC is going to implement their DLT and start making blockchain payments... so fucking bullish.

it maks so much sense. He needed bitcoin to create an organic competitive community that he could use to launch chainlink on. The blockchain developmental community crowd sourced a massive global infrastructure that he needed and he didn't have to spend a single dollar to do it. He has probably leveraged himself quite well if this is true, enough to get himself access and virtual anonymity within the ranks of the financial and fintech elite. Think about one man and a small group of devs executing this mutli decade plan on the global scale and remaining unknown just long enough for the kill shot. You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube as they say. To find this board utilizing meme majik that just got DJT elected in an apparent move to destroy the global cabal, also memeing this coin successfully and being able to stand under the belly of the beast with buckets as sergeys blade slices it open. Its the price singularity, its the actual singularity, and its the dawning of a new age of information, interaction, and value. It was never about bitcoin, it was always about chainlink. Hes taking over the world lads, and we're helping. Witness 1 DJT Witness 2 Sergey Nazarov Apocalypse Nao!!

When we met Sergey and Steve, we were excited to see great founders using their experience to architect a uniquely differentiated approach to solving the problem of trust through oracles that feed smart contracts information from beyond the chain. Even in our first working sessions, the team showed their great vision for the ChainLink Marketplace that makes getting any data into a smart contract easy, whether it’s:

Market data (Bloomberg, NYSE)
Bank payments (SWIFT, Citi, Chase, HSBC)
Retail payments (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard)
Events data (weather, GPS)
Backend system of record (Salesforce, SAP)
All web APIs
… and even other blockchains.

All of the companies listed in pic related are companies that ChainLink has worked with directly. There is no fucking way Sergey would've ever put their logos on if they hadn't actually worked together.

LINK is literally going to be the universal standard oracle to connect the real world to the blockchain

I unironically had pasta for dinner. Always nice to have seconds on Veeky Forums

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to be a chainlink investor. The hints are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfags head. There’s also Sergey's optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise its not just brilliant- is can change people's LIVES. As a consequence people who dislike chainlink truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in sergey's existential catchphrase “See you at SIBOS” which itself is a cryptic reference to the international banking conference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their binance trading screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

or you could be a gullible idiot on biz

There is no offchain data used in their PoC.

We are just along for the ride then. Right place, right time, esoteric digits, meme magick and kek.

> Ramdom shit article taken from who the fuck knows literally witten by a pajeet.

Buying link should be in itself an IQ test, a failed one ofc.

>falling for stale pasta

t.10k link

wish i had more
saw past the fud
potential is hugeeeeee

not sure if sergey seems autistic though
he kind of sounds like a jerk

>they have built a blockchain application based on the Hyperledger protocol that aims to replicate the letter of credit (LC) transaction process between banks, exporters and importers.

>The trial finds the financial firms seeking to explore how a distributed ledger could establish trust between parties that today need to rely on banks to issue and recognize paper documents as a means of facilitating trade. According to International Business Times, the proof-of-concept involves a seven-step process that showcases how a distributed-ledger system can be used for data authentication.

>In statements, HSBC lauded the experiment as an "exciting" step that validates how the technology could come to be used more widely. "Many people are talking about the theory of blockchain, but for the first time we can start to see how this technology might be used to solve the real world challenges our customers face," Vive Ramachandran, global head of product for HSBC's trade finance business, said.

A lot of that is indicative of use of offchain data. The PoC involved "banks, exporters and importers." And they're very clearly bullish on broader uses of this DLT.

>The consortium now plans to conduct further testing on the concept's commercial application with selected partners such as corporates and shippers. Ather Williams, head of global transaction services, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said: "We are continuously looking for ways to simplify and improve transaction processing for our clients. Blockchain has reshaped our thinking on how to make transaction processes more efficient and transparent for all parties. The success of this proof of concept is a significant development towards digitising trade transactions, potentially resulting in considerable benefits to the supply chain process."

Link marines require high IQ

I'm tested at 105 and Link is my biggest holding. Fite me brainfag

I agree this has LINK written all over it