>Whats the speed of gravitational waves ?
c. Not because they have anything to do with light, but because waves in anything without mass will travel at c. It's built into the structure of space-time, not a feature of light specifically.
>Are they a type of EM force ?
Nope! Gravity waves are waves in the gravitational field, EM waves are waves in the electromagnetic field.
>Is there a way to visualize these waves ?
Yes. See this gif:
As a gravitational wave travels through spacetime, stuff in its path stretches and squeezes like that. (The ring is circular; spacetime is what's stretching and squeezing.) Imagine a giant stack of those .gifs coming out of your screen, each layer in the stack delayed by one frame from the one before.
However, because gravity is ridiculously weak and spacetime incredibly stiff, that gif is super exaggerated; the gravitational wave detected at LIGO was so cataclysmically powerful that, if it was light, it would have outshone the combined power of every star in the universe ... but only stretched and squeezed the 4-km-long LIGO arms by a deviation of 1/10000th the width of a proton.
So instead imagine jack shit, because that's more accurate for all intents and purposes.
>Is there a way to cancel out or block these waves ?
Nope. That would require the existence of negative "gravitational charge", aka negative mass.
Since gravitational waves are so weak it took half a century of increasingly expensive experiments to detect them, though, why bother? Just don't spend billions of dollars building a ridiculously sensitive interferometer four kilometers to a side, and you'll never notice any effects.
In case you're confused, there IS "static gravity", the same way there's static electrical and magnetic fields - it's what you feel every day that make stuff fall down and keeps stuff in orbit. Like with EM, you have to jiggle them to make waves.