>mfw american ''exams'' are 90%+ multiple choice questions
What sort of joke is that? Why don't you do proper exams like the rest of us?
>mfw american ''exams'' are 90%+ multiple choice questions
What sort of joke is that? Why don't you do proper exams like the rest of us?
Not at my school. Questions are proof based and if you fuck up you get 0 credit. Some exams are 4 questions so missing one question is an automatic 75
There is a lot of tests and there is a easy way to grade
Bubble sheets
>teacher: should I make a 5 question or 10 question exam?
>dumbfucks: umm i think 5 is less than 10 so easier. 5 plz lol :B
>exam is twice as hard as it would have been
I swear, this happened in every 100 level math class. At least by the 200 level those jackasses had flunked out and the ones who were left knew better.
100 level is not that hard for math, 800 is hard
>>mfw american ''exams'' are 90%+ multiple choice questions
Only in high school brah. And even then multiple choice can be pretty difficult especially if the answers are very similar and depend on a subtlety you'd only notice if you REALLY knew the material. Oh and there is no partial credit; if you mess up, you get a zero.
The only time when I had multiple choice in college was when I was in a class with more than 500 people.
This. I only saw it in calc I, calc II and statistics. And they were only a small part of the exam (for calc they were like
>mfw one of my teachers knows the other 4 exams I had last week were brutally difficult so decides to make his one multiple choice to rescue our GPA
why are all you yuropoors butthurt about how 9 of the top 10 universities are in the US
>tfw my school's math classes only go up to 200 level
A-am I in a school for brainlets? ;_;
Just cheat lads
I'm an American about to graduate from undergrad. I honestly cannot recall a single exam which had multiple choice. I sure there must have been some, like it would be strange if there weren't, but I can't recall any, and certainly not any in the past 2 years here.
Not sure who told you that OP but you must have gone to a shitty school.
The fuck are you idiots talking about? If you're American, use the goddamn names of your classes like everyone else.
My only multiple choice tests in college were chem and bio. Physics, math, and engineering are all few-sentence questions with a page or two for work.
dude I fucking wish my Orgo II exam was multiple choice
This is wrong
When I went to a community college, none of the math classes, not even the lower ones like algebra, were multiple choice.
I had an english class that DID have multiple choice. But it was ABCD, it was ABCDEFG.
A cellular and molecular bio class had something called multiple multiple choice. It was ABCDEFGHIJKL, with multiple answers to each question.
In my fourth year of EE and the only class I had, that I can remember, with multiple choice was my 100 level chem. I can't blame the prof either. The Chemistry and Physics department are the whipping boys for budget cuts, so theyre pretty under staffed. The last thing they prolly wanna do is grade everyone's shit, ontop of staying alive
Yeah, I noticed this as well. In my Calc 2 course, literally every exam was 100% multiple choice, including the final.
Also the examination conditions were horrendous. You just took them in a lecture hall where you don't even have a proper fucking table to work with. You were just expected to flip up the armrest and work with that. Its also the reason why everyone copies off of everyone else.
Fucking garbage desu. Even my shitty high school had the decency to give people a goddamn table.
Haven't had a multiple choice exam in a single physics/math class at university.