You neanderthals don't seem to understand what I mean when I say that I want to end my conscious existence without killing myself.
Let me try and explain on a level that you will hopefully understand.
Take the image on the left. It is a canvas that consists of 948 pixels horizontally, and 900 pixels vertically. Now, if you zoom in close enough onto the canvas, you will see each individual pixel that makes up the canvas. Each individual pixel contains a solid colour.
Let's grid the canvas and give each pixel a letter and number. The first pixel, which is the upper-left most pixel, is 1A. To the right of 1A, you have 1B, and so on.
I open up the image in paint. I zoom in close enough as to where I can see 1A. I select the colour picker tool, and click on 1A. I now have 1A's colour stored in my palette. I can then use Window's screenshot tool to take a screenshot of this colour in the palette. Now, if I go onto Google and search 'colour to bitcode converter', I can find a tool that will allow me to upload the image of the solid colour and get its respective bitcode.
I can do this for every single grid box until I have all of the bitcodes that constitute the image.
1A = 01010110
1B = 01011011
And so on. Now, if I get each single bitcode and paste all of them into notepad, what will I get? I will get an arrangement of bits. This is all the image is. An arrangement of bits / 1s and 0s.
So, how does this relate in any way? Because I am the image, and my parts are the pixels. Just like an image is an arrangement of bits / 1s and 0s, I am an arrangement of atoms.
Now, what will happen if I were to change each bitcode bit by bit? What if to 1A's bitcode (01010110) I replace the last 0 with a 1, causing it to become 01010111? What happens is that I will get a different colour. The overall image will look different with each change of bitcode. Eventually, with enough bitcode changes, I will end up producing an entirely objectively different image.