How can I end the existence of my personal consciousness without actually killing myself?

How can I end the existence of my personal consciousness without actually killing myself?

Basically, I want to end my conscious existence and have somebody else come replace me and live life as myself. This way I can kill myself without putting my family through the pain that comes with losing a loved one.

How can I achieve this? If I bang my head against the wall enough times, will someone replace me? What about abusing certain drugs, such as dissociatives?

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>I can kill myself without putting my family through the pain that comes with losing a loved one.

Your logic is flawed. If you succeed in "killing" your consciousness, your family will go through the pain that comes with losing a loved one anyway, you will be just as much lost to them

Nobody here is interested in reading or sharing your emotional baggage unless it has to do with science and maths. Grow the fuck up.

install gentoo

join the buddhist order and spend your life mediating on crap

Take a lot of estrogen.

Become an autist.

Become an artist.

subsume your consciousness by dedicating your life to something greater than yourself, e.g. national socialism

Make a tulpa and then switch with it.



i don't understand why people that want to kill themselves care about others.
I think they don't exactly get what death means. When you die the world ends, all your loved ones will disappear as everybody else, the center of the universe is in your brain.

Your question reveals a fundamental confusion about personality and consciousness. What you ask isn't just impossible; it doesn't even make sense.

jus b urself

I entirely understand what death is. I understand that in death, I will no longer have knowledge of my family's pain, and that their pain will be of complete insignificance due to the non-existence of my consciousness. But I am here right now, in the state of existence, and I have an emotional connection to them. In this state I can still feel all of the pains of life, such as the painful guilt that comes whilst jumping off a bridge.

I can either:

a) Kill myself, doing so whilst feeling the pain of knowing the amount of pain I am about to cause


b) End my consciousness, doing so without feeling the pain and guilt that comes with ending one's own life and causing great pain to their loved ones

One process is clearly of much less pain than the the other. And considering that the daily goal to life is to reduce pain whilst maximizing pleasure, I believe that the most logical choice would be to end my personal consciousness rather than to end the life that harbours the consciousness. Also, which hurts less? Blowing your brains out, or becoming a p-zombie?

Shoot your brain and live, it's been known to change the way people think

hey buddy

what you're looking for is benzos

take tons of benzos all the time

wtf am I reading?

tips fedora

Zen meditation.

Cured me of being a butthurt, self-obsessed asshole. Not quite what you're asking, but it puts your life in perspective and helps you discover the necessary mental state to maintain in the midst of global faggotry.

>i feel no guilt intentionally becoming a zombie that my family will take care of

Idk if this is an actual thread but who cares.
Read Kierkegaard's The Sickness Unto Death, and pretty much do what he says not to. Or go the extra mile and be zealous. Your choice op, the answer is in the book.

Electroconvulsive therapy can "wipe" your brain, but I don't think that's their focus anymore. It's been shown to be relatively effective and it can still cause retrograde amnesia.

alcoholism works well, ask all the war vets, its what theyre doing, it must be doing something if theyre all doing it

>the daily goal to life is to reduce pain whilst maximizing pleasure


as much as I hate to bring down the level of conversation by citing /pol/ memes:
"you've been had by the eternal zew"

the goal of life is to maximize pain while disregarding pleasure in pursuit of the sublime

I suggest you rearrange your dysfunctional thinking models that the zew (the system) has fed you for its own profit (slavery in exchange for money that you spend on pleasure). You can do this by approaching a sympathetic agent of the system who specializes in mental realignment (colloquially known as psychologists or psychiatrists)

good luck!

hello r[math][/math]ato

"Mindfulness meditation", you'll just realise you never were there in the first place.
Also apparantly you stop caring about wanting to change, you'll just be content in the moment.

>goal of life is pleasure
>its another form of pleasure
What? If its more pleasurable to expirience the sublime, then thats still a persuit of pleasure.
You're trying to get a silver lining on suffering apparantly. If you know both states, and prefer one, then you ar seeking the more pleasurable of the two states, even if it requires you to go through discomfort to get there.

So, you made no meaningful distinction.


You neanderthals don't seem to understand what I mean when I say that I want to end my conscious existence without killing myself.

Let me try and explain on a level that you will hopefully understand.

Take the image on the left. It is a canvas that consists of 948 pixels horizontally, and 900 pixels vertically. Now, if you zoom in close enough onto the canvas, you will see each individual pixel that makes up the canvas. Each individual pixel contains a solid colour.

Let's grid the canvas and give each pixel a letter and number. The first pixel, which is the upper-left most pixel, is 1A. To the right of 1A, you have 1B, and so on.

I open up the image in paint. I zoom in close enough as to where I can see 1A. I select the colour picker tool, and click on 1A. I now have 1A's colour stored in my palette. I can then use Window's screenshot tool to take a screenshot of this colour in the palette. Now, if I go onto Google and search 'colour to bitcode converter', I can find a tool that will allow me to upload the image of the solid colour and get its respective bitcode.

I can do this for every single grid box until I have all of the bitcodes that constitute the image.

1A = 01010110
1B = 01011011

And so on. Now, if I get each single bitcode and paste all of them into notepad, what will I get? I will get an arrangement of bits. This is all the image is. An arrangement of bits / 1s and 0s.

So, how does this relate in any way? Because I am the image, and my parts are the pixels. Just like an image is an arrangement of bits / 1s and 0s, I am an arrangement of atoms.

Now, what will happen if I were to change each bitcode bit by bit? What if to 1A's bitcode (01010110) I replace the last 0 with a 1, causing it to become 01010111? What happens is that I will get a different colour. The overall image will look different with each change of bitcode. Eventually, with enough bitcode changes, I will end up producing an entirely objectively different image.

And the same goes for my brain. If enough of the parts which constitute my brain are altered, I will eventually lose my personal consciousness and I will be replaced with somebody else, just like an image is replaced with something else by changing pixel by pixel. So, if I find a way to alter my brain enough, somebody else will come to replace me, and my personal consciousness will enter non-existence. From my family's point of view, I will still completely exist and nothing will change. My point of view, however, will cease to exist.

Who told you the person replacing you will not feel the same desire, or have the same problems?

Antiquated ECT instead of modern ECT. Faggot.

>not realising that your "loved ones" are meaningless atoms derived from food undergoing constant chemical reactions.

this you faggot
although make sure to make 2, so that your tulpa doesn't an hero
there's a thread on if you want to know more


>take tons of benzos all the time
Don't do this, it makes mustard gas

Buddhism is utter bunk, Michael

basically this but do it for a tulpa

You seem to think you are software.

You are hardware, your consciousness arises from the structures in your head, your unique genetics and the expression of those genetics. You can't change your genetics. Your gene expression changes by your environment but is also relatively fixed by the time you reach adulthood. The structures in your brain change all the time, your consciousness is changing all the time.

So the question you are asking, "How do I end my conscious existense without killing myself."

The answer is to be patient, the you a year from now will not be the same you as today. Grow and learn new hobbies, obsessively, for a while. Eventually your consciousness will be replaced with a new one. The only downside is that you will retain your memories, but the sophisticated control of your physiology that you are hoping science can do, hasn't been developed by anybody yet.

You could go to school and work on it, that would be a new hobby to erase your current consciousness with.

kill your family

then kill yourself

Dimethaltriptmine. DMT will destroy your personality and create new one. probably crazy but still not you anymore.

>How can I end the existence of my personal consciousness without actually killing myself?
Get off Veeky Forums.

also this