Prove me that sentient life other than us exists

Prove me that sentient life other than us exists

protip: you fucking can't

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How could anyone prove this you fucking idiot

Can you prove that you're sentient ?

Gorillas are sentient.

Dude what if like the universe isn't real lmao

I can't prove it, just like I can't prove god exists. Why did you make this thread OP?

Yes. I can speak.

And ?

So can chatbots, are those sentient?

This makes me sentient.

see :

So can women. Your argument is invalid.

i have a digital watch that reads the time out once an hour

it is sentient; it senses time passing and tells me about it

there are sentient species other than humans on our own fucking planet, numbnuts. look at chimps and bonobos just to start with.

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here.

he said sentient, not intelligent

It doesn't make you sentient or intelligent.

you are meant to end the post with

(don't bother replying)

learn to shitpost, retard

t. australian

by showing us an alien, you fucking brainlet

Yeah your mum. I thought she was a dumb cum slut slag but then she started talking and I was so surprised so I punched her in the baby maker and she stopped yapping on. I guess shes sentient.


>Prove me that sentient life other than us exists
>protip: you fucking can't
Prove me that sentient life other than us doesn't exist.
protip: you fucking can't

I can't even prove that any of you are sentinent.

No, you prove that sentient life other than us doesn't exist.

prove to me that you're sentient

protip: you fuckint can't

Holy shit, for a little while I thought Veeky Forums was actually smart, but it turns out you aren't.

able to perceive or feel things.

Anything with sensory organs is capable of some degree of sentience. Rabbits cry when hurt, so do dogs and monkeys. All three can be trained to some extent or another, they can perceive an environmental que and act according to training from activities they've perceived. See "Pavlov's Dogs."

Prove to me that your mom isn't a whore.

Protip: you can't.

Formally define able to feel and perceive things

I'll define feel, but perception is inherently tied to sensory capacity. In the context, feeling is the internal, mental reaction to outward stimuli facilitated by hormones and neurotransmitters and the convergent mental states produced therein. Quit grasping at straws, you're pathetic.


If you had to look up an incomplete online dictionary definition, you are not qualified to comment on the question.

>shit that never happened

Add something to the argument or you fail to qualify, cunt.


I mean look at us though... the universe obviously has some unseen force evolving life into sentient beings.

As far as probability goes, the chances of other sentient life existing and not existing is exactly the same.

I hope there is something out there shitposting at this level, otherwise whats the effin point?

senpai out

>a fundamental lack of understanding about what 'science' is

>the chances of other sentient life existing and not existing is exactly the same.

that fucks me up in the best way user

The watch does not feel the flow of time. A circuit called astable vibrator makes current makes a counter display the time and a speaker says a pre-recorded file saying the time. Not sentient at all.