Some arrangements of atoms are illegal

>some arrangements of atoms are illegal

build well!

>Certain 1's and 0's are illegal

yes they are

>killing certain kinds of sentient being is illegal

>>killing certain kinds of sentient being is illegal

This. This is the pretty impressive thing.

>Guessing someone else's e-mail and facebook passwords is literally illegal
I know because I was arrested for it.

That still kind of blows me away.

I mean, if you bring a box of 40,000 different keys to house and finally one fits the front doors lock, it's still trespassing. It's not like keys make things ok.

Facebook isn't a house though. I can program my own, although very shitty, social networking site. If you guess my password, can I sue you?

Also: A 5 year old can "hack" an e-mail or Facebook. It's different for property.

The only difference I can see is that everyone kind of considers Facebook to be "official' or whatever so people make a big deal of it.

It is illegal to enter another's property.
Even with no keys, that would be illegal.

But Facebook doesn't "exist". It isn't a space.
If there were no passwords, going on to someone's Facebook would be totally legal.

Why all of a sudden if there's a password and I happen to know it, by way of a lucky guess, is it now illegal?

I mean of course it isn't as serious as breaking into someone's own, physical house, but to be fair, it is a bit fraudulent, and it's probably identity theft in a wrap around way. For Facebook I dont really care, but do you want someone going into your bank account and wiring themselves money? Even if tjey had the password. Furthermore, WHY would you want to go onto someone elses accounts?

I don't know, I was a stupid angsty teen breaking into girl's facebook accounts from high school. I know I deserved to be reprimanded for it

>Making some combination of sounds is illegal
>typing some combination of letters is illegal
>drawing some kind of drawings is illegal

>It's illegal to have sex with a 16 year old
>It's legal to have sex with a 90 year old

>It's illegal to have sex with a 16 year old
Only in the land of the free.

AOC is 16 in my state.

Holy fuck it's so hard finding any women in between those two numbers

>Chemicals your brain produces are illegal.
>It's legal to ingest an entirely foreign chemical made by rotting crops and turning it into a liquid.
>A mixture of vibrations out of your mouth can be illegal based on how the person hearing it interprets it.
>Violence against you by non-state and state actors is justified should you utter the wrong combination of oral vibrations.
>Applying ink or graphite to paper and illustrating a specific human is punishable by death.
>Women choose to reproduce with you based on your strength and not your intelligence.

why isn't he blonde there ?

He is naturally a dirty blonde into adulthood, but when he was a small child and when he grew into an old man, the color in his hair was gone. Essentially, Trump's graying hair only got rid of the brown, not the blonde.

It's a necessity to maintain an orderly society. Sorry you don't like it but it's the law.

>Women choose to reproduce with you based on your strength and not your intelligence.

This isn't how female sexuality works at all. The vast majority of women base attractiveness on confidence and other personality traits.

> the whole is the sum of its parts

>police and law are the immune system of the body of society
>the immune system deems certain information harmful to the body
>to spread the information is tantamount to spreading a virus
>those illegal 1's and 0's are aids

>It's a necessity to maintain an orderly society.
making drugs illegal pretty much creates the black market
which in turn favors organized crime and criminality related to creating, transporting and dealing drugs, often leading to people becoming victims of crimes who have nothing to do with drugs in the first place
and the drugs you do get are of questionable quality

Making drugs illegal is a bad deal for everybody involved.

And why does it concern the state which substances I want in my body and which not?
Especially in a country where you have to pay for any medical help you get.
Would it be okay with you if eating chocolate was made illegal?

I've read it's strength and looks (best genes available) when ovulating, and intelligence (won't kill my kids stupidly, able to provide) when not ovulating.
Source: I googled it and added my own interpretation

The government is perfectly okay with killing you if it suits their interest.

You can have as much Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen as you like, but if certain arrangements of them are found in or around your body, your body will be confiscated.

>Ravagers of armor and will