What kind of arsenal will be more efficient and in use in the future ? Can we expect portable lasers, gauss rifles and standard issue infiltrator drones in a couple of years ?
What kind of arsenal will be more efficient and in use in the future ? Can we expect portable lasers...
I wrote a big reply but Veeky Forums ate it, so fuck it. We already have pretty much everything for modern warfare right now. It just needs refining and mass production. Drone platforms are certainly the answer.
The same arsenal of today, singularitycuck.
...goddamnit i know that feeling man...
I saw awhile ago they were trying to make OLED suits that project the image behind the wearer making them "invisible."
Pretty sure that failed.
>We already have pretty much everything for modern warfare right now.
That's what they were saying in 1900. I don't know what the future will look like, but I know it will be different.
>Drone platforms are certainly the answer.
This desu. Everyone will be fighting their wars with drones, like the US is right now. If there is a large scale war between great powers, OP won't have to worry about what conventional warfare will look like because they won't matter.
This is worse than the "Dark Ages" graph.
It is true though, there's no more useful advances in science for humanity now. The "singularity" is a meme myth, we've already reached the height of science. Almost everything has been discovered and invented that will actually have an impact on your daily life or in warfare.
The real work is for the engineers. The science we already have. We just need engineers to use it to design and build the shit we want to use.
>That's what they were saying in 1900
It is funny you should mention that since the first drones where made in 1916 for World War 1. Not too much has changed in science even since then, hell we even knew about lasers in 1917 we just didn't make any. We've just been able to use better materials and manufacturing processes for things we already had and knew about.
railguns. lasers. and stuff dropped from orbit using gravity as a means of powering the particle.
The only thing worse than singularity fags are "nothing will happen in the next 100 years" fags.
non of these besides laser will be implemented
what is acutally going to happen is lasers will be developed as anti-missle naval and aerial systems and drones will be used more often and become more versatile.
full body Exosuits are not practical economically or in warfare; if they were, we would already have them
> non of these besides laser will be implemented
lol we already have half of those in production
>stuff dropped from orbit using gravity as a means of powering the particle.
Which nation do you think will break the treaty first?
the disassembler
what it will do is provide energy to break bonds between elements
basicvally it will just turn everything to dust or mush depending on how much energy you put in
all weapons will be pointless even nukes because the disassembler will just desintegrate it
>Can we expect portable lasers, gauss rifles
Nah. You'll see them used in static and naval applications soon, but not portable ones. Chemical firearms pack an incredible amount of firepower into a remarkably compact and portable package, and there's just no way you'll even come close to matching that with an electric weapon using current or near-future technology.
>standard issue infiltrator drones in a couple of years ?
Standard issue, no, but small, man-portable UAVs are definitely gonna see more usage in the future. I could see such things being incredibly useful to artillery observers and mortar crews.
>Drone platforms are certainly the answer.
They aren't THE answer, but they are certainly a significant step forward. They're immensely useful for COIN, which is seemingly the sort of war we fight most often nowadays. In symmetrical warfare they'll be pretty promptly neutralized by electronic warfare unless you turn it into something autonomous that pretty much might as well be called a missile (IAI Harpy is a good example of this).
>The real work is for the engineers. The science we already have.
How about developing a new battery chemistry that actually exhibits competitive energy and power density, hmm?
>stuff dropped from orbit using gravity as a means of powering the particle.
This is just stupid. You aren't "using gravity" to power it, since you had to work against gravity and inertia to put it in orbit in the first place. You're really better off just leaving the rocket and impactor on the ground and only launching (suborbitally) once you have a confirmed target.
The treaty applies to nuclear weapons only, conventional and kinetic weapons (and even laser weapons) don't count. Didn't you hear about Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, or the Russian Polyus weapon? Or the 23mm cannon they fired from the Salyut space station?
Kinetic mass is king on damage. You just have to get something massive moving fast. Space is great for this being a near vacuum and all.
Weapons that shoot heated Carbon Nanotube Needles at supersonic speeds.
Goes through almost anything.
The subsonic versions could be used for assassinations.
>How about developing a new battery chemistry that actually exhibits competitive energy and power density, hmm?
We already have that tech. They are just too difficult to make correctly. It is like trying to find out how to fit the square into the round hole. We have it, we just can't figure out some of the parts. It is an engineering problem, not a science problem.
>This is just stupid.
It'd be better to have a colony on the moon where they can make a rail gun and fling lunar rock wherever they wish.
The article starts out negative then turns towards stating carbon nanotube tech ideas should never have been lost.
So, I'm right.
Yeah for full circle effort!
Humanity get's the Silver Medal!
Confirmed for never going to contribute original idea/device to the world.
The first thing we are going to need is the next generation of propulsion systems.
>> hurrdurr muhh combustion based engines are starting to become dinosaurs
This may quite possibly be several decades away but when that comes out the manner in which we kill other people with these things is going to be the future of warfare.
So many drones.
The reason why war is so unpopular is because of loss of life. Once ruling parties can eliminate that there will literally no stopping world powers.
To add: I wish exosuit soldiers would be a thing, but that's just my specific fetish
>what will happen
>decline to no technology
what the fuck
I thought it was implying we reach some sort of peak and destroy ourselves.
You're a fucking idiot.
thats an old bait. there can be no technological decline unless we nuke the world and there is no limit to whats physically possible. Technological advancements are and will increase exponentially
is this old asian man a meme scientist? I see him everywhere
meme scientist ? You mean a theoretical physicis with a PhD ?
I take it you don't have high reading comprehension?
I can post a test to check your knowledge of scientific principles and you can share the link of your results, timestamped of course.
You have offered zero counter-point, zero counter evidence.
Therefore I see no reason to continue with you if only I have something to intellectually contribute.
Your denialism is fallacious.
>and there is no limit to whats physically possible
No, there are definite limits to what is possible. What string-field-theory-man is saying is that statements like "man cannot fly" are not laws of physics, and are just engineering problems. Saying "you cannot travel faster than the speed of light (locally)" is a law of physics and as far as we know, completely impossible to bypass. No amount of engineering will change that; it's fundamentally forbidden by current theory.
> what we USUALLY consider impossible
also things like wormholes are a workaround for FTL travel, so yeah it's all about engineering problems.
Intelligent swarms of exploding drones are it. Literally nothing else will be relevant unless we get serious international cooperation for a moratorium on autonomous weapons.
they are a meme
Thats your expert opinion based on your PhD in Particle physics right ?
> things that haven't been proven to exist will solve this problem
Might as well just believe in God.
> engineering doesn't exist
>It'd be better to have a colony on the moon where they can make a rail gun and fling lunar rock wherever they wish.
A weapon that takes 3 days to hit it's target after firing doesn't sound very useful.
Are you kidding? It is better than having a closet full of nukes. It is a deterrent that you never really have to use.
Hell, just one big rock smashing into anything on Earth would completely decimate the target area more so than any current nuke could ever hope to do.
Check out this meteor strike calculator:
Then imagine if the moon base was flinging stuff that was shielded from entry into the atmosphere. Meaning it doesn't break up and burn up in the atmosphere so you'd be able to have much smaller projectiles reach the target. That way you don't have to have a projectile so large that it makes a mile wide creator (projectile 75-100meters dia).
>Can we expect portable lasers
Define "portable."
If you mean man-portable then no, we won't.
>gauss rifles
lmao no
>standard issue infiltrator drones
What does this even mean?
>That's what they were saying in 1900.
Sure, and then in 1918 they said the same thing and they were pretty much correct. Warfare really hasn't changed much since then, people point to WWII as the beginning of maneuver warfare but it was truly pioneered in 1917-1918 and rendered the trench largely obsolete. Sure, static fortifications were still a thing but even though the Maginot Line managed to do everything it set out to do there was one glaring weakness: it couldn't chase down the Germans. This was understood when they built it, hence the Char 1B.
Aircraft? Same shit, the major difference being the carrier wasn't appreciated until the 1940's but that's just an extension of modern air combat that still has visible roots in the air-to-air engagements of 1915. BVR combat is essentially useless after the first salvo of missiles, and WVR missile combat still relies on dogfighting principles that were founded a hundred years ago.
>doesn't sound very useful.
What this user said: about the nukes is spot-on. Currently the USA has three (arguably four) "lines" of defense against an ICBM launch, and they all pretty much rely on the fact that a nuclear device is complicated and smashing it (or burning it in the case of the next-generation laser system) is going to make it not work. A rock? Shit, a rock is still a rock even if you smash it, the only difference is that it's now a bunch of smaller rocks.
Realistically though anything fired from the moon at a terrestrial target is going to need to have some serious engineering to take care of the heat problem, or else it's going to be an air-burst device that will just deafen people and break a lot of windows.
> define portable
> gauss rifles lmao no
gauss rifles already exist retard
> standard issue infiltrator drones
it means the standard army issue quads equipped with machineguns and grenade launchers. but dont bother answerign coz you dont know shit about anything and personal assault drones already exist
There are plenty of "impossibles" to think about.
Try figuring out if there's a polynomial algorithm to generate a minimum length path for any graph G = {V,E}, where V and E are arbitrary.
Win a few million, or even billion bucks while you're at it.
> talks about physical limitations being engineering problems
> comes up with a retarded mathematical hypothetical pointless problem.
you should stay out of this thread mathfag. theres nothing for you in here. run back to your chalkboard to write more irrational numbers
>abloobloobloo physical problems for physical people
Enjoy your drone army getting hacked, or better yet limited to one operator at a time because you thought mathematical problems were pointless
No, shut the fuck up.
>gauss rifles already exist retard
[citation needed]
Don't post some fucking hobbyist Youtube project either, I want to see a gauss rifle that's man-portable and fires a slug that can defeat Level IV armor. Until then: shut the fuck up.
>it means the standard army issue quads equipped with machineguns and grenade launchers.
You mean an ATV armed with machine guns and grenade launchers? Why even fucking bother with that shit? What's the point?
>but dont bother answerign coz you dont know shit about anything
I know a hell of a lot more than you do and you're assmad that Mr. Reality has come to kick over your autistic little sandcastle.
>personal assault drones already exist
Where, what military, how many, etc
In short, [citation needed]
lmao drones are designed and programmed by mechatronics engineers and coders, not some snotty loser faggot who wastes his life on completely pointless hypothetical math problems with zero applicability in real life.
You can shove your chalkboard up your ass because thats the only practical action you'll ever get in your life
> if its not the gauss rifle i played in my manchild anime videogame then its not real.
Gauss rifles exist and even hobbyists can use the mechanics to build homemade ones. your idealistic autism is irrelevant to OPs answer.
> ATV armed with stuff
I said quads retard. learn to read sentences
> mr reality
> doesn't know anything about the world
> i said personal assault drones
> not army issued drones
> asks where the army issued drones are
You are 200% retarded and have zero idea about whats going on in the world. Half the shit is already out there if you just researched it once instead of watching animes like a retard. Please stop posting so you don't embarrass yourself even further
Lots of lasers and drones.
Laser armed drones, anti-everything (aircraft denial) semi-automated laser turrets. Depending on how good lasers and their targeting and control systems get, ground might deny use of the air(line of sight).
Which would be interesting since it would require the use of ground drones and very low flying drones.
Vehicle and drone lasers yes. handheld no for most cases because at the ranges most humans can/will engage you might as well use standard weapons.
laser weaponry is great for longer ranges especially aircraft. Instead of having 3-4 hellfires on a drone you put a laser which can fire as long as the drone has fuel to remain airborne.
Jesus Christ you have to be 10 or something.
>Gauss rifles exist and even hobbyists can use the mechanics to build homemade ones. your idealistic autism is irrelevant to OPs answer.
Show me a gauss rifle that can move a 55gr steel slug at 3202 fps and do it better than an M4A1 can do it. That's what it has to compete against, an M193 ball fired out of a standard service carbine, if it can out-perform that and do so significantly then your stupid, stupid idea will have traction.
>I said quads retard. learn to read sentences
What the fuck are "quads" if not a britbong way of saying ATV? Even so, what the fuck is the point? Why would you have such a stupid machine when something like a LAV25 does everything that does on the ground but better, can carry infantry, and also has armor?
>You are 200% retarded and have zero idea about whats going on in the world.
You are 200% not citing your sources like you were told to do. My guess is you've gotten angry because a part of you is realizing that maybe, just maybe, I could have possibly been an 1802 for the better part of a decade and you've fucked yourself into a corner by picking a fight with me.
Tell me, what's your experience with "the real world" again?
Cryptography is based on math equations that are very difficult to brute force. Math has importance in crypto.
> show me a gauss rifle that ive seen in the videogames ive played
again, any existing gauss rifle IS a gauss rifle that fits the definition of OPs gauss rifle. Nobody fucking cares about the retarded shit you saw in call of duty or wherever you saw it.
> quads
quads are quadrotors you retard. its clear you have zero background of technological terminology
> you are not citing sources
Too lazy and retarded to use youtube ? sure let me spoonfeed you again
armed quads :
gauss rifle :
And these are only the ones people came up with a limited budget in their free time. Now go cry in dark corner and kill yourself you dumb fuck.
> inb4 lol these don't like the ones i saw in videogames or science fiction movies
>> quads
>quads are quadrotors you retard.
Avoid using lingo outside of its containing culture. Quads = ATV is more common than talking about a quadrotor, in which case its unclear if you're talking about a
> OPs picture has an armed quadrotor which says "armed quad drones"
> Avoid using lingo outside of its containing culture
You thought this thread was about mud racing or something ?
>> show me a gauss rifle that ive seen in the videogames ive played
No no, I said show me a gauss rifle that is actually functional in combat. You're fixated on video games for some reason, probably because your balls have yet to drop.
>again, any existing gauss rifle IS a gauss rifle that fits the definition of OPs gauss rifle.
Oh, so we're broadening the definition to include gauss rifles? I guess my nephew should submit his fucking science fair project to the DOD then? Holy fuck you are retarded, we're talking about military weapons in this thread, not some hobbyist bullshit and I told you in not to post some Youtube shit. What did you do? Post some youtube video about things that no infantryman will carry in combat.
>quads are quadrotors you retard
Oh, quad ROTORS I see, so not only have you handicapped the weight this vehicle can carry but you have also made it even more vulnerable by making it airborne. Congratulations, the Pentagon called and they told you to go fuck yourself.
Why didn't you post the G11? That had more going for it than both those Youtube videos combined.
>> inb4 lol these don't like the ones i saw in videogames or science fiction movies
Congratulations on missing the point again, we're talking about reality here, not video games. In the real world military equipment needs to be A: simple, B: light, C: reliable, D: affordable, and nothing you've said is any of those things.
>You thought this thread was about mud racing or something ?
Just to save that user the trouble: why the fuck would you even think to suggest a small drone with, and I quote, "machineguns and grenade launchers" exactly? (post is you, I assume) I think anyone here with a basic understanding of aircraft would realize that a Mk. 19 and, say, a M240B together is a lot of weight. I assumed you meant something a bit more reasonable rather than a tiny unmanned helicopter.
The thread is about more than quadcopters.
They've had drone full sized vehicles for the past 10+ years and I still haven't heard of a single one actually being deployed in combat.
> b-b-but theyre not the ideal weapons i saw in my animes
You're repeating yourself.
> Oh, so we're broadening the definition to include gauss rifles?
broadening the definition of gauss rifles to gauss rifles ? Damn you're retarded.
> making it airborne makes it more vulnerable.
...you have no idea what you're talking about do you ?
> military weapons
Where does it say military weapons anywhere in OPs post ? We're talking about the technology these things are based on and running assumptions about how they will end up in the future. You're so much of a pointless contrarian trying way too hard that you even deny the existence of things that is already out there and everyone knows exists. It seems you only came here to shitpost just for the sake of shitposting.
Digital weaponry. We'll deny a country's ability to project force by interfering with control systems for basic infrastructure. Energy grids and water treatment could be dick crippled in a systems attack which can't be defended by any number of conventional weapons.
> do it better than an M4A1 can do it
Think outside the box for once.
Imagine a swarm of tiny, explosive-laden drones. They fly around obstacles, into bunkers and blow up. Your soldier is remote controlling from miles away without the danger of return fire.
That's the new challenge of warfare: how to remove the soldier completely from the battlefield, yet still use his training to get the job done.
>Realistically though anything fired from the moon at a terrestrial target is going to need to have some serious engineering to take care of the heat problem, or else it's going to be an air-burst device that will just deafen people and break a lot of windows.
That depends entire on how lard a rock it is. Anything under 60 meters across will need protection, if they want to create a massive crater. However, smaller stuff will break up and impact, just no crater.
Here is what would happen with a 55meter and a 60meter rock. These stats are for things 1km from the impact site. The 55m one won't create a crater but its air blast will be worse than the 60m rock that would make a 991meter crater.
If they were flinging iron, that'd be a different matter entirely. Since the lunar lowland soil is nearly 15% iron there's a good chance they could make iron projectiles. A 30m wide iron projectile would make a 1.13 km crater.
forgot pic
I don't think it's so easy to get a 60m diameter rock up to 25 km/s from the moon to earth.
>You're repeating yourself.
Anime is not real no matter how hard you want it to be.
>broadening the definition of gauss rifles
Whoops, my bad, I meant "broadening the definition of gauss rifles," not "to include gauss rifles." Context made my sentence clear enough though, you would have caught if if you weren't autistic.
>...you have no idea what you're talking about do you ?
There's a reason why we don't have helicopter tanks and it's precisely why your idea is stupid.
>Where does it say military weapons anywhere in OPs post ?
See this is a shining example of evidence for autism, you're incapable of inferring subtext and that's why you're having such a hard time staying within the bounds of reality.
>pointless contrarian
>deny the existence of things that is already out there
So far your evidence is "FPS Russia" and a hobbyist's fun project for future trends in combat. It's not being contrarian to say "hey, could you get your head out of the clouds you dumb fuck?"
>Think outside the box for once.
The box is there for a reason.
OP asked if man-portable gauss rifles (or at least inferred to it) and they would need to be significantly better than the current weapon platform in use. That's how military procurement works, there's hundreds of thousands of rifles to replace so whatever is the next thing has to be fucking amazing. Let's say there was some magic gauss rifle that could replace even a support weapon like the Mk.19 and did so with a significant increase in combat effectiveness: it would also have to be as cheap as the Mk.19 and as reliable for it to even compete, but also be simple enough for some retarded E1 to operate and maintain.
>Imagine a swarm of tiny, explosive-laden drones
Imagine a swarm of tiny drones hacked by the Iranians (again) because the military is full of retards.
>remove the soldier from the battlefield
That won't happen for a long, long time. Anyone with a basic grasp on military theory would understand why.
>Hell, just one big rock smashing into anything on Earth would completely decimate the target area more so than any current nuke could ever hope to do.
Ease off the sci-fi, pal. Relativistic weapons aren't feasible with current or near-future technology, nor is launching asteroid-sized "big rocks" from the Moon.
Also, nuclear strategists figured out a long time ago that a cluster of moderately-big explosions is more destructive than "just one" fuckhuge explosion. That's why the MiRV was developed, and why current nukes are individually less powerful than '50s-era nukes.
A 30m chunk of iron would also weigh 113 million kg. It'd take about 400 Saturn V sized rockets just to get that much iron off the Moon and headed to Earth. You'd be better off using those same rockets as Earth-based ICBMs.
So, yeah. Your idea is fucking stupid and you should feel bad.
>That's the new challenge of warfare: how to remove the soldier completely from the battlefield, yet still use his training to get the job done.
Actually let me evaluate on this a bit since you're going to miss the point of the above post. I can feel it.
While it would be "cool" to have little jihad drones flying around controlled by a squad sitting in the barracks the issue is can they do so cheaply? Currently your average infantryman is a weapon system that has a cost somewhere around $150,000 dollars on average, depending on where you draw the line. This is the most basic weapon in the US arsenal, it's one fighting man with rifle, uniform, armor, provisions, ammunition, and some additional equipment. He's capable of a lot of things, if need be you can leave him alone in a spot and he'll figure out how to defend himself and possibly return to friendly lines without intervention. Meanwhile a drone? Ignoring the completely retarded concept of replacing infantrymen with swarms of flying grenades for a bit: drones are rarely autonomous and any wireless link is susceptible to electronic attack. Hell, just finding the frequency the drones operate on and then blasting the area with white noise would defeat their usefulness.
Drones also can't interact with the local population, which is a critical aspect of modern warfare. There's been concern for having infantrymen with sunglasses appearing too intimidating, so a completely mechanical killing machine isn't going to win over hearts and minds very well. Then if you happen to lose a drone, or two, or fifty, the enemy will have valuable access to your combat network and technology secrets that are generally a bad thing to lose to the enemy. You know what they do with helicopters who crash in the wilderness and can't be recovered? They blow them up, specifically the engines and avionics so nobody can cart off the pieces and give them to China or Russia.
Infantry aren't going anywhere.
The point of war is not to just kill as many people as you can. You want to bring a change to the government, and it can't be done just by bombing shit. It requires laying the groundwork with the people who live there to change their government in a way that your country likes. Without the locals support, ain't shit happening.
> ill be a contrarian with zero contribution to the discussion whatsoever and nobody can stop my faggotry xDD
there there kid
>contrarian xD
It's like you heard this word and just keep saying it.
Oh to be young again.
then how does the disassembler keep from disassembling itself?
insect bomber drones, imagine a insect drone sitting on your head then exploding.
> lol why do you call my shitposting being a contrarian xD
you have been BTFO and you have no idea what you're talking about. It's clear to everyone that the rest of your shitposts are just you compensating for your butthurt.
so much this
>you have been BTFO and you have no idea what you're talking about.
I explained in great detail why you're a fucking retard, and the best you can come up with is "uh.. h-heh.. you c-contrarian!!!" You got really, really fucking quiet when I pointed out that this thread is about weapons and you're posting toys.
>It's clear to everyone that the rest of your shitposts are just you compensating for your butthurt.
I'm not compensating for anything, I'm still waiting for you to cite the shit I told you to cite. It's been over six hours though, so let's examine some of your posts and see what we find:
>personal assault drones already exist
>lmao drones are designed and programmed by mechatronics engineers and coders
>even hobbyists can use the mechanics to build homemade ones.
>your idealistic autism
>You are 200% retarded
>if you just researched it once instead of watching animes
>you have zero background of technological terminology
>technological terminology
>these are only the ones people came up with a limited budget in their free time
>Where does it say military weapons anywhere in OPs post ?
>What kind of arsenal will be more efficient and in use in the future ?
I mean I could quote more hilarious gems but I do kind of feel a little bad for picking on a kid. That aside, your thread is stupid and you are stupid, learn to deal with it.
> if I type what he said in greentext maybe I'll look like I have a point
You're BTFO over and over again. People show you that those things already exist and all you could come up with is to say "b-b-but they don't look like the ones I saw in animes".
Please stop already retard. We all get you don't know shit about anything going on today. Go back to wathcing more animes and deny the existence of things just because it doesn't look like your manchildren fantasies.
>People show you that those things already exist
I've seen nothing of the sort. Still waiting.
>all you could come up with is to say
"That shit won't work in real life." What do you hear?
>"b-b-but they don't look like the ones I saw in animes".
You probably think I'm extremely upset right now, but on the contrary the only emotion I have is sympathy for your parents for having to deal with some wildly autistic kid perpetually stuck in their basement/garage.
>We all get you don't know shit about anything going on today.
Translation: "you have real-world experience but I don't want to deal with my fantasy being broken. Life is hard and scary, I want to believe the impossible is real."
That's why you keep going back to anime. Nobody here has mentioned anime or video games or anything of the sort except for you. Every response that you don't like you chalk up to the anime bogeyman that plagues your world, everything is anime for you because you life in a fantasy.
>Go back to wathcing more animes
Jesus woodworking Christ I should have kept reading. Whatever, see above.
>deny the existence of things
Prove these things exist. Show me some military prototype.
>just because it doesn't look like your manchildren fantasies.
This level of projecting would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad, I really hope you're just some underage goofball.
> The videos you show me don't exist because they don't fit the idealistic drone and gauss rifle weapons I saw in call of duty.
As much as it's amazing to see you say the same thing in yet another different way, I'm just wondering when you're gonna run out of autism.
Probably never :(
Everyone talks about physical weaponry and such but the scary thing is how real biological and psychological weaponry is. We already have nukes, why does it matter if you can eliminate a target 0.01s faster with some future device?
Inb4 >muh /x/ tier MKUltra conspiracy
We already have some ability of how to attack and affect personnel directly, the question is how far bioweaponry can go
>> The videos you show me don't exist because they don't fit the idealistic drone and gauss rifle weapons I saw in call of duty.
Oh, you mean the video in this fucking post? The one by "FPS Russia" and the first comment is, "Does anyone else notice the cgi and animation" and the only reply is an agreement? Yeah, some fucking evidence you got there.
>I'm just wondering when you're gonna run out of autism.
Still waiting for you to cite something to back up your bullshit. I saw it and I called it six hours ago, you've been stalling since then.
I await your reply!
> u-uh someone said its CGI. therefore its CGI
> cite something
Cite what ? How the gauss rifles you saw are real ?
You're still grasping at straws but it's okay because retards like you are the last ones to taste any action in real world. Yeah, none of these exist just go back to watching more animes manchild.
>> u-uh someone said its CGI. therefore its CGI
Of course, it all makes sense now. You're literally autistic, it all looks real to you so that's why you think I'm the one stuck in fantasy. Your world is just this whimsical land of makebelieve that is as real and tangible as anything else, you have no way to tell the difference.
You're actually autistic, I was just talking shit before but this is concrete proof.
>retards like you are the last ones to taste any action in real world.
lmao confirmed for being twelve, thanks for playing.
Oh lawdy lawd this whole thing has been hilarious, thank you user for this experience.
> look guise ! look how not mad I am !!!!
oh wow. its okay kid, none of these are real, you can go back to watching animes now.
>you can go back to watching animes
For real though, what is with your obsession with anime?
oh sorry, were you a fan of call of duty ? I can't catch up with the thousands of manchildren stuff you watch
>I can't catch up with the thousands of manchildren stuff you watch
> projecting
>biological weaponry
This. I absolutely agree with you about biological weapons. And psychological weapons, albeit more like civilian targeted protocols to incite doubt about their own armed forces (ex. The US distributing fliers against Japanese forces via airdrop, propaganda tactics against villagers in the middle east earlier last decade, dehumanisation of the enemy so they will be seen as less than human thus easier to kill [ex. Kraut, Jap, Ghost, Unteruntermenschen])
And not baby kind of shit like rabies, if you can vaccinate a population against that they're set for life, albeit costly.
Scarier shit like a superflu, if H5N1 happened to recombine with H1N1.
At some point, the difference between biological and chemical warfare (i.e. Chlostridium Botulinum/Botulinum toxin) might become pretty vague, imho.
I'm not the one claiming superiority in every post and raving about anime and video games lmao
but you are retarded. everyone is superior to you :(
Okay kiddo, I need to go to work so I can't wait for your response. I'll leave you something though in pic related.
kthxbye. enjoy flipping burgers.