Alright, Veeky Forums. Freshman here. trips chooses what I major in. Must be a STEM degree.
Alright, Veeky Forums. Freshman here. trips chooses what I major in. Must be a STEM degree
Biology :^]
Rerolling this
Biology :^)
Women's Studies
Political Science
It ends in science, so therefore it's STEM
Public Sanitation Science
Do this OP
Not STEM. Political "Science" is only science in name.
Yes it is. It uses game theory to predict optimal policy. Do it or you're a faggot.
By this logic, predicting sports games is "science" kill yourself.
Yes. That would be considered data science. You can use Bayesian inference to predict probable outcomes. Now go declare as political science like you promised, you filthy freshman.
trips have been accomplished
OP, political science isnt even a bad degree desu, its actually a pretty cool field
Not doing it since it's not a STEM degree, stay mad.
Mmmm, I can't stop sucking these delicious cocks. The cum just tastes so good. Now pound my tight butthole some more, Jamal.
Being poor isn't cool.
>going into STEM for the money
Ooohhh boy do I have some news for you...
Math, versatile and interesting.
Biochem. ANY engineering degree.
STEM is full of money. It is THE money.
Computer Engineering
Psychology reroll
Political science
Psychology rereroll
I'm a retard who is doing what he loves and studying wildlife biology.
I will be poor, but also happy.
Sorry to break it to you user. Graduating with a BS in biochem. It's useless unless you get a PhD. Even then our job market is trash + biochem is boring as all hell. I argued with a guy on here before who tried to tell me otherwise because he was doing "protein engineering". "Protein engineering" translates to splicing a gene sequence, then running endless tests on the mutant proteins kinetics. I've done it for a year for my major. "Protein engineering" is mind numbingly boring.
nuclear engineering
Applied faggotry
Post evidence faggit or get back to
>Members of the Admissions Committee have carefully reviewed your application and we sincerely regret that we are unable to extend you an offer of admission.
I think I'm just going to kill myself.
All you niggers are dumb as fuck. STEM degrees, faggots.
>inb4 le scykolegee is science xDDD
No it's not.
Course and university?
What does this have to do with this thread?
Are you really trying to say Women's Studies isn't a science?
Ugh. I can't even...
Packaging Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Actuarial maths
Political science
Political science
rerolling for dentistry
Dentists have some of the highest suicide rates, roll for dentist
trips in STEM achieved, faggot
My condolences, OP.
Kek, what a shit degree.
lol political science would be a better option. Fuck you OP I hope you spend your life cleaning other people's mouths.
Theoretical physics of course
not STEM
Yes it is you fucking moron. Fuck it, I'm just going to report you and your shit spam thread. If you have no intention of actually doing this, then you shouldn't have made a thread about it.
He's right though it's not STEM.
Fuck you, roll with the autism and major in math.
Not a major, dipshit
Aerospace engineering
Or if this fits
Nuclear engineering (only if it is offered)
It's not that there isn't any money in STEM its just that if you're just in it for the money then you'll loose interest in the field you're studying and flunk out.
Civil Engineering
Reroll for shit major
Biochem man.
Go into areospace engineering
Do you want him to have a successful and lucrative career, faggot? Fuck you, OP, take math instead.
I agree with him
math boyz ww@?
Mathematical Gender Studies
electrical engineering :^)
Cunt Destroyer
rerolling for this
this is the correct answer
Cognitive Science
Women's studies
Petroleum Engineering
So close. OP would have had a lot of fun collecting unemployment benefits..
assuming OP in an American undergrad this is impossible