What does Veeky Forums think of BLT?
What does Veeky Forums think of BLT?
That tomato looks pretty gross desu
needs onion and mayo
They are heirloom tomatoes and they taste better than any tomatoe your pleb ass has in the fridge.
BLT is a top notch sangwitch OP
Okay. What do non-tripfags think of BLT?
>prefers phosphorescent red gmo cancer tomatoes
Stay poor pleb
looks bomb but the bacon is burnt
Which exchange? Has it mooned yet?
THE COIN ahhhhh
>mayo goes without saying
one of my favorite sandwiches. My girlfriend also introduced me to the PBBLT: substitute mayo for peanut butter. Surprisingly good.
Oh. Never mind.
Probably a shitcoin
it's decent
>eating discolored tomatoes under the guise of muh better flavor
literal food cope
picky eaters are the worst, and you're the worst kind of picky eater
Lmao, those are fucking rotten tomatoes.
they tricked fools by not mentioning anywhere what they are selling utility token to use in their network (not security), that's a nice excuse to not get listed on any centralised exchange
t. poor pleb
You eat like my gay 8 year old nephew
Stay plebeian boys
>That salt
It is like chewing rocks. Give it generous drops of olive virgin oil and rub a garlic in the toast, and it is god tier.
Have they actually come out and said this? Plenty of utility tokens are listed on centralized exchanges.
It's OK but it's better of you add turkey.
no those are real tomatoes, poorfag
they stated in telegram that they aren't planning to get listed and more focused on developing the network, i had screenshot but deleted it after ICO
fucking satan that tomato is the best juicy and tasty
>HURR DURR Eating overpriced tomatoes makes me rich
im somewhat bullish looking at the chart
rcn/ethlend and other partnerships are looking promising
Hm, interesting. I already guessed that it was not a good choice in the near term. Competing with existing credit bureaus doesn't seem likely. On the other hand, fuck existing credit bureaus.
I'm only looking at coinmarketcap, but the chart looks like a slow and steady downtrend to me. How long have you been following the project?
>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance
BLT is a token you mong. I accidentally distracted the other brainlets with the sandwich picture and got maybe 2 real opinions so far.
>he puts his tomatoes in the fridge
not too long, but i honestly dont see it dropping below $.5
$25m marketcap already makes it undervalued, my conservative estimate would be around $150m cap by eoy if the team doesnt shit itself