Why is there such a large amount of Physician hate on this board?
Doctors go through way more shit than other majors. You should respect them, not shit on them.
Why the Physician hate?
because they're dumb and annoying
they are body mechanics
There was a great post at the previous identical thread where an user explained why docs and engineers are shunned in this board. Maybe it's in the archives?
You try to complete a Medicine degree, user. Let's see how you fare.
...of just one machine, one product that doesn't get redesigns nor upgrades. Simple job.
Having to deal with the medieval bullshit like residency and hands on exploration of filthy plebians =/= a great intellectual feat. The level of math and biochemistry etc. required for a MD is laughable grade school material, and the bulk of the learning is of a hands on nature like that of any other technician with no theoretical understanding.
Let the MD "gunner" attempt physics, math, or the like and see how they fare.
We've already had this thread before
It's because their shit is mostly memorisation
t. Someone who has never witnessed an intensivist in the ICU
>my understanding of abstract sciences such as "math" and theoretical physics set me above plebeians with practical knowledge in biology and chemistry
*tips virgin angst*
>You try to complete a Medicine degree, user. Let's see how you fare.
Look, all the shit you go through to become a doctor isn't what's needed to make you a good doctor. Hell, most of the time it fails to produce a good doctor.
The shit you go through is the shit other doctors put you through. It's hazing.
It's like what they do to soldiers. They do it to soldiers to make them feel attached and committed to the job and the group, and that's why they do it to doctors. Except with doctors, it's about money.
They put you deep in debt so you have to chase the shekels into your late 30s, until it has already become your life. They work you around the clock, more than any amount of money would compensate for, until you feel completely entitled to ten times the average income. They push you until you make mistakes that hurt people and older doctors cover for you, so you'll cover for other doctors.
They train you to think anyone who has gone through this shit absolutely deserves to continue being a doctor, even if they're not any good at it and are constantly hurting people with their incompetence, you sympathize with their sacrifice too much. Above all, it's to make you absolutely opposed to making it any easier for anyone else to become a physician than it was for you.
The profession has become a massive scam which is all about being gatekeepers to modern medicine, rather than practitioners. Keeping licences to practice medicine in perpetual shortage so mediocre men can command great salaries.
Because 90% of people this board encounters are pre-med people and they're the most insufferable cunts anybody's ever met.
That and there are an insane amount of mediocre / incompetent doctors who did it all for the wrong reasons.
They really don't keep the shitty doctors around. A majority of potentially shitty future doctors are weeded out in undergrad, and if any shitty ones are still in medical school, then they're weeded out as well.
I chose medicine because math and physics are too easy.
wow, spot on
I agreed with you until you went all conspiracy theory.
What you encounter is nothing like what physicians are really like. It sounds like your experience is either from general practice or by watching Scrubs or House. If you actually witnessed an interdisciplinary meeting of docs working on a case, you'd definitely think otherwise.
Also, the general consensus here seems to be a belief that doctors just follow what's already been done when it comes to treatment. That's true to an extent, because obviously liability and malpractice insurance wouldn't cover bizarre unproven treatments. But, since no two people are alike, docs are often left to use serious critical thinking and apply their knowledge. It's methodological yes, however to call them undeserving of respect is asinine. They care for human lives in the real time, their actions and decisions may kill someone in literal moments. You have no idea how fast someone can decline when dealing with acute care settings and all you have to work with is theory.
Nah, you don't get it, man. Doctors are shit. The kids on this board are saying that you don't need them. Who needs things like polio vaccines and inhalers for people with asthma? Fuck them! Who needs surgery? Definitely not the people on Veeky Forums, nor does anybody else. The whole doctor thing is just a scam. It's really easy! If doctors can do it, then I can too! I mean, it's just memorization, right? haha lol
>Because 90% of people this board encounters are pre-med people
I think less than 5% of the people here are stupid enough to pursue premed. Have you spent any time on this board at all? Clearly from that comment you haven't
Jesus fucking christ muster up a little respect for someone who busted ass for 8 years and willingly dug themselves into an obscene amount of debt just to work 70 hours a week to save lives. Is there anything that does impress you?
>99% of doctors
>saving lives
Pick one.
And fast food workers have to "bust ass" at lunch hour. Doesn't make what they do difficult or at all impressive. Just fuck off to whatever hugchochambox tells you that being a doctor is the greatest thing in the world
>Implying they do it to save lives out of the kindness of their hearts no strings attached
Look, I don't have anything against doctors and engineers like the rest of Veeky Forums does, but saying something like that is just plain wrong.
You be sure to tell that to your doctor next time you need one you autistic shitstain. I struggled for years to figure out what I believed in enough to make a career and life out of it. I chose to save lives.
After the advent of The Singularity, transhumanism will signal the end of medicine as a profession. Tinkering around with Luddite holdouts from cyberization will be the only job left for doctors, similar to tinkering with an old car in the garage.
Yeah, you're also on Veeky Forums. In other words, you're the exception, not the rule.
You'll be long dead when this happens.
Fuck I'm tired, I just realised that this was a meme post. Ignore
>You'll be long dead when this happens.
According to Ray Kurzweil, it will be in less than 50 years. "The Singularity is near!"
No hate but clinical medicine is nither math or science
Because you all fucking refuse to listen to me and diagnose the myriad cancers the internet says I have.
Because your industry is fucking broken. The evils of pharmecutical reps require no further explanation. But the fact that you systematically keep terminal and elderly patients alive at all costs, long after quality of life has passed the "kill me please" phase- and that you *directly profit* from doing so? Fuck medicine.