Do you think that website would just lie? It's true.
Other urls found in this thread:
yes it might be triggering small earth quakes
aka smaller than you can feel
Anti-fracking sentiment is by retarded liberals who have no clue about economics
and if anything should be done in areas where a large quake is overdue and could critically hit for massive damage, to release the stress.
congrats, you are now banned from all geology departments for your retardation
Any pro-fracking clown doesn't understand the destructive nature of the process. I'm not an environmentalist, but vast contamination of community water supply, uncontained natural gas vents and the lasting and irreversible damage it causes is horrible.
World runs on oil, deal with it. Whomever you responded to was correct, it's a non-story. When a real tectonic quake hits western Canada or a real hole in the earth, like a volcano erupts, it will have nothing to do with some man made holes in the ground.
Fracking is technically better for stabilization of the subterranean caverns being emptied of their goo. Some parts of Texas have seen their ground drop tens of feet because they never replaced the goo with another liquid.
>telesurtv (Venezuela's commie government propaganda central)
>no link to any papers at all
It's not contaminating anything
I'm not saying it produces significant earthquakes or volcanoes. I'm saying some of the companies start fracking operations in the vicinity of communities, and their destroy their water supply and property values. It would be pretty upsetting if I could set my tap water on fire. There are vast offshore quantities of oil along the west coast of North America that can be drilled instead.
>I'm saying some of the companies start fracking operations in the vicinity of communities, and their destroy their water supply and property values
They don't do that at all
>There are vast offshore quantities of oil along the west coast of North America that can be drilled instead.
This is either illegal or dangerous, or significantly more expensive
Thats from coal and happened before fracking
Nothing to do with fracking
Which is why they lost their case in court
These companies drill new wells for anyone that asks afaik, water filters are not expensive either
Fantastic, enjoy your cheap homes, lower property taxes, and intelligent neighbors
Yep, they're all full of it, I guess
They are full of it, methane in wells has been a problem since FOREVER
Did you even read the article? That's exactly the argument the company used, and they're our $4.24M because of it.
Yea, juries are fucking retarded and huge payouts for ZERO HARM are commonplace
Fuck, no pleasin you, is there. How about another lawsuit:
How about a more academic article:
That lawsuit was nothing to do with fracking.
Has to do with air pollution. If it was even real and not that family making shit up for a payout.
100% of water pollution is solved by not drinking unfiltered ground water
Your academic article mentions a whole buncha things that has nothing to do with fracking, but refer to the problems of all industrial activity
aka, its dirty.
Some serious mental gymnastics you're doing there. Why don't you actually read the articles
>lawsuit has nothing to do with fracking
The whole lawsuit is about the physiological effects of fracking byproducts on the family
>the academic article mentions a whole buncha things that has nothing to do with fracking
Read the article with your eyes open this time. That is just straight out of your ass.
There is evidence to support that the induced seismicity in Canada is due mostly to the actual process of fracking.
This is in contrast to the US, where, in Oklahoma in particular, the induced seismicity is due mostly to wastewater injection.
This article is a fairly good summary at a level most people can understand:
The relative damage from induced earthquakes hasn't been particularly severe because of the locations of wells, but it could be a problem moving forward. Any doomsayer on either the pro- or anti-fracking side suggesting that the earthquakes are either completely harmless or a serious threat to our way of life and an impending natural disaster are wrong. Induced earthquakes pose a manageable risk, that, if understood scientifically can be managed.
Whether or not that is a politically acceptable risk or we need to be fracking in the long term, or how/if it should be regulated are all questions that deserve vigorous debate.
The earthquakes are large enough to be felt, and get carried a good distance because of the hard bedrock condition in central and eastern North America.
your argument about "stabilization" is ridiculous. Energy in the earth is being released at a much faster rate than it would be naturally, and the subsidence of the ground level all over Texas and the midwest is mostly due to the lowering of the groundwater table from overtapping of aquifers.
All drilling for oil has environmental effects around it
Some shoddy oil drillers leak shit into ground water or the air
That does not have anything to do with the mechanism of fracking which has made the US independent on oil.
Do you work for frackers or something?
Why are you defending this industry like it's precious to you?
Yes, but the process of fracking causes environmental effects that are much more difficult to contain.
Lol, ignore this retard.
In my town in Colorado they stopped a fracking operation because it had caused two large earthquakes in an area that has never had earthquakes.
Not homeboy but good luck living without fossil fuels. Virtually every car in the world runs on them. And fracking is making everybody's life cheaper at the moment, the West can now reliably extract crude so OPEC no longer has the momentum it did a decade ago. Without that the West would quickly go to shit. Beyond that there are a countless number of petroleum distillates and byproducts that we rely on in our daily lives that only stand to get cheaper as more oil saturates the markets. Let's not forget that fracking also allows us to obtain precious gasses which while the coal market is rapidly deflating gasses are covering the utilities sector because of the reserve volume and price per BTU. It's precious to me, you, and anybody else who doesn't live in the 3rd world.
We get an awful lot of little earthquakes in Kansas these days. The locals attribute them to fracking, but they're not the most enlightened bunch.
Usually the problem isn't that the tracking itself contaminates the water supply but that it weakens underground structures and in some cases causes natural gas caverns to open up and expose themselves to the water supply.
It's like taking a shit on someone's face while they're sleeping and then refusing to take responsibility for there being puke all over the floor "but I didn't contaminate the floor".
Power generation can be transferred to nuclear. France is doing pretty well with that. As far as petroleum-based fuels, those are vital for the society we live in. There has to be a better way to drill though
You do realise American oil producers are rapidly going out of business right now, right?
Won't happen until the NRC is put in their place
It's 99% bullshit. Small slips might happen, but to trigger a real earthquake you'd need to detonate a fucking nuke in a fault, and still it should be about to happen anyway.
It won't happen until the nuclear fear mongering ends. I hate to sound like one of the tree-hugging hippies, but the oil companies really do lobby the shit out of energy production. I don't blame them for doing it, I blame congress for allowing them.
Of course fracturing entire layers of rock in the upper lithosphere, with hydraulic blasting would cause the surrounding area to shift. Over an extended amount of time and after repeated fracking in the same area. Good thing there is a bunch of lithosphere.
... I'm waiting, where is all this energy?
I see one filing for a restructure. There are lots of internal layoffs, and they're laying off contractors, the business isn't dying. It's boom and bust, it booms when demand goes unmet and thousands of workers are granted incredibly well paying jobs for exploratory drilling, fracking, transport etc... And busts while the wells pump out the reservoirs they've tapped to meet demand. The latter requires dramatic cuts in personnel, naturally.
>boom and bust
>Saudi has promised ( despite its massive losses ) to keep the wells running at 100% indefinitely
Yep keep telling yourself that. GL
Saudi's are the ones who are starving due to the low oil prices
>where is all this energy?
Where's the nuclear energy to compensate for the lack of fossil fuels? We're still burning coal and gas.
You can't switch the entire industry over to nuclear overnight. Not with the money behind the current system, not with the political ties, and not with the amount of jobs that are online. It's much cleaner, more efficient, and safer, but you'd be stepping on a lot of toes in the process.