Is psychology science? philosophy?
Is psychology science? philosophy?
Are you too much of a brainlet to use your own fucking common sense to figure out which results of psychology are trustworthy and which are questionable? Do you seriously need the science section of a meme forum to tell you whether we approve of it?
Memeposter, stop posting in memes.
psychology pretends to be a science
philosophy isnt a science and doesnt have any pretensions of being a science
>Does it use the scientific method to describe natural things
There's your answer. Obviously Freud, Jung and hardly anyone before the 50s qualifies.
ask a psychologist, not virgin neckbeards on here who think they're above everybody else because they got a b in calc 2 at thier local cc. they don't know jack shit about psychology
Depends on the field.
No and holy shit no. Psychology is kind of like mixing a few concepts from biology with untested observations and creating results that are not able to be reproduced.
Philosophy is way way worse. Science grew out of philosophy taking only the good parts as a refined way of finding truth. Philosophy was a very primitive tool for finding truth that lacked the requirement for one to actually prove his assertions. Basically, science isn't afraid to say "I don't know," but philosophy will make up some bullshit and say "you can't prove I'm wrong."
My uncle is a psychologist. He told me that the field lacks basic scientific rigor in many areas.
Yes, and yes.
Yes, though something of a heuristic one.
Science is a philosophy.
I'll just go ahead and copy/paste my shit from another thread:
>only downside is that this analogy gives credence to psychology by comparing it to an actual science.
I get sick as fuck hearing this shit though. EVERYBODY knows psychology isn't a hard science - you're not telling anyone anything they don't know - fuck off. That doesn't make it a less important discipline.
What you you rather do? Pump people full of drugs which we have know idea what the effects really are? Psychology/therapy is heavily evidence based and uses techniques backed up via the scientific method. It's the best thing we have in dealing with a huge number of aberrant behaviors and mental disorders.
Maybe if your precious scientists pull their heads out of their asses and completely map all of the neurons in the human brain, we may get somewhere. Until then, shut the fuck up about "hurr durr psychology isn't science." We know - but it's better than nothing.
tl;dr - today's psychology uses techniques derived from the scientific method. It's a science - not a "hard science."
I'm a psychology major who focuses on neuroscience and your uncle is absolutely fucking right. Most people treat psychology like a religion, most of the other people in the major could care less about statistics, biology, or validity its just muh feelings and experiences
no and no
some philosophy is extraordinarily intellectually challenging though
psychology is pseudoscience for many reasons, I'll just list a few to avoid wall of text; 1)lacks reproducabilty 2)lacks falsifiability 3)is based almost entirely upon self reporting by the patient and the psychologist's conjecture
Psychologists don't know what the scientific method is or how to use it
Psychology is today's replacement for what was once found in philosophy books, that is how to live and be happy and find purpose in life
It's a shittier and less effective version of philosophy for an era in which people can't be arsed to actual commit to something so they pop a few pills and talk to some lady for 45 minutes every month and pretend that everything is okay because the happy pills make them feel that way
Now onto the seriously mentally ill such as schizophrenics. Psychologists don't do anything for them other than prescribe pills, something any doctor can do and the diagnosis for schizophrenia is a very easy one to make
Of course it's science since it can assertain truth (in a limited way) through trial and error.
And all science is philosophy that has been sufficiently developed to the point where it can research itself using trial and error.
so did physics and chemistry 150 years ago. psych is much harder to test for. doesn't mean it isn't a science, just that too much pseudo-psychology is taken as fact by lay-people like us
The only valid point you posted was lack of reproducability, which is an issue with older studies. Psychology doesn't lack falsibility and most studies don't rely on self reporting. A lot of studies are done on animals.
It is a science. You're thinking of psychiatry, which is quackery.
>pop a few pills
Shows how fucking retarded and ignorant you are on the subject. Psychologists don't prescribe medication - psychiatrists do.
There is a mountain of evidence-based therapeutic techniques - all studies in which the scientific method was used and interventions were found to be effective.
And again - what would you prefer to do? Ditch psychology all together? Then do what with people who therapy helps? Pump them full of drugs> Tell them to "get over it?" If psychology is so shitty, what's your solution?
as is Erik to Erikson?