I’ve been hesitant to get into VeChain because of many reasons. Do I say fuck it and get in now?
I’ve been hesitant to get into VeChain because of many reasons. Do I say fuck it and get in now?
it just started mooning so you should decide quick.
Better decide before Q2, that's all I'm saying.
Be logical, wait till it finishes correcting to about 35-40k
no stay away, stick with your reasoning
Yes literally right now
There are more announcements this week and it's probably never gonna be this cheap again
Ive heard that before..
Idk what to do anons been watching this shit for a while now getting pissed at every missed chance...
It is at a fairly low price now. You should probably get before the end of the week
do you like projects without a whitepaper and their working product is a $500 nfc sticker printer? then vechain is for you
I’d stay away from it considering some of their partnerships turned out to be lies. Like the dnr thing, which turned out to be dnr talking to hundreds of different cryptos...
It’s WTC version 2.
This shit makes me wanna get in asap
But then this shit makes me wanna keep watching from the sidelines damnit
Either you do or you don't. It's that simple.
if you've kept up with the technical documents they put out, you'd realize the non necessity of a whitepaper. Do IBM and Apple have whitepapers? But nonetheless, Sunny said it will be released this month.
the 500 dollar sticker printer is a meme. Are you going to trust PWC and DNV or some fags on Veeky Forums fudding for dopamine hits and cheap coins? The latter don't fuck around.
former* lol. DNV and PWC don't fuck around. it's late here
I feel like it can go lower, but it's looked decent on real low volume the last few hours
may sleep and see what it's like in 12 hours. My guess is that the bmw NDA will expire, and there will be a release real soon
no it's dumping for atleast another week...
DNV also met with IOTA and several other cryptos though, and DNV itself won’t confirm any form of partnership with Vechain.
It’s an absolute scam coin.
are you fucking retarded DNV GL is going to cuck the shit out of IOTA. Here is the official partnership video they fucking sign a contract on camera
Current portfolio is worth 90k between BTC,ETH,LTC,NEO,XLM,IOTA,OMG,REQ,LINK... what would I drop to acquire a strength node?
Broke the downtrend
Get in while you can
then you have no reason for being here. You're just an attention whore. On a peruvian basket weaving forum. Fucking kek. Nice life mate
Guide me to the promise land user
yes because of many reasons
Honestly one of the best performing crypto of 2018
Don’t take my word for it. Compare it to others in the same market and see how far ahead they are of the competition
OMG!Can't believe I won ! Thank you Walton team ! keep doing the great work.
About to double!
Can you do the least bit of research?
>he doesn’t realize the FUD is ironic
Almost all people who bring up wannabe Walton, no white paper etc. are trying to keep the price down so they can accumulate more. It’s good enough for Jim Breyer, good enough for BMW and Renault, good enough for DNV-GL and PWC, good enough for Oxford University and Michigan State, good enough for the Chinese government... but some NEETs on Veeky Forums won’t buy any because they take the jokes VEN owners make seriously and you’ll take their advice over the guy who invested early into Facebook, Alibaba and Spotify. Btw Sunny Lu is not a rapist in case you’re wondering.
All this mainland Chinese bullshit needs to die for good. Buy skycoin leave these chinks to stew in their own mess
>Still doesn't realize China is taking over the world
Modum does the exact same thing, has partnerships and is only 50 mil cap
Guess I missed my chance. I’m just gonna buy in and forget for a few months tired of watching the growth from the sidelines
Just fucking wait time is on your side holy shit.
Stop being impatient and chase 10% growths
dont come into biz with rational talk plz
Okay let me know how u are doing when China has the largest economy in the world in a few years
Meanwhile america is actively cockblocking its own economy
vechain is like the safest 100x out there
DNV CEO literally on stage holding a cringy thor hammer at vechain rebranding event
waltoncucks on suicidewatch