boss told us “we can” take the day off but it will be without pay. the absolute cunt. now i have to walk 10 miles to work because the roads are all shut down
Fuck this snow
So how much snow are you expecting, 1 cm?
live in the north so got 3 - 10 inches depending on if its in the city or not
Man, you burgers are so scared of snow.
im working from home fully paid
b l e s s e d
>poor wage cucks who couldn't survive without 1 day pay, would walk 10 miles to the snow for their master.
Norwegian here. LOL
Northern Swede here, LMFAO
>Genocide the NEETS REEEEE
Then just don't go? Who the fuck would even think about going if they don't have to?
OP is referencing the UK?
I thought it was Atlanta or somewhere
t. has never worked a day in his life
>heavy snow
Weak britshits
>a boomer roastie is the anchor
Thanks for taking one for the team. Usually we would be the ones getting snowstorms at this time of year, but outside it almost looks like summer.
>BEAST from the EAST
lmao, OP will probably literally die out there too
Sauce please
University closed in Scotland too, fck this. Uk really doesnt know how to handle bad weather
Not just a cunt but also a moron.
Back when I was a manager I would routinely give people days off in such situations, because there is a serious risk that they have an accident, and then I would have a bigger problem.
People slack off at work anyway, so they can catch up in 2-3 days after if you press them. No biggie.
What uni you go to?
>not just taking a day off as holiday
Hah wait till it hits 20 degrees Celsius in summer, holy fuck they drop like flies. Harden up and burn your workplace down now