What do you like to eat when you are having a cheat day or a cheat meal?
Pic related was what I ate last night to cap off a pretty ridiculous cheat day
What do you like to eat when you are having a cheat day or a cheat meal?
Pic related was what I ate last night to cap off a pretty ridiculous cheat day
>cheat day or a cheat meal
Get a load of this loser.
the only thing you're cheating is yourself
Also slammed 3 of these. Basically a chili dog with tortilla instead of a bun because I had no buns.
Another woman's pussy
I thought the point of a cheat day was to eat something good.
How about instead of a cheat day you just eat reasonable amounts of the things you want to eat at decent places?
i don't have cheap days. Once in a while I'll have a cheat snack, like a bowl of chips. but a whole day of eating junk? no way.
>cheat days
>being on a diet
If you're a male and you watch your weight in anyway whatsoever, you're a faggot numale cuck and you should kill yourself ASAP.
"Good" is subjective. To me it was good. I realize it's not quality, but to me a cheat day/meal is about eating what you like that you haven't been eating while dieting
I've realized this being on a diet since February. I've wasted chest days on fast food burgers and pizza etc. Now I cook a nice meal at home or go to a good restaurant I usually wouldn't allow myself to.
>burnt hot dog, pre-shredded cheddar "cheese" served cold, yellow mustard, cold flour tortilla
>good is subjective
Veeky Forums fags, ladies and gentlemen.
>cheat DAY
>not a cheat MEAL
I'll have one fast food meal a week or eat some of my favorite junk food. Canes is usually my go to when I have fast food. There was a time when I had one cheat meal a month but I've started over recently.
found the fatty
Yeah, agreed. I think the most sustainable healthy lifestyle is saving indulgences for something special, like trying new foods. And by not overloading all at once, you can enjoy them more often.
There is a difference between "I like food too much" and "I like to eat too much."
OP here. I had entered into a wager with 6 friends to see who could lose the most weight in 6 months. We put up $300 each. Yesterday was the weigh in and I won so I decided to have a full cheat day rather than just one meal. Prior to that I did not cheat one time during the 6 months. Today I'm back on the program because I'm not yet at my goal. Once I am at my goal then this is the idea, to start eating regularly and not overeating as I was before.
All the haters in this thread can't phase me. I'm down 60 lbs., $1,500 richer, I'm just shy of 30 and I'm doing better than most of you
That's one hell of a cheat day - or at least one insane cheat dessert. I would suggest finding ways to make some of the things you like healthier or from scratch or, as someone else said, just eat smaller amounts of the things you want and not so often so that you don't have to blow half your progress on a day of gorging?
- Find a good quality hot dog or sausage
- Whole wheat tortilla or good hot dog bun (or a good bread) or use brown rice and make chili cheese dog rice instead.
- Mustard OK
- Pepper OK
- Onion OK
- Some cheese OK
- 1 small scoop premium vanilla ice cream
- Half/quarter a really good cinnamon roll (depending on size of roll)
That's still excessive but you could tone it down further while still making something enjoyable. The problem is it seems more like your idea of "cheat day" is to eat crappy (not merely unhealthy) food.
Congratulations, that is fantastic progress. Money aside, if you are healthier then good for you.
Thanks user but I'm not looking for advice/opinions. The topic of the thread is what you like to eat while cheating on your diet. If that doesn't apply to you then I'm not sure why you're here
Thanks user. At first the money and beating my friends was my main motivation. Then as I started seeing results and feeling better the money became less and less important. Losing the weight has completely changed my life for the better in almost every way. I will never go back
I drink quality bourbon, or cheaper but still good bourbon in diet coke. I enjoy it with a cigar. Then I'll have a few beers maybe. My fridge is full of good beer that I haven't gotten around to yet. I just keep buying good beer.
Food wise I dunno. Sometimes every once in a while I'll have a donut. Maybe a single slice of pizza. I try to cook all my own food and get a lot of veggies.
Around my period it's hard to avoid extra sharp cheddar. That shit is crack.
But hey I lift three days a week and need to walk my blue heeler an hour a day. It all balances out.
Oh yeah, the cigar and bourbon thing is once a week, the other shit is once a month. If college and work get stressful I'll do the cigar and bourbon thing more.
I've got enough grants and scholarships for school that I don't need to worry about spending too much on cigars and bourbon. Working 9-6 Friday through Sunday pays for those.
anyone who has to have a "cheat day" is not gonna make it.
Anyone who can't balance work and pleasure is not going to make it.
Work can be pleasurable, pleasure can be work. Spewing yourself to indulge in things you enjoy in a controlled fashion is healthy and will help you attain your goals in the long run.
Hahaha insert a bulimia joke
But no, I meant to write allowing
Sometimes I cheat from my plant-based diet, if that counts.
Usually I'll pick some kind of buffet, I like the variety.
anyone who combines the word cheat to the word DAY doesn't know what fucking balance means. a cheat meal is fine as long as you're not eating like 2000 calories in one sitting, and even then as long as you balance out the deficit over the next day or two it's all fine. but anyone who has to go on a cheat day isn't fucking balancing shit, they're just straight up binging like the fat fucking pieces of shit they are
I'm 24, 6'3, 190 lbs and make $190,000/yr at Wendy's. Fuck you faggot.
you're gonna gain all that weight back, fat boy
You can balance out more than just the hours in a single day. You can balance out the days in a week or in a month.
You're thinking too narrowly and small.
you're retarded, you do realize there's a window your body metabolizes the shit you shove down your fat gullet?
So what if it's binging? One day out of 6 months I decide to eat 4,000 calories and look how butt hurt you are about it. Get over yourself you faggot
Yeah, and you do realize that you can burn that off with a nice fat bike ride on a day where you don't lift and you eat slightly below your bmr.
Holy fuck how dumb are you?
I lost 100 pounds in a summer eating 3000 calories a day at 5'4" by bicycling 50 miles a day. 1000 of that was beer or whiskey. I've got German Olympic cyclists legs and 17% body fat last time I checked (three weeks ago).
Burn more than you consume and you'll be fine. You read like a kid fresh out of high school. Lacking experience but honestly believes they know it all.
no ones butthurt, just pointing out the obvious fact that you're gonna gain that weight back. fatass
>Holy fuck how dumb are you?
You do realize that asking the average 4channer to bike 50 miles a day is like expecting a toddler to be able to recite the complete works of Shakespeare from memory, right? That's not "a nice fat bike ride", that's a "ludicrous impossibility".
Oh and I will admit it was a very unhealthy summer, but hey, I lost weight that I had since childhood. To go from obese child to ripped in a summer was pretty great.
Now I drink way less, eat a diet based in vegetables and know how to weigh my food and count calories.
I'm incredibly content with my body and diet.
17% isn't ripped doughboy
try to maintain that "balance" while trying to get *actually* ripped (8-11%) and you are in for a rude awakening
It's average height for my gender. I'm a few cm short of 5'5" so I round down.
I've been on Veeky Forums since I was 12. I'm turning 24 next month. If I could do it why can't anyone else? Bicycling fast is fun. Sprinting on a bike releases a massive amount of endorphins. Spend three weeks to a month building up strength and endurance and you can easily cycle 30 to 50 miles a day.
I don't want to stop having my period, thanks for the concern tho, famarino.
fuck off you tranny manlet, you aren't fooling anyone
And here I am feeling bad for eating falafel and kebab on my cheat days.
>If I could do it why can't anyone else?
They probably *could*, of course. But they won't, because they're more interested in shitposting online and playing vidya games.
Personally I find cycling and running to be unimaginably boring. You would have to point a gun to my head to get me to want to run or cycle. OTOH I love swimming and weight lifting and will gladly do those...different strokes for different folks, you know?
You forgot to mention your 8 inch dick
Hot wings and bananas foster.
Im sorry you're so triggered. Go be salty somewhere else queer
>Personally I find cycling and running to be unimaginably boring.
Me too. People who are good at cardio are generally simple minded.
Beef stew and bread sticks
A lot of beef stew and bread sticks
A proper woods with a real through it and some fantastic music, combined with max speed, produces a huge amount of endorphins.
If I only had neighborhoods to cycle through I'd get bored as well. I can't do swimming with my fucked up collarbone.
Are you stores? You must lack an imagination if you can't spend that much time with yourself. I imagine all sorts of shit and think through problems when bicycling. It's quite meditative.
But of course your ego needs to put down others to justify your own lack of ability.
Fuck phone posting while on the train
Fat beta fuck
Being fat and justifying it is something SJWS do
Fuck off
>cheat day
Normal people aren't on some shitty fad diet. I don't have cheat days. I move my ass on a daily basis, eat as many non-processed, green, and actually nutritious foods as possible, so when I want to eat something fatty, greasy, over-carbed and unhealthy, I don't need to give a fuck because I eat like a normal human being. Also, ice cream and Cinnabon is gross as hell. It's because you think that's somehow appetizing that you're fat as fuck.
Do you know what's awesome? Ice cream. Just fucking ice cream. It's good. Get good ice cream, and you won't need a totally different dessert to go with it. Or have a cinnamon roll. They're awful, but if you like them, what's bad about just having a cinnamon roll?
Your problem is that you don't actually enjoy anything. You just eat to punish yourself. Stop that. Start enjoying food.
God damn you made a lot of assumptions in this post, all of which are incorrect
kill yourself
>not eating eggs fried in bacon fat every day and remaining healthy
Keep pleb, simple simon
Wow fucking asshole.
Italian here.
Double ration of pasta or some heavy-kind one (Matriciana, Lasagne or Pasta al forno) for launch.
Pizza or something from a local shop (Usually a big ass calzone)
The second part is for dinner
How much do you weigh?
360 down from 420
OP here. This is an imposter and those are not my weights.
For me, it's the Mcchicken.
I get like 10 of those niggas