What is this guys problem with us? We didn't do nuthing.
What is this guys problem with us? We didn't do nuthing
u transphobic
He's getting back at original Veeky Forumsraelis for shitting on him and his pet project in 2014
what, he said he hates indian scammers, I'd be more worried that Veeky Forums turned into pajettscam central, theres no way back now. Veeky Forums rep is done. Thanks pajeets.
> They don't care, they are like locust, shit in the place that feed them and move to the next target.
He is probably pissed off at the constant stuffed pepe frog threads
Vitalik is selling his ETH bags and buying skycoin for that truly decentralised original flavour
He's mat at us for not accepting his homosexual pederast lifestyle.
> talking about pajeets
deal with it: Veeky Forums == indian scammers
they way the shittiest projects are shilled here
(looking at you chainlink)
should be evidence enough for the pajeet invasion
and the gullible newbiz normies eat the shit up like its candy
I for one, am on vitaliks side
vitalik was an oldfag on biz and hates it after the pajeets and normiefags invaded it in summer
cant blame him tbqh
Was he really?
the signal to noise ratio got really bad in Feb. I guess everyone saw the writing on the wall and left for better boards. RIP Veeky Forums and RIP crypto in general. This only shows how dead this market is, when you have to let indians touch your IT/Promotion.
Yup, this is the final straw. He's not fond to me in any way but I can't blame him either.
lets remind him of this tweet.
I will bathe the blockchain in his blood.
He is the epitome of reddit. He never liked us, and you're stupid if you ever thought he did.
he is right you know
bro, nobody cares about that, he's autist and have problems relating with normies. And this is fucking Veeky Forums whats with the virtue signaling? He might or not be a pedo, nobody can really tell by that twat, only fags that are blind to other character flaws of him and need something to FUD.
The real problem here a pajeets, lets not get distracted by them.
vitalik is /ourguy/
shitting on Veeky Forums is what any true Veeky Forums autist would do
>shitting on Veeky Forums is what any true Veeky Forums autist would do
only cancer advertises the fact they lurk or post here
he is more of a /g/ guy and hates Veeky Forums for obvious reasons
He's got a point. This board is toxic. The way people are constantly trying to bring down each other and shilling makes it very hard to find any real discussions. Morons argue to death and pretend they know what they're talking about when they don't. Just yesterday I had to fight off a whole thread calling me and moron and telling me that the total supply of an ethereum token is the max supply and it can never be increased after the ICO
>vitalik is leftist
>sergery is leftist
>pretty much anyone from scientists to writers to musicians are leftist
Why are right wingers only parasitical banker/lawyer filth and pretty much the worst examples of our species?
4channer is just a dog whistle, he really meant Pajeet, you just can’t say that in polite company.
We kept calling him money skeleton, what are you talking about?
Sure, he must secretly agree with you, right? Because you can't fathom that you and people like you are a small despised minority to well adjusted people.
Greed... Thought it was obvious...
Its a fucking sin and all
>autistic skelly
>well adjusted
not really boy
its just a no-go in those kind of social circles
a lot people are a bit racist and right
its in our nature to like order and structure
but the zeitgeist right now is totally diffrent and you will get shamed and cast out if you voice your opinion
also a ton of older philosoph/writers/scientists were rather fascist
Supply and demand, if you use child pornography, then you put a pressure on the demand.
Leftists are more open, but lazy.
Conservatives are more contientious, hard-working, but more rigid.
Libertarians are like leftists without a bleeding heart.
>most CEOs are right wing
>most welfare leaches are democrats
Quintessential Soy Boy/ Rolls back Ethereum blockchain on a whim/ Responsible for thousands of shit tokens killing the gains of solid projects/ Hysterically threatens to leave his fiefdom (obvious lie) if Social Justice demands aren't met/ Eth will be irrelevant in 5 years when can't scale/ BIZ LOVES him though... I wish Jordan Peterson was here to show commentate on why...
entrepreneurs are liberal. successful people in settled organizations tend to be conservative
>I wish Jordan Peterson was here to show commentate on why...
I'll do my best.
Veeky Forums users need to clean their rooms and get jobs. Sort yourselves out.
What if you only pirate child porn. He never said buy, he said possession. And he is technically correct.
However all pedos should be genocided.
Kek btfo'd
The question is if you create demand by downloading.
Of course not since it gives no financial incentive for the producers to make more porn.
If you BUY porn you are indirectly contributing to the harming of children. Pirating child porn doesn't give a benefit or incentive for child porn producers to produce more content.
However if you at one point in your life pirated child porn you should still seek help.
I think youre wrong. Its still demand even if its not financial
Yeah so? Demand isn't a magical force that make people supply your demand. They need to gain something from that demand.
If you provide financial compensation then you give them an incentive to make supply for you.
Otherwise you have 0 influence on what they do. That's how economics and the world in general works.
Look up Game Theory.
I think the same way. I wanted to hear a counter-argument.
Kek, I remember some user sending constant death threats to Vitalik from some Tor mail in 2016 to remind him of "what's at stake if he fails".
That might be part of why he hates us.
This guy was in my class (before dropping out to do his eth thing). I can confirm he’s smart but very severely autistic. Too autistic even for Veeky Forums
i just market sold all my eth
lol. he looks lik a fucking nerd