We might be completely alone in this universe.
Does this thought scare you?
We might be completely alone in this universe.
Does this thought scare you?
Well I'm probably gonna die before we have a chance to meet anyone anyway so I don't really care.
>We might be completely alone in this universe.
Even if there are neighbors as close as the moons of Jupiter, the lack of contact makes up effectively alone (presently).
Being completely alone in the universe is incredibly unlikely.
Reality lies somewhere between these two.
Why would we be scared again?
You might be a complete tool.
Does this thought scare you?
Honestly? Yes.
The fact we might be alone doesn't scare me but the fact that the universe might just collapse at any time and we wouldn't even notice. We'd just be gone in an instant.
>universe might just collapse at any time
There are plenty of ways for you, individually, to die in a time span that feels like an instant. Aneurysm, heart attack, bullet, car wrecks, sudden impact etc.
Is it suddenly even more scary when it happens to humanity and the universe as a whole?
I think that is also the same with the fear of being alone in the universe. Go lock yourself in a room for a few years and tell me that it's any different from that fear.
Not at all, that will give us so much more time to conquer our galaxy.
The scary part is that we're still in our especially vulnerable stage.
>inb4 reapers
>The scary part is that we're still in our especially vulnerable stage.
>inb4 reapers
It is never too soon to begin colonization. This is part of the reason this issue is so important, so that we will waste no time creating a stable colonization effort when we are perfectly able to.
>he still subconsciously identifies with 'we'
There's just a very good chance that interstellar travel and communications are completely impossible or impracticable, so who cares.
>There's a very good chance something is impossible, so why even bother with it
If we all shared your enlightened views the human race would still be huddled in caves grunting and banging stones together
Honestly if they say that we are alone in the universe i would become religious in an instant
>We might be completely alone
There's dozens of species of felines. Dozens of canines and rodents. So many genera out there that have tons of species. There also used to be many more species of humans. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened to them once us sapiens came along. As a species we have sent a very clear message that we WANT to be alone (with exceptions for the cute, useful, and delicious other species out there). You should be proud that in the past ten thousand years we have done everything possible to make that our reality.
Despite how extremely unlikely that is it doesn't scare me, just makes me feel like the reason why I'm such an unlucky fuck is because I spent it all being born a human.
>Literally winning the jackpot of the cosmic lottery
>>I'm such an unlucky fuck
The random events of 13.772 billion years have coalesced to make you a conscious intelligence installed in a walking meat suit, it doesn't get much luckier than that.
Thats completely absurd based on the existence of super earth and if any of these planets has water on it there will be life on it.
That's why I said I spent all my luck points on being born a white male human in America. Literally cashed out on that circumstance alone.
>if a planet has water on it there will be life on it
Just because you have the conditions for life doesn't mean you will get life.
Dude there is fucking bacteria in the lithosphere far away from water.
No. In the universe, we aren't alone. The problem is that whatever is like us is probably too far away to ever be heard.
>No. In the universe, we aren't alone.
I hear retards say this all the time like its a fact. Then they proceed to bash religious people for taking a leap of faith and believing in god. Really evolved sensibility mates.
Us existing means we cannot possibly be alone.
It'd be statistically absurd to assume that we are alone.
You have your faith, i have mine.
Nigga. You literally said "we." Even if all life in the entire universe is located on planet Earth... we're not alone. Look around you. Our world is full of beautiful people.
Go meet some.
The thought of an universe even existing scares me. The fact that we are here right now instead of nothing at all existing. How can that be?
>implying this didn't just happen NOW.
It is time.
Follow the white rabbit.
Evolution tends to allow one species per niche.
We're hardly unique.
>what is Occam's Razor?
>what is Hitchen's Razor?
More like:
>Life beyond earth definitely exists but:
>The odds of it being life like we see on Earth are incredibly small
>There is no way that we could ever communicate with them in any meaningful way.
>There is no way that we could ever communicate with them in any meaningful way.
With improved radio technology, we *might* be able to detect and/or contact E.T.'s living around stars as close as Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, or Tau Ceti.
This could happen in our lifetime.
That explains how we might contact them, but not how they could understand us or us understand them, contact is an indefinite time away, communication even more so.
>Evolution tends to allow one species per niche.
That comment is entirely made up and there is no evidence to support it.
>what is Occam's Razor?
>what is Hitchen's Razor?
Ok, I can't believe I have to point this out:
These ARE NOT Occam's Razor:
- Appeal to probability
- Appeal to induction
- Anchoring
- Appeal to ignorance
- Appeal to silence
- Appeal to populism
Occam's Razor is about the "simplest" explanation, not the most common.
Common =/= Simplest
what scares me is my life or actions will not matter coz there´s billions of people doing everything every single day and everything i´d want to do has already been done infinite times in the past. also might end up dead before ever achieving anything.
even if you did X & Y successfully there´s no way even 30% of total population is gonna check you out so IMO releasing content in some sort of library is the only way to confirm your legacy
Are you fucking kidding me ?
It would be wonderful.
No seriously, until we know FOR SURE earth is a special snoflake, we SHUT THE FUCK UP !
( it's obvious abiogenesis is right and the rare earth is impossible by the way ;3 )
>not how they could understand us or us understand them,
Assuming they are enough like us that they build radios, I don't think that will be too hard.
Most people can't accept humility or neutrality due to paranoia, social climbing, egotism, etc.
Even with a gun to their head and all the information in the Universe, you can't get the average layman to say "I don't know" because that's social death in a competitive environment.
There's a term for this in Science and Philosophy: Bernard Williams' Social Dilemma.
People refuse intellectualism until they can exploit it or use it for defence.
Game theory 101: Heuristics before reason.
Why? Path of least energy, time and resistance.
We exist, therefore abiogenesis is possible.
If abiogenesis is possible, life is fucking everywhere.
Of course, we may be the only life in this stellar neighborhood, but it would be incredible on the galactic level, and literally impossible on the local group level.
Deal with it dotno nuffin
That's not a correction or counter-argument.
What I posted was based on reason and evidence, not emotion.
You implied a false equivocation, are now humiliated, and are trying to look less humiliated by shifting the attention away and pretending to more rational by projecting emotion onto the person that corrected you.
Only people with extreme personality disorders do that.
People that are wrong always deserve to be humiliated.
People that make statements but don't offer proof also deserve to be humiliated.
Possibility isn't probability.
Probability isn't always right.
Appeal to probability is fallacious.
If you are using fallacies, and you don't understand basic epistemology and logic, then it's you, in fact, that don't know anything.
You can't be anti-epistemological and claim knowledge or likelyhood.
>Uses fallacies
>Says the other person don't know anything
>Because they don't use fallacies
>Therefore equating knowledge with the opposite of knowledge
Stay classy Veeky Forums.
Stay classy.
Ok so, through what process did life on Sol3 arose ?
Remember, that process must be unique to Earth.
It must have variable that aren't possible to find anywhere else in the whole universe. No, not observable universe, but universe.
Go ahead, enlighten me you little bitch.
I'll like your balls on the spot if you can do it by the way ( no homo )
I read one article which theorized that the universe only recently (Say, the past 1 billion years) reached a point of life-supporting stability after the chaos of creation. As such, we may be among the very first of sentient life in the universe. So, how does the possibility that we're great progenitors that other races will whisper in wonder about billions of years from now make Veeky Forums feel?
*lick i meant !
I- it's not like i like your balls or anything, b-baka .
Whisper ?
There will be not whispers in my wake, only cry of terror and pleasure and shock and a mix through sheer unadulterated rape through a von neumann swarm of rape drones.
In fact, not one single species and not one single culture will not have integrated daily raping by robots in its shared memories for untold generations.
1.) Humility is more rational and the argument from ignorance.
2.) Stop being stupid. If you use fallacies after being corrected, then you're stupid.
3.) Seriously, stop being stupid.
4.) "It must have been unique"
That's another fallacy. Stop using fallacies.
- False dilemma
- Argument from ignorance
- Personal incredulity
5.) Go ahead, enlighten me you little bitch.
Your immaturity and lack of rationality is showing pretty clear at this point.
Your other conjecture threads on here were just as incoherent.
The answer is: No one knows without proof.
Not you, not me, no one.
Proof is required and we must default to humility.
It is the only honest answer.
The proof is us, sugarcube.
Now stop being silly and go back to your cuck shed in silly philosopher :3
Affirming the inverse consequent is a fallacy, not proof.
And us existing only proves we exist, nothing more.
If you wish to provide proofs for other things, than that is proof.
Presumptions and circular logic are never proof.
You have no epistemological foundation, and therefore your entire argument is doomed from the start.
Your personal attacks are meaningless to me.
Your cuck comment suggests you're from /pol/.
You should stay there.
This board is for the intellectuals that understand reason and evidence.
Death scares me but loneliness doesn't; I'm used to it
> only pol uses cuck
Your relentless autism suggests you're a social reject SJWtard. Don't browse the internet again.
Look at all your butthurt rage.
You were irrational before, but now you're just a pathetic stereotype.
Personally i'm only scared of dolls.
Always look at you.
Wait did she blink ?
Did her smile get wider ?
Is that blood on her ? Is that a knife ?
We've lived all of the years of our species on earth alone. Shouldn't the idea that we aren't alone be much more alarming?
im not the same guy, i just pointed out your autism and you resorted to projection mode. please stay out of discussions if words trigger you so much
Not as much as the opposite.
Post No.8042935 is a contradictory statement. I do think aliens exist though.
What's going on here.
I'm not scared, I just don't give a fuck.
Why do you think the contact with ayys is going to be useful for humanity? Maybe they are completely different twisted fucks who would enslave and kill us if the contact happened. Maybe that's a good thing that we have not met anyone else in the universe. Who knows.
>>what is Occam's Razor?
>>what is Hitchen's Razor?
google them you fucktard
>google them you fucktard
I know what they are,
I was implying this guy:
>bash religious people for taking a leap of faith
Should distinguish between faith in God and confidence in aliens existing _somewhere_ by applying these two concepts.
see science copy text in search-field translate it somewhere in searchfield so grab it
even more science after after translate press ctrl-z
>What's going on here.
containment thread for people who can't do advanced math.
Could have been born in a galaxy that has mastered immortality
Is there even any advantage to being a white male anymore? I'm pretty sure all that matters these days is your income bracket. I'm non-white and I have all the same opportunities and facilities available to me that you do assuming you're an average suburban dude
Believing in aliens is based on observation. Universe is fuckhuge therefore there might be something else out there.
>Believing in aliens is based on observation
Where have you observed aliens
>Universe is fuckhuge therefore there might be something else out there
>might be
Nice attempt to try skate around the issue. "might be, maybe, probably" all based on faith, which is merely a confidence or trust in something without direct evidence.
Next time put a little thought into your responses so I don't have to waste time correcting your bullshit, thanks.
Your brain cell might be completely alone inside your skull.
Does this thought scare you?
If I pull a dimension off would you die?
It would be extremely theoretical
>"might be, maybe, probably" all based on faith,
Not him, but...
There's a difference between "I believe in God, exactly as specified in the King James Bible" and "I have faith the sun will come up tomorrow".
Assuming the existence of aliens somewhere the 100-200 trillion galaxies in the observable universe is waaaaay closer to "the sun will come up" than "save me Jesus".
prove that life is exclusive to earth then
He's being realistic m8. It would take 4 years for a message to reach our closest star.
We're alone either way
it's like
as a shut-in, billions of other people exist
but you're still alone if not one of them talks to you
Time to colonize the universe then
How so? We've only observed one planet with life. Most planets are nothing like earth. The sheer number of planets doesn't make it more likely.
It's really really unlikely that we are alone in this universe, does this thought scare you?
>Is it suddenly even more scary when it happens to humanity and the universe as a whole?
Kinda, I'm hoping whatever I leave behind when I'm gone could be useful for the next guy that comes along, so we can all be better off in the long run. If everyone dies it would have all been for nothing. Even if it was just a little thing.
Until someone comes along with a way to communicate with everywhere in the Universe at once using new maths and materials, changing everything and making you look just plain annoyingly bad.
I'm scared of what may find those gold plates on the Voyager that basically say "We taste great fried."
>Most planets are nothing like earth
Sentient life could be silicon based on a freezing planet, their brains superconductors in a neural net that rivals ours. Just plain organic life could be everywhere, it exists in some extreme conditions on earth that are incredible.
>There's a difference between "I believe in God, exactly as specified in the King James Bible" and "I have faith the sun will come up tomorrow".
You're a fucking idiot. You have faith the sun will come up tomorrow because you've observed that happening over and over again. The leap of faith that "aliens must exist somewhere" is just as preposterous as "save me Jesus" because it's based on nothing except blind faith. No life has ever been observed anywhere other than on Earth. Until that changes your aliens might as well be flying spaghetti monsters (i.e. a figment of your imagination).
>Methane and water on Mars
>Oceans on Europa
>Decades of weird radar data
>Sketchy government dismissals
>"It's preposterous to believe in aliens"
Whether it's bugs on Mars, squid on Europa or saucers from Andromeda there has got to be at least one other life form out there. The universe is too vast and too old for there to be nothing.
>there has got to be at least one other life form
>there has got to be a God
Carry on if you'd like, you're just embarrassing yourself.
All you can really say is that alien life is "likely" because it doesn't require suspension of disbelief like God.
narrow minded sheeple open your eyes
Exactly, just because the probability of alien life existing is high doesn't mean it's actually exists.
Equally you can't say it doesn't exist. We just don't know and should leave it at that.
I used to think the same way.
When you actually study biochemistry, like how each and every molecule and atom interacts and its role in making a functional organism, you will understand why an alternative biochemistry is not possible based on the laws of physics.
t. biochem major
>Evolution tends to allow one species per niche.
I'm not going to dispute this like did by simply claiming that it's false. I understand the concept of niche differentiation in ecosystems, but my original post about the hominid genera having only one species left isn't directly related to that concept.
What I was saying is that as a species, we've demonstrated complete intolerance of all other human species, not to mention almost all other megafauna that were on this planet before sapiens arrived.
Any peaceful intelligent life out there that have done their research on us would certainly steer clear of a psychopathic and narcissistic species such as homo sapiens. So that pretty much narrows our encounters to the non-peaceful intelligent life.
>Does this thought scare you?
>peaceful intelligent life
>non-peaceful intelligent life
You're just ascribing human attributes to something inherently non-human. You even post a picture of cliched sci-fi alien characters. You assume aliens will be weird and strange but essentially human with humanistic motivations and desires.
I like your criticism of my post! And you're 100% right about that pic, homie. I didn't go out and actually get real pics of hostile alien life. I just used familiar movie aliens. Man wasn't that dumb of me! I'd love to hear some of your alternatives to the peaceful / non-peaceful aliens. Because in my mind either the aliens would mean us harm or they wouldn't... Regardless of motivation or desire.
And I was totally about to attach a cheeky pic of Alf, but thought twice! I mean there's no way aliens would ever look like Alf.