>yfw the UK is this retarded.
Someone just nuke us already.
>yfw the UK is this retarded.
Someone just nuke us already.
That's pretty terrible. But 603 entries? I don't follow. I thought AQA Maths got like 100K entries
The Northern Irish are beating your asses in English and they could barley speak it properly
I've looked at all AQA stats for GCSE maths (all the way to 07) and the number of people achieving an A grade does not go over 10%. The ''entry'' category in some of them is above 30k.
M8, that's just england.
Scotland's much better.
Still shocking.
Still says gcse. We do standard grades/int 2/highers in scotland.
No idea what that is mate.
These are early entries, my American friend. Only 4 of us out of 180 people managed an A* in November (if I remember correctly), yet in June around 25 people got an A*. Tbf, that's still shit but it was a shit school.
I'm not American, you donut. I'm just appalled by our country.
Discipline is shit and most teachers, parents and students just don't care results as long as it's C or above- that's why we have foundation (vomits) exams.
A* is too easy to obtain anyway
>A* is too easy to obtain anyway
For you, not for the majority of people in this country, as the stats indicate.
You're assuming that they're actually trying. What type of school did you go to?
And you're assuming everyone isn't trying.
A shit one.
Just going off what it was like when I was at secondary. And even if everybody is trying or whatever, what's wrong with only 5% of people getting an A*? Clever students need to actually be pushed, not have to go outside of the main set of exams and take stuff like OCR's FSMQ.
Then you should know...
what the fuck? i swear when i did gcses an A* was pretty fucking common, if you had any aspirations whatsoever you got it
how is it only 1%?
No idea because its ridiculously easy. I learned maths from scratch over the last year up to calc. Today I sat all 3 AQA exams at home for a bit of fun and got A* on all of them. And I consider myself pretty dumb.
I think I may go and resit my GCSE exams as I got a G grade in high school (never did any work).
I'm American, can someone please explain to me OP's pic? What does the U and G stand for? It says cumulative percent by grade, but the total percent for any one subject is much more than 100%. What are these numbers meant to represent?
The U and G represent Uracil and Guanine.
U and G are the lowest grades. So everyone either got a U/G grade or above.
so you're telling em that of EVERYBODY in the UK who took GCSEs, only 1% of them got As?
do you have any stats for scotland?
UMS conversions mean the grade distributions are arbitrary anyway
>It says cumulative percent by grade, but the total percent for any one subject is much more than 100%.
Exactly, because it's cumulative.
Its irrelevant, you need a few c's to get into college then your A-levels determine what uni you go to so GCSE's instantly don't matter, then when at uni A-levels don't matter
This is true, GCSE's are important if you plan on being a plumber
Some colleges won't let you in with C's. Or if they do, it will be on a foundation level, so you'll have to do an extra year.
And there's a significant difference between foundation and higher tier papers. Both are easy, but the foundation tier is literally baby shit.
Some universities also look at your GCSE results when considering applicants.
You would think that, because performance at 16 really shouldn't come into account after two years at A level when applying for university.
Unfortunately however, because everyone and their dog now goes to uni and more and more of those people are dropping out, it is very common for upstanding universities to demand B's and A's in GCSE maths, science and english for undergraduate applicants.
t. I'm 24 years old and going to uni as a mature student this year and they wanted verification of my GCSE Maths/Double Science/English being grade B or above. Cost me too fucking much to get replacements because my secondary school sat exams with AQA, OCR and Edexcel so I had to pay out the ass to all three of them.
How did you resit them? Did you have to sit down with a bunch of kids?
Plus on the AQA website there's 3 exams: stats and numbers, algebra and numbers, and geometry and algebra. All three are done in November and in June. So did you have to sit 3 different exams?
If you think those stats are bad, look at an A-level physics paper. Most of the marks are given out just for putting numbers into formulae, and there is literally no calculus on the syllabus.
you misunerstood me, i had the required grades but i had lost the papers which showed them officially
i had to pay for pieces of paper that confirm i got the grades all those years ago, replacement certifying statement of results
>yfw americunts are so fucking stupid, someone nuke them already
What does cumulative mean?
Not everyone cares that much. In my freshman year, I used to drink vodka instead of doing homework. I would still get A or A- in the exams by studying a few days before but overall it ended up with Bs. That was good enough for me.