Malia Obama was accepted to Harvard. She's not as smart in STEM as some here. How does it feel?

Malia attended an elite HS and was accepted to Harvard. How does it feel she is less intelligent in STEM than most people here yet accepted to Harvard?

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>Parents are alumni and Father is the fucking President

What do you expect? Them to say no?

>she is less intelligent in STEM than most people here
After being here fore more years than I can count, I can safely say this is very far from being true


Harvard isn't even shy about legacy admits.

Eh? The school you go to doesn't really matter that much in terms of learning. If you only care about learning, you can do that at any school. In fact, you're probably better off at a smaller liberal arts college.

If you care about jobs and money, then maybe going to a famous school matters a little -- but still not much. I have gotten interviews just based on my MIT degree, but no one ever said "you went to MIT, I'll pay you a lot of money to work for me". It's always about how good you are at what you do and what you've accomplished in the past.

>falling for the Harvard and Nobel memes

the whole system is rigged and corrupt

Black, female, well-known liberal parents.

Why would anyone be surprised?

Remove her parents, her family wealth and let her be a regular straight A black girl from an unheard of high school. Think Harvard accepts her? Not likely. That's what's wrong with this country.

This, bait thread.

>Think Harvard accepts her?

>straight A black girl
>even slightly rigorous courseload
>even somewhat involved in extracurriculars
Maybe not Harvard (she'd get waitlisted), but she's basically guaranteed for t2 schools like Duke and UChicago, probably all of the lower Ivies.

It's just how the system works.

t. someone who went to hs with a retard English majoring (yet took no AP English, let alone any others) black CHEERLEADER. Literally all she had going for her was cheerleading and some (mandatory) community volunteering. Got into Duke no sweat. (I'm a retard so I wasn't expecting to get in, but my genius + music virtuoso friend (ranked 4 in class, black girl was in the 100s) get rejected as well (Asian, what a shocker).)

Private institution admits people who are most likely to bring it revenue

Big fucking surprise

Harvard et al. do not look for smart people, they look for people who will be "movers and shakers." Intelligence will be one factor, but it's not the measure itself. In Ms Obama's case, there is little doubt she will be well known and influential.

They especially don't care about math/sci talent, it seems:

John Derbyshire writes:

"If you go to the IMO Hall of Fame page, right at the very top there you see Alex Song of Canada, who has won five, count 'em five gold medals at the Olympiads. That is pretty damn sensational. In this year's competition Alex got a perfect score, and was the only contestant to do so. That's double sensational.

Alex actually grew up in the U.S.A., and has trained with U.S. math teams. His competing on the Canadian team is something of a technicality. My mole tells me that Alex is the nicest guy you'll meet in a month of Sundays, not the least bit aspergery or weird.

You ready for the punch line? Here it comes. Alex wanted to go to Princeton but they turned him down. Alex has the rejection letter to prove it. He did end up being admitted eventually, but it was only because Zuming Feng, a former coach of the U.S. math team, made personal representations to Princeton and got them to change their decision."

really? I got job offers overflowing from my email even while still attending MIT. did you put yourself out there?

Fucking this. Veeky Forums needs to step into the real world. Universities aren't meritocracies they always have catered to the rich and powerful and always will. Most of the Royal Family has been to Oxford and Cambridge university, no-one bats an eyelid because what do you expect? They've fucking owned the place for 800 years.

>be TA at Harvard
>President's daughter is in your class
>she is the most retarded person you have ever seen

What part of "private university" do you not understand?

who cares senpai?

only 1/100,000,000 people will actually make a meaningful difference on this planet and it wont matter what school they go to

some people just have inherent talent that will enable them to change the world

does it really matter what school a profound genius (IQ >160) attends?

does it really matter what school a relative moron (IQ < 160) attends?

in the end, not really.

>work as a grad student at harvard
>prez's daughter gets accepted

Jesus christ this school is turning to hell, she's gonna be one of the top 'fucks' here and none of the staff will be able to go against her, can't fucking wait to move back to texas.

does murica even have any public universities. How do the plebs get an education?
I repeat how far in la la land must you be to be surprised by this?

Dude, failing Obama's daughter would be a fucking dream. I would be fair, though.

America has hundreds of state and public universities. The overwhelming majority are shit because governments can't run anything. The only reason Berkeley (America's best public school) is any good is because it was at the right place at the right time during the computing revolution.

>I repeat how far in la la land must you be to be surprised by this?
None, i'm very grounded regarding this, i actually lied to get into this school, put down on my application that i was a mexican that helped my community farming club.

I knew this school was shit from the get go due to how liberal all the ivy's are, i just didn't expect it to be this shit, all the people here talk about business and ideas, everyone except a few people whom i've met seem to have a stick up their ass for being a student here, it doesn't help that a shitload of people that attend are legacies, like it even matters.

Sins of the father man. For all you know she could have a MAGA Hat hidden in her closet.

>Berkeley is only good because of lol CS
>discovered more than 10% of the Periodic Table
>More nobels than Oxford

>I would be fair, though.
You won't be "fair" once you have several govt boys asking to speak with you, then they intimidate you into passing her or giving her an A, underestimating personal connections and the powers that come about it is very foolish of you.

Record one of those convos and you'd be on the front page of CNN tomorrow.

>Record one of those convos and you'd be on the front page of CNN tomorrow.
More like CNN never shows it and you up as a suicide due to 2 bullets to the back of your head because you can shoot yourself twice in the back of the head and no one bats an eye as it's suicide.


>Berkeley is public
Learned something new today. You're right it's a real shock because it's so top-tier.
Fun fact all our universities are public including Oxford and Cambridge


If you hate your school why do you go there?

All right, Fox then.

yale & princeton & stanford & mit & rice declined me, harvard accepted me into their program.

I really wanted to go to rice so i could live back home and drive to school and back.

Also because it has been funded out the ass by Hearst mining.

You sound just like me, hate all the liberal, snooty and nepotistic bullshit but felt compelled to attend because it's a top school. Don't sell your soul man, if you would be happier ad a lower tier school then just do it. I did and never look back. Sure lots of people look down on me saying behind my back that I dropped out because I was too dumb but fuck em.

I'm about to graduate right now, so it's cool, ive kept to myself and talked only to the few people in my department and very selective close friends, you dont how happy i am to be getting out of here, it's like socially wise i am in the twilight zone, fucking hate that shit man, words can't describe what i'm feeling right now knowing that i had to lie to get in here says alot about what type of school this is.

I hope the rest of Veeky Forums can see this and understand that top schools aren't all they are cracked up to be. Good luck bro.

Proof that keeping your integrity is better than selling yourself out for connections. Good luck to you

There are other too public universities.

Berkeley (given here)
Chapel Hill

Are considered the top 5

>implying you all are smarter than Malia Obama

>t2 schools like UChicago
fite me fgt
we maroons are basically just Ivy League minus the brand recognition and massive grade inflation.

>can't fucking wait to move back to texas
I'll swap with you, user
I'm doing my MS work in Keksas and the instant that's over with, I'm getting the fuck out of the goddamn confederacy and returning to the frozen north where we actually have things like sidewalks and pizza and culture.

>I knew this school was shit from the get go due to how liberal all the ivy's are
try a conservative school, friendo. see what they teach in the "biology" department :^)

>How does it feel she is less intelligent
LOL you think too highly of yourself and Veeky Forums

>in STEM
I might have missed something. Has she declared a STEM major? If not, then why is this relevant?

You went from Chicago to Kansas? Quite a steep drop, friendo.

She said that she intends to do pure math and physics as a double major

Google turns up nothing. Source please?

She'll probably do something that requires less IQ and obtain a 4.0 GPA due to joke classes in liberal arts. This will make her more marketable than mathfags that have higher intellect but 3.0 gpas. So in essence taking shit sociology courses and getting a 4.0 looks better than taking pure math courses s d getting a 3.0.

Whatever helps you fall asleep at night, user

no, Keksas. Yeehawland. (Midwestern State Uni, down in Texoma)
but yeah, it's a drop in quality. goal here is to crush every class, get my degree, and then get into a somewhat better doctoral program with a better GPA and a bunch of research experience done.

Who cares? Legacy students pay full tuition and usually make huge donations so that actual geniuses can attend for free.

Actual geniuses from lower tier families get rejected. They aren't the ones that can afford to go to Highschools that are direct feeders to Harvard. Only the rich smart kids can go.

There are wealthier people than Malia already at Harvard. If your problem is nepotism you chose the wrong college

Her father will be out of office in January though

I still don't really know what you're talking about, I'm not American. I'm going to guess Texas, but not UT Austin because that's a pretty good school.

I'm currently doing my masters as the same place as my undergrad. It's not a bad school, but certainly not elite either. I applied to all the top places and got rejected the first time around. I could try and get a 4.0 GPA and some publications in my masters, then reapply to top places for a PhD but I don't know if I should even bother applying again. I feel like I would have to redo coursework at the next school I go to. And the weakest part of my application, the letters of recommendation, won't get any stronger since you only work with one prof in grad school.

I know studying pure math is a meme on here, but If she is actually majoring in it that would be cool

>Who cares? Legacy students pay full tuition and usually make huge donations so that actual geniuses can attend for free.

THIS. It's LITERALLY the same concept as an academic scholarship: the smarter you are, the less you have to pay. If you're a genius you can go for free. If you're an imbecile your parents have to build a dormitory.

All the top schools offer a free ride to any students below a certain financial threshold

You're painting with an awfully broad brush there. Here are some stats:

Try again, Harvard is need blind.

Harvard doesn't offer academic scholarships so if you are smart and above a financial threshold you pay regardless

>the smarter you are, the less you have to pay. If you're a genius you can go for free. If you're an imbecile your parents have to build a dormitory.

You don't understand fuckface. Harvard has certain highschools that it recruits from. These are elite secondary schools for the ultra wealthy. Smart rich kids go to Harvard, not smart poor kids from HS that barely offer 5 AP courses and bare min. extracurricular enrichment trips to 3rd world countries.

I don't think he was denying this. You're making it sound like smart poor kids have a near 0% acceptance rate.

>About 56 percent of freshman respondents reported receiving financial aid from Harvard

From You know it's an elitist institution when the majority of the students receive financial aid.

That's awesome but the fact is overwhelming majority of smart poor kids do NOT go to these elite need blind universities because they don/t have the proper pedigree from elite highschools

How do you know she isn't intelligent? Anyways she is the daughter of alumni and the current president. She was going to always get in, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's dumb. I hope you are not one of those bitter people who think life is like a Disney cartoon and all rich kids a re dumb.

56% receiving fin aid means jack shit. Most colleges give fin aid to students. Most smart poor kids do not get into HYPS. They get into good public universities or state schools. Most elite places reject them based on not having pedigree.

You seem to be taking this personally...

Difference between being smart and going to Harvard due to your last name and being equally as smart and getting rejected from Harvard due to not having a last name. See the difference?

>Most elite places reject them based on not having pedigree.
This is an awfully specific assertion. Source?

Oh I see your point.

It is the way academics work at these elite universities. A friend of mine with a perfect SAT score & high GPA from a bumfuck redneck high school got rejected from Harvard. This HS offered like 2 AP classes at most. While his stats were impressive he didn't have what harvard was looking for in terms of pedigree. He ended up getting into a good public school though.

>Forty-one percent of respondents who are legacies according to the College said their parents’ combined annual income is $500,000 or more.

>Sixteen percent of surveyed freshmen reported that one or more of their parents attended Harvard College

What is that suppose to mean? That they potentially attended Yale instead?

Did this friend do anything else besides do well in school? There are literally tens of thousands of students like this in the US alone. If there's nothing else that makes him stand out (e.g. being a community leader, extracurricular activities, publications), then to the wait/rejection list he goes!

[math]0.41*0.16 = 0.0655[/math]

It means only 7% of students come from households that make over half a million. Still a lot, but nowhere near 41%.

He came from a shitty ass redneck school who cares more about Friday night football and white pride than academics. Of course this shitty ass school doesn't have ECs and the white pride community does very little in terms of ECs outside of school. So no the opp, wasn't really there. He was at a disadvantage

This is conditioned on legacies. So technically, the actual percentage of students with household income > $0.5M is probably a little higher when you add in the non-legacies. I get your general point though.

And through disadvantage, people overcome. Those are the people elite universities are looking toward. If he organized something himself or found opportunity elsewhere, he would've had a much stronger application.

I know it's easy to say in retrospect "well he could've done this" but the reality of the situation is that he's facing off against people exactly in his situation who have done better.

He has more to overcome than someone else with his intellect and in a magnet school.

>not as smart
do you know that?
what degree program?
what are her credentials, anyway?

Anyway, hardvard is a business too. Chances are, if your dad was president, you'll make a name for yourself, and either way it will be advertising for Harvard.
Elite schools are elite because of name recognition as well. If it were just exclusivity, schools anywhere can be exclusive. There are many schools in developing countries that are more exclusive than MIT. Harvard's competitive edge is name recognition, and they naturally wanna preserve that advantage.

>How does it feel she is less intelligent in STEM than most people here yet accepted to Harvard?

Both of her parents are very intelligent, like it or not. This means she inherited their genes, making her intelligent herself.

Berkeley blows the other four out of the water.

>what is recombination

>You don't understand fuckface. Harvard has certain highschools that it recruits from.

I really wish the FBI found a way to round up everyone who regularly posts on Veeky Forums (including me), so they can all be exterminated. Never have I encountered a group of people who speak so confidently about things they know nothing about.

It doesn't make the other 4 schools any less impressive. Those 4 schools blow other schools in the US out the water outside of the elites

>what is probability

yeah because it's realistic a kid with an IQ of 140 from parents with an IQ of 95, who attends a public school full of other retards is going to get into Harvard

wow my school made the list

today is a good day

Which 1

>what is damage control

This. These universities care more about networking than they do about having the best and brightest. Their education isn't actually very good but the connections you can make while you're there can be much more important to your success later on than your knowledge.