Niggas its actually true. Also University of Geneva has partnered with Ark.
22nd of March (THIS MONTH) ARK-CON will launch in France. Expect that V2 update is IMMINENT.
however, price has not moved a bit.
Niggas its actually true. Also University of Geneva has partnered with Ark.
22nd of March (THIS MONTH) ARK-CON will launch in France. Expect that V2 update is IMMINENT.
however, price has not moved a bit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Proof: pic-related
shameless selfbump
10 bucks by end of march. easy money.
Ark can’t even get FUD posts anymore I guess we died
government officials turning up to be wined and dined =/= government partnership, user
this, fucking deluded arkies
Ark has been incorporated into France economy as a SCIC. Its literally a partnership.
The goverment delegations at the Ark conference in 22 days are just to cement this. The surprising thing is that Switzerland is now also attending, which is the first we have heard from them.
10 dollars end of march.
20 in april-may
im going to abuse this garuanteed moon so hard.
This is my only permahold. I will sell everything else but ARK i’m too attached to ARK
if i become a millionaire on my birthday I will know God is real. I will pay noarks to piss on them.
>the absolute state of ARK
I remember when this was heavily shilled.
I'll press F for OP if he actually believes this is significant.
it has been a very rough ride. No holder should go through what we have gone through. But now it is finally time. We are gunna pump so hard mein neger. We can become smug again.
>I remember when this was heavily shilled
m8, this is an announcement done Yesterday by the Ark team. France and Swiss delegations will be present at Arkcon in France march 22nd.
I like how you think, fellow arkie.
I bought some of this nearly 12 months ago at 15k sats and sold at 42k a few weeks after, I cannot believe a full year later it’s still only at 33k sats kek.
Literally nobody cares because it's literally nothing
its because the ark has ignored marketing and has focussed on creating a working product.
Note that most crypto companies do it reverse. first marketing then a working product.
however, V2 with ark will soon launch wich will mean instant push deployable blockchains (WORKING), with smart contracts (WORKING), with (mobile) wallets (WORKING), Multi-Gov partnerships.
Now they have this month slowly started marketing. They have hired the jew Epstein as marketing advisor, and yesterday Ark was on the frontpage of
look at the price, and tell me with a straight face it will not moon like a bull whose balls have been seared with white hot iron.
is ark dead? arkies never post on biz anymore
shill more confused noarkie. Literally nobody cares because all they do is chase shitcoins and get burned, while a beast of a coin is ready to launch.
MARKETING HAS STARTED. they got forbes frontpage articles ffs.
>Literally a partnership
This is why no one takes crypto seriously.
your pic perfectly explains whats happening. Will save, thanks user.
and no ark is not dead, but i dont fucking know where all the arkies went. if they sold, all their shit got globbered up by whales (incl me, I admit i sold high and bought low again recently) because the price is pretty stable.
its literally a partnership if you read what ark has been saying.
ARK has been incorporated as an SCIC in France, which is the first crypto currency to do so. this means that ARK will be given financing and support from other French companies in exchange of ARK giving blockchain technology to the French economy (=major business adoption)
this was already anounced a few months ago. however, had Ark on their frontpage this week. and this week French and Swiss gov announced they will attend. University of Geneva Has invited the Ark them to spearhead their launch of a blockchain programming master, an university of geneva will also be attending ark-con 22nd of march.
Yep it's huge, 100 arklet here, hodling till $200 it is coming.
guys, stop the shilling please!
On one hand I'm getting fully erect cause I've been accumulating for months, but on the other hand I'm still waiting for 2 of my shitcoins to moon and move it in ARK. I don't want to blow our load prematurely.
Already priced in dawgs
lol thing is, ark has done ALOT in the last few months and non of it has been priced in. It has a way to go. $200 easy eoy
how come 200 bucks? I'm also bullish and truly believe in the project, but 200 seems a little far off for eoy...
Well its a x55 gain, last year ETH had had a x187.5 from jan to dec (peak) so ..
I really don't understand the reason of why ARK is so undervalued.
>Competent devs
>Friendly community
>Working product
And it's still priced very low while literal shittokens that have no product and fail to deliver on time are way higher both rank and price.
it's already valued at 350 mil. that's already quite high.
be realistic in your expectations ppl. sure it might go to 1bil, but don't be surprised waiting for 6 months
I think it's hugely undervalued as we speak, look at lisk of which ark is a fork, they are now at $20. What is the difference? Lisk focused on marketing before product, where as ark created thier product before marketing, and now the ark product is almost at completion and marketing is well under way (Same marketing guy from IOTA(just look what happened there.)). Bear in mind also that ark developers actually created lisk.
When ArkV2 comes out soon, I forsee ark being way beyond lisk in terms of development and adoption (French and Swiss government, HELLO?) Which will drive the price.
That leaves like 3 quarters of the year for ark's price to mature. Ark is a serious product as you can all see but I think some people grossly underestimate ark's potential.
It'll be imminent once the update hits devnet
i DO think that ark is extremely undervalued, but taking mc into perspective , I think 2018 will bring it to somewhere between 30 and 50 bucks, IF adoption makes progress and debs deliver. as I said before, still bullish though.
Fair enough. We are both just speculators here. I think you'll be happily surprised then :)
of course, if we'll hit 200 I'll gladly remember that one user who said it all along :)
This. Please manage your expectations when investing in a long term hold like ARK. There are a huge number of external factors which can affect the price. Even if the ARK devs play the crypto game perfectly it could still see mediocre gains until the next true crypto bullrun and that could be months away.
I have 3000 ARK, am I going to make it?
some leddit fag comes into my office talking about cryptos. talks about all the big leddit shilled names. talks about one that is a rpoff of ark and has no product. just a lot of marketing and a constantly reviewed whitepaper. ask him what it's supposed to do. explains.
>so it's ark but with nothing to show yet.
faggot: what's ark?
2k ark reporting
We're gonna make it fellow Arkie
Are people going to start mass shilling here and on plebbit?
Also please help a fellow arkie with 1 Ark.
I'm so poor the delegate is laughing at me
Serious question: is this a legit coin or something Veeky Forums is shilling so they can dump the bags and break even? I saw this shilled here a few months ago and it hasn't moved much since.
actually it is one coin that has made great efforts for those two things that will have the most important impact on the whole cryptospace in 2018
tech with a delivering team and a clear use case
ready to be compliant when it comes to REGULATION
it's one of the safer bets out there, user.
biz doesn't have bags to dump on you. Most of us bought when it was way cheaper. If we wanted to sell, we would have sold at 10$. DYOR and if you get in, don't shill it too much. Some of us are not done accumulating. Let it grow organically and then start shilling.
Most Arkies dumped part of their stack for Skycoin once it was clear Mike splits his time between the two projects.
So the full time people in Ark are stuttering pothead cofounders who do everything they can to fuck it up.
Ark and Skycoin used to be allys, but the stuttering potheads are ruining it
thats because its a useless coin
I think 100 dollar eoy conservative estimate.
I sold at 7 in december desu, bought back in last month again haha. Im trying to get 20k ark before V2 strikes, just finding best opportunity to sell some of my Neo stacks.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Arkies... thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" disgusted neptunia girl, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about arkies. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic neptuniafag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "Arkies..." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ark. The tech is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical smart-bridging most of the jokes will go over a typical bagholder’s head. There’s also Team Ark's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its marketing- this personal philosophy draws heavily from Satoshi literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these coins, to realise that they’re not just revolutionary- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ark truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Ark’s existential catchphrase “Point. Click. Blockchain," which itself is a cryptic reference to Vitalik's Russian aspie tweets. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ark’s genius unfolds itself on their pump and dump discords. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have an Ark tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 delegate payouts of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel, bagholders.
>giggling like a like girl
I literally do this every time I post it. But thanks for the laugh user that pasta was funny too.
100 dollars would be beyond awesome. still doubt it, but would be more than happy if it turns out to be true.
Deluded Arkies
Shhh dude, let me accumulate in peace.
ARK 14-80$ EOY. likelihood 99,7%. numbers dont lie.
So glad I added this shitcoin to my filters back during the recent bull run.
That’s a hell of a range
for you
we all hang out in the ark discord
Unironically this. But there's on only one realArkDiscord
do you have an invite link to the Ark discord? or the biz_classic one please?
Ark is kill
900$ EOY
Search your feelings.
There's a link on the website to the biz_network discord. The realArkDiscord is by invitation only, and must see a vote by a number of executives.
discord dot gg slash eWpcGx
no (you)
That is no problem, my friend.
Your patients is appreciated.
Sure thing pal, here ya go