Mfw PhD in biophysics

>mfw PhD in biophysics

mispelled particle physics there friendo

>bet that was hard

Memorizing all those proteins is probably difficult, not intellectually stimulating, but difficult.

What does biophysics even encompass? I'm sure lots of things but all I can think of is pressure in cardiovascular systems and such. How about in the neuro focus?


>intellectually stimulating
biggest meme since "hard work > IQ"

"everything is intellectually stimulating when your IQ is high enough" spoken by rick rosner himself

intellectually stimulating when spoken by a relative moron (IQ < 160) only means "something im personally interested in"

This. Someone pls tell me

>rick rosner

Here's a better quote for you

"All science is either physics or stamp collecting" - Ernest Rutherford

Must be weird, sitting in a bathtub full of your year's income.

>"All science is either physics or stamp collecting" - Ernest Rutherford

Literally fedora-tier. Kys

nothing that will ever make you money

You quoted a TV personality who scored well on a couple of IQ tests and tried to use it as an argument. I quoted a Nobel laureate and the father of nuclear physics.

nuclear physics is nothing more than stamp collecting. pic related.

Physicists don't bother memorizing that shit. They look it up when they need it. We don't even bother memorizing constants. Meanwhile, the night before the biology final.

I've been waiting to post this

I wasn't the same guy.

>Nobel laureate/leading scientist

Not to mention that Rutherford lived during 19th-20th century, before a lot of scientific fields were modernized.

I'm sorry, your post screams highschool physicist wannabe who has great scientists as his idols. When you get far enough in an academic career, we can talk again, and we'll see if you have the same views.

>implying you haven't to memorize shit in physics.

Will you build all the material from scratch in your exam?

Yeah okay buddy. I'm a senior physics major.

Sometimes yes. Take E&M for example. I just think about how the fields physically work and I get the Maxwell's equations from there.

Fags, the lot of you

Is biophysics a nice field?

I'm studying engineering physics and I considering biophysics as specialization.

some memes, like biochemistry, turn out to be legitimate thriving fields

biophysics is currently not one of them