We are in the early adopter phase

>we are in the early adopter phase

>only a couple of people actually own btc

>implying smart contracts been merely adopted to their full potential

Unironically, AI will be mainstream sooner than smart contracts when ethereum co-founder coded a contract which was accidentally hacked by some student.


Supply chain

pls dont be in australia

It turns out putting bitcoin on things is good marketing because people find it interesting and mysterious

reality most people are actually too retarded/too poor/or too scared to actually buy Bitcoin, let alone most alts. Boomers are fucking retarded too so about .01% of boomers own crypto.

I can hardly explain to my dad how the value of the dollar has decreased 90 something percent, he thinks the value of all products on earth and their production cost has become more expensive by 90% and that the value of the dollar "HAS BEEN STABLE FOREVER AND IS VERY STRONG". I tried explaining that its stable in recent history but its going down at a LINEAR rate making it stable, but he's too retarded to understand what I'm saying, no joke.

Anyway it might seem like we're not early but I'm telling you we are. People really don't get this shit and they're really slow to the uptake. At the end of the day crypto will be integrated with daily systems on the backend and people will use it without realizing what these coins and tokens are or how they work, just like people don't understand the dollar and its inflationary based Keynesian economics

just tell him you can't buy a car with one month average wage anymore

I tried that, he legit just thinks the value of every product on earth has increased 90% over the last 100 years

I asked him why $1 would buy you hundreds of apples 100 years ago and why $1 gets you about 1 today, and he actually think even apples are harder and more expensive to produce in todays economy "because there's more people so the price goes up"

he's just retarded. I'm not smart enough to find a way to explain it to him so he understand either. Keep in mind I share his DNA so my IQ is probably capped pretty fucking low

>mfw i'm overhrearing my 40 y/o brother shilling btc based ponzi to his friends on his phone right now
holy kek all of normies are gonna burn so hard, i will probably get killed as well after this pyramid he shills crashes and burnes in a few months

you must be a pajeet. they like their networking and pyramid schemes.

This coin hype should just die, if banks and companies wanted to they'd rape the whole current guinea-pig market with their own crypto. Nobody cares about the whole we are our own bank nonsense, perhaps something like nano is the only thing that stands the test of time.

I swear to god i'm not a street shitter.




november=early adopter
february= laggard

tell your dad I've made more digital money and converted it into his money in a couple months than he will in his entire life

actually most of the wealth of btc is held in just a few wallets. satoshi being one.

I think you're too retarded to hear what you're saying.

hi dad

>ad hominem
not an argument


>muh "banks can just create their own bitcoin" meme

yeah that'll help. you sound like a smug faggot

Dunning Kruger


user BTFO
will he ever recover from this?

did anyone else see the mascot in the OP was the cucumber from veggie tales?

It can be marketed to the mass.
> The stock market was a national pastime in the 70/80s in the US.

We need a platform that provides low prices for entry and is easy for people to understand and make money. Then they will start pumping

Kunning Drugger Sandrome

if you got in after 2015 i'd say you were a heavy late adopter, and after 2013 you were a late adopter.

lucky for those late adopters there were the terminal late adopters that jumped on in 2016 and 2017, propping them up.


didn't a bunch of normie weak hands get shaken out this past two months?

they can and they will. look into FEDcoin